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Alumni In The Pros: Wednesday In Professional Basketball

In The NBA

ChrisBosh had 18 points, eight rebounds, six assists, a stealand a blocked shot in 41:16 as a starter. Will Bynum did not play (coach’s decision). Javaris Crittenton had three points, three rebounds, sixassists and three steals while playing a season-high 26:39 off thebench. Matt Harpring had 10 points and two rebounds in 12:09off the bench. Jarrett Jack had 11 points, two rebounds and five assistsin 32:29 off the bench. Anthony Morrow was not active following the birth of hisdaughter. Mario West did not play (coach’s decision). Thaddeus Young had 10 points, two rebounds, two assists andtwo steals in 32:39 as a starter.

In Australia

LukeSchenscher had 25 points, 13 rebounds, two assists and asteal in 38 minutes of action.

Previously: Tuesday In Professional Basketball (January 6 action)


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