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Blog Entry #3: October 16 By Senior Blair Shimandle

Oct. 16, 2008

Hello All You Tech Fans!!!

So we just got back from our team-bonding trip at Camp Winshape Wilderness and man was it an experience. We all learned so much about each other and really learned how to trust one another.

There were many fun games awaiting us when we arrived Monday afternoon, including probably one of the best games ever — DODGEBALL!!! Before we played dodgeball, we played a bunch of fun icebreakers like the body parts game (if you’ve ever been to camp you would definitely know how to play) and a game that involved lining up by birthday, phone number, zip code, etc., all without saying a word.

The evening was filled with much more fun. We played a trivia game where we really got to know a lot about each other. Before we left, we were asked to fill out questionnaires that Coach Yo [Yolanda McRae] was able to ask trivia questions from. Later on we watched a video of some of last year’s off the field stuff that we did and were able to catch on tape. Following the video we proceeded to play a very fun Playstation karaoke game called Singstar. We continued to play late into the night until the mother-load of events took place. Our manager, a black hoodie and a Jason mask should say enough. Thank goodness I wasn’t in the cabin that got pranked; I was in the one that did the plotting. Oh, and the best part about the prank, was that TJ [Tiffany Johnson] was in the bunk bed furthest from the door and was the first one that made it out of her cabin. HAHA!!! Fun times!!!

The next morning entailed taking advantage of the many rope course elements Camp Winshape had to offer. Each one involved putting trust into at least one teammate, careful strategy and using and knowing each person’s strengths to our advantage as a group. All are so important on the softball field and our growth in these aspects from this trip will really help us to be successful as a team in the spring.

The final ropes course element of the day was the ultimate test. It involved climbing a telephone pole, standing up on top of it, turning around, and then jumping off trying to catch a trapeze pole a few feet away. A lot of the girls are afraid of heights and many of them didn’t want to do it, but with each others encouragement, everybody at least tried it and everybody even made the attempt to stand up on top of the pole. Many just had the goal of reaching the top and had no intention of trying to stand on top of the pole. They were all willing to go beyond their limits by trusting their teammates.

Needless to say, we all had so much fun during our team-bonding trip and I can’t wait to see how much it will help us become a better team in the spring.

Have a great week everybody!!!


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