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Ten Minutes with Taylor Hall

April 27, 2009

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What is your favorite…


Pre-game meal: Cheeseburger and fries

Snack:  Chips and dip

Musical artist:  Lil Wayne

Actor:  Will Ferrell

Actress:  Kirsten Dunst

All-time movie:  Apollo 13

Book:  Huckleberry Finn

Class taken at Georgia Tech:  IT



Please answer the following questions:


As a kid, my sports idol was:  Tiger Woods

My game today resembles this player:  Kenny Perry

This team has the best uniform in all of sports:  Redskins

If I could add one tournament to the schedule, it would be:  Schenkel

My favorite and least favorite drills in practice:  least – chipping games; favorite – wedges

People say I look like this celebrity:  Stewart Cink

The one thing I can cook really well is:  Pizza

I can do this one thing better than almost anyone:  Laundry

One thing people might not know about me is:  Biggest head on the team

My dream job would be:  Professional fisherman

My best non-athletic talent is:  Video games

If I could play another sport at Tech, it would be:  Baseball

My pre-game ritual includes:  Finding a song to get in my head and warming up

The most talented player I have ever played with/against was:  Stewart Cink

My hometown is famous for:  Allen Doyle

The most famous person to ever attend my high school was:  Mike Cameron

The biggest celebrity I ever met in person was:  Sergio Garcia

The part of my game I need to improve is:  Long irons

The most impressive thing about Coach Heppler is:  his ability to coach mental side of golf and his work ethic

I can do a really good impression of:  Allen Doyle



Teammate that best fits this description:


Fastest:  Paul Haley

Strongest:  Adam Cohan

Best dresser:  John-Tyler (JT) Griffin

Best singer:  JT

Best dancer:  Chesson Hadley

Best at video games:  Paul

Toughest:  David Dragoo

Dirtiest:  William Miller

Leader:  Cameron Tringale

Eats the most:  Adam

Athletic:  JT

Funniest:  Paul

Best at talking to girls:  Chesson

Most likely to surprise people In ’08-09:  JT

I wouldn’t want to fight this guy:  Adam

Talks about his high school days the most:  Paul




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