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Atlanta Area Media Take Part In Slowest Day In Sports Event At Georgia Tech

July 16, 2008


ATLANTA – The day after the Major League All-Star Game is traditionally one of the slowest days in sports, but not on the Georgia Tech campus. Over a dozen local media members came out to take part in batting practice at Glenn Field, home of the Yellow Jacket Softball Team, as well as a closest to the pin contest at Tech’s golf practice facility.

The group that included media from as far away as Columbus, began by taking cuts against assistant softball coach Yolanda McRae and got some confidence against her batting practice fastballs, but soon learned how tough it is to hit a softball. Rising senior pitcher Tiffany Johnson and her nearly 70 MPH fastball stepped into the circle and whizzed fastballs by a group that included MLB all-star Brian Jordan as well as Brad Feltes and Nick Scherer of the baseball team. Few made contact against the equivalent of a 95 MPH fastball in baseball coming at them from just 43 feet away, but everyone had a good time.

After lunch, the group moved to the golf practice facility and had a closest to the pin competition. Tech AJC beat writer Matt Winkeljohn won the contest from 100 yards landing his ball just inches from the hole. Fox 5’s Christianberry was victorious from 150 yards out.

Everyone had a great time and don’t forget to check the photo gallery at the top of the page to check out the action. More photos will be added soon and a video recap of the event will also be available soon at


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