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Post-Game Quotes

March 13, 2004

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Paul Hewitt — Head Coach Georgia Tech

We got beat by a very good basketball team today. In the second half they had more energy and more strength. Sheldon Williams is probably the single biggest difference in the ballgame, along with Chris Duhon. They had more energy and made tougher plays down in the post. Our plan now is to get back tonight, try to regroup, and find out where we’re heading next weekend.

(On Duke’s efficiency late in the second half) — They ran their offense very well, but I thought the big difference was that they got to many second shots. When we did stop them or contest their first shot; we couldn’t do a good job of getting the rebound. The reason for that is because we allowed too many guys to drive to the middle and we had to start helping, which opened up offensive rebounding lanes. They beat us off of the dribble too many times during that run, got into the paint, forced us to help, and just put it up on the backboard. When you’ve got a guy like (Shelden) Williams who’s on the other side … The other kids did a great job also, (Luol) Deng and (Nick) Horvath cleaning up the rebounds and getting easy put-backs.

(On being intimidated by Duke) — We’re not the Washington Generals. We’re a program that’s building; we’re doing some good things. They’ve accomplished a lot, coach Kryzyzewski is a hall of fame coach, but give our guys a little respect. They’re growing and maturing. We’re not the Washington Generals. We’re out here playing as hard as we can and today they got the better of us.

(On the turning point of the game) — I thought the turning point was when we didn’t keep them off of the offensive boards on several key possessions. I think a lot of times we like to point to little flash points in the game that spell the difference. It’s players making plays. I am not into this mystical stuff. Duhon made some great plays and Williams asserted himself. They made plays. They’re very, very good. Well coached, play very hard, and I admire the energy they played with.

Player Quotes – Georgia Tech

Sophomore, Jarrett Jack

(On what he said to his cousin after the game) — We just said what normal players say. We said, “good game” to each other, good luck in the tournament, and good luck next week.

(His thoughts on the game) — This game, I don’t think you saw Georgia Tech basketball. Defensively we weren’t really charged up the way we normally are. Hopefully when we get back to Atlanta and go through a nice full week of practice, we can be ready for the tournament.

(On Duke’s second half run) — Offensively, I don’t think we really got in a groove until the latter stages of the second half. We didn’t do a good job, as a team collectively, rebounding. We let the ball get into the post, and when we had opportunities to corral the rebound we didn’t take advantage of it.

Senior, Marvin Lewis

(On Duke’s defense) — For the most part, they did the same thing they’ve done in every single game. Deny, get in the passing lanes, and force us to do things we aren’t used to doing. The main thing is they rebounded the ball and they played harder than us.

Mike Krzyzewski — Duke head coach

(Opening statement) — “We won a heck of a game. It was incredibly physical. These two guys (Chris Duhon and Shelden Williams) led us. Shelden (Williams) was sensational. It was incredibly physical in the low post, as physical as I have seen it all year. He handled it with great poise, and it was a real force for us. Chris (Duhon) played a magnificent game. He just handled everything. We just rode these two guys to the win. They are big time players and they have been all year. They did it today against an outstanding Georgia Tech team. In the second half our offensive efficiency was great. It seemed like there was an assist on almost every play. Because of our foul trouble, we went to our motion (offense) away from the basket. The execution of that was very good.

(On using big line-up for a great deal of the game today) — There were a few reasons. One was foul trouble. The big guys were not in foul trouble, the perimeter was. Luol (Deng) had played on the perimeter. When (Ismail) Muhammad plays their third perimeter spot it is like them having three big guys. Our thought was not so much to punish them inside, but to manage the game. Some of the match-ups they had lent itself to using those lineups.

(On Offensive Play in the Second Half) — It is all the players. I tell my guys all the time a coach calls plays, but the people who make them work are called players. That is what makes you a player, you make a play work. A play doesn’t make you work. We were stronger with the ball in the second half. We found an incredible amount of guys open after driving. It is really as efficient as we have been all year. To me it was beautiful basketball. We played great offensive basketball. I told my team after the game I didn’t even know who scored. It was because you had so many connecting plays.

(On Shelden Williams) — There is no question he has played unbelievable basketball. Shelden has had a great year. I just think you get worn out playing in this conference. For him, he has carried the load inside. I just think during the last part of our regular season he got worn out. The thing that Shelden did, that we all should do, is that he took responsibility. I’m extremely proud of him, as I am of any kid who accepts responsibility. That is the first part of becoming a man.

Senior, Chris Duhon

(On the game’s physical play) — We just felt that they just out-toughed us in Durham. They got every loose ball, every rebound. We didn’t fight. Today we made it a point to go out and fight those guys. Shelden (Williams) did a magnificent job and we just fed off of him.

(On Duke’s response to the hard foul on him in the second half) — We feel that they take cheap shots at us. It was a really hard foul. Everybody responded to it. The only problem with that is we can’t wait for those things to happen for us to come out and play with a lot of energy. We have to be prepared before the game and come out at the start of the game with that type of energy.

(On bouncing back from the home loss to Ga. Tech earlier this year) — That game is long and gone. We don’t look at the past. We look at the future and the present. We’re trying to win an ACC Championship. (Regardless of) whatever happened in the past, we’re still ACC regular (season) champions. We lost. We learned from that. We moved on. Tonight was just for us to get a shot at playing for the championship.

(On playing defense in foul trouble) — The perimeter player ought to be smart enough not to pick up silly fouls. In the first half coach did a great job of just managing the game, just taking time off the clock by putting us in a zone and keeping us away from any harm. In the second half we just played great defense. We didn’t commit silly fouls. We kept them off the line as much as possible and we executed on offense. If you think about fouls, then your defense is not going to be as strong. We just wanted to attack and make plays.

Sophomore, Shelden Williams

(On the physical nature of the game and staying out of foul trouble) — I knew coming in it was going to be a big, physical game throughout the whole game. I knew if I put myself in a position where I don’t pick up any cheap fouls, I can help my team in the long run. That’s one of the things I was concentrating on. That helped (my) rebounding and playing defense and that contributed to our game.

(On his strong play in the game) — I wouldn’t say that’s the best I’ve ever played. I’ve had good games throughout the year. This just happened to be a big-time game for me and my teammates.


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