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Basil Discusses The Upcoming NCAA Regional Game: Read The Chat Transcript

May 24, 2001

ACCChat Room

On Thursday at 12:15, right fielder Jason Basil stopped by to discuss the opening round of the NCAA Baseball Tournament.

Jason has seen playing time at all three outfield positions as well as catcher and third base for the Yellow Jackets this season. He was named to the All-ACC second-team as an outfielder, which marked the third straight season he has been an All-ACC pick. The senior from West Chester, Ohio was an All-Tournament pick last weekend at the 28th Annual ACC Tournament.

Transcript of Jason’s Chat

Ted, Marietta: Jason -How tough was it this year withoutMark Teixeira in the lineup? Good luck in the regional inAthens!!!!!

Jason Basil: It was pretty tough. Any time you lose the bestplayer in the country it is tough. I think we did a good jobwithout him, but it did effect our team.

Russell – Dalton, GA: Jason, Will it be sad to see thecurrent Russ Chandler Stadium torn down?

Jason Basil: In a way yes, just because I played here fouryears. A new stadium is something the program definitely needs. Iwould love to play in the new one, but it is something Tech needsto host regionals, but it will be sad to see it go.

Beth — Conyers, Ga.: Jason, you have been all-ACC threestraight seasons, what has been the key to your success?

Jason Basil: A lot of good players around me, hard work,lots of swings in the cage, staying mentally sharp, some luck.There are a lot of different things that play into it.

John (Roswell, Georgia): Jason—being from Ohio, how was itthat you ended up in Atlanta at Georgia Tech?

Jason Basil: I wanted to come South and get away from thecold weather. It came down to Georgia Tech and Mississippi State. Ichoose Georgia Tech for the education factor. Both the schools havegreat baseball programs, but I looked at both factors and chooseTech on that.

Ed: What would you consider to be the highlight of yourseason to date?

Jason Basil: Probably be hitting two home runs in one inningagainst Wake Forest. The first one put us ahead in a game we werelosing 8-0. The second one put the game out of reach.

jeff(stafford springs): jason, what type of bat do you useand why did you choose it from all the ones out there?

Jason Basil: I have been using the new platinum C555. It ismade by Louisville Slugger. The weight distribution on that bat Ifeel is the best that they make.

Matt, IA: What will you miss most about CollegeBaseball?

Jason Basil: I will miss it all. The camaraderie with theguys in the locker room. I hope that will be there on the nextlevel as well. College ball is more relaxed. You play the gamebecause you love to play it. It has been fun and I will miss it alot.

jeff(stafford): jason, how far do you think this team willgo, how do you think you will do in the tournament?

Jason Basil: I honestly think we have a chance to go toOmaha. I think we have a tough draw with Georgia. Coastal is agreat team and Georgia Southern is a great team. If we come out ofthis, we might have to play FSU. It is not an easy draw, but Ithink we have a chance to go all the way.

Ryan (Atlanta): Jason, do you have any superstitions orpre-game rituals that seem odd to an outside observer?

Jason Basil: Maybe. In baseball, in general superstitionsare a part of the game. I wear the same under shirt every game. Iwash it between games, but it does have some holes in it. I do thesame thing in the on deck circle and batters box. I put my glove onthe same way in the outfield. There are probably five or 10 morethat I do. It is pretty important that you do things the same wayevery day or you might take some hits out.

Jason Basil: Thanks for stopping by, I hope some of you willcome out and support us at the regional in Athens.


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