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2001Final Statistics

                          2001 Georgia Tech Volleyball           Georgia Tech Overall Team Statistics (as of Dec 01, 2001)                                  All matches

Overall record: 19-8 Conf: 12-4 Home: 11-2 Away: 6-5 Neutral: 2-1

TEAM STATISTICS GT OPP ——————————————————– ATTACK…………………… Kills………………….. 1663 1493 Errors…………………. 610 701 Total Attacks…………… 4138 4175 Attack Pct……………… .254 .190 Kills/Game……………… 16.1 14.5 SET……………………… Assists………………… 1499 1355 Assists/Game……………. 14.6 13.2 SERVE……………………. Aces…………………… 138 117 Errors…………………. 218 233 Aces/Game………………. 1.3 1.1 SERVE RECEPTIONS………….. Errors…………………. 117 137 Errors/Game…………….. 1.1 1.3 DEFENSE………………….. Digs…………………… 1639 1543 Digs/Game………………. 15.9 15.0 BLOCKING…………………. Block Solo……………… 56 43 Block Assist……………. 398 367 Total Blocks……………. 255.0 226.5 Blocks Per Game…………. 2.5 2.2 Block Errors……………. 57 87 BALL HANDLING ERRORS………. 57 41 ATTENDANCE……………….. Total………………….. 15720 6474 Dates/Avg Per Date………. 13/1209 11/589 Neutral site #/Avg………. 3/367 Current win streak………. 0 – Home win streak…………. 9 –

MATCH WINS BY #GAMES 1 2 3 4 5 Total ———————————————– Georgia Tech…….. 0 0 10 6 3 – 19 Opponents……….. 0 0 2 2 4 – 8

GAMES WON BY GAME 1 2 3 4 5 Total ———————————————– Georgia Tech…….. 21 18 17 8 3 – 67 Opponents……….. 6 9 10 7 4 – 36

POINTS BY GAME 1 2 3 4 5 Total ———————————————– Georgia Tech…….. 803 764 749 438 88 – 2842 Opponents……….. 664 664 709 405 88 – 2530

2001 Georgia Tech Volleyball Georgia Tech Overall Individual Statistics (as of Dec 01, 2001) All matches

Overall record: 19-8 Conf: 12-4 Home: 11-2 Away: 6-5 Neutral: 2-1

|———–ATTACK———| |—SET—| |—–SERVE—-| ## Name GP MP-MS K K/Game E TA Pct A A/Game SA SA/Gm SE ——————————————————————————————- 14 Gergen, Jayme 25 17- 29 1.16 6 62 .371 4 0.16 0 0.00 0 13 Preiss, Alexandra 94 27- 277 2.95 77 619 .323 11 0.12 13 0.14 33 5 Pachale, Maja 103 27- 461 4.48 146 1083 .291 18 0.17 19 0.18 19 24 Bell, Kyleen 101 27- 316 3.13 98 775 .281 16 0.16 14 0.14 24 16 Eveland, Kele 103 27- 117 1.14 42 291 .258 1253 12.17 16 0.16 18 10 Pap, Dori 37 19- 43 1.16 20 101 .228 8 0.22 0 0.00 2 12 Sauer, Lauren 90 27- 175 1.94 82 416 .224 12 0.13 0 0.00 1 2 Moster, Lynnette 102 27- 104 1.02 52 327 .159 50 0.49 46 0.45 58 8 Vincent, Keight 91 27- 4 0.04 2 14 .143 16 0.18 5 0.05 11 20 Kuhn, Laura 10 8- 8 0.80 5 24 .125 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 4 Hess, Amanda 102 27- 124 1.22 75 411 .119 44 0.43 15 0.15 38 9 Mesquita, Tina 22 14- 1 0.05 1 3 .000 56 2.55 2 0.09 5 3 Dickerson, Jessica 17 16- 3 0.18 3 8 .000 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 33 Aston, Marisa 76 26- 1 0.01 1 4 .000 11 0.14 8 0.11 9 GEORGIA TECH…….. 103 27- 1663 16.15 610 4138 .254 1499 14.55 138 1.34 218 Opponents……….. 103 27- 1493 14.50 701 4175 .190 1355 13.16 117 1.14 233

|—DIG—| |——–BLOCKING———| ## Name G RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game BE BHE —————————————————————————- 14 Gergen, Jayme 25 3 6 0.24 1 7 8 0.32 2 0 13 Preiss, Alexandra 94 3 77 0.82 11 107 118 1.26 11 2 5 Pachale, Maja 103 18 241 2.34 8 39 47 0.46 4 4 24 Bell, Kyleen 101 11 170 1.68 15 74 89 0.88 9 0 16 Eveland, Kele 103 0 278 2.70 9 57 66 0.64 6 27 10 Pap, Dori 37 1 14 0.38 0 20 20 0.54 3 0 12 Sauer, Lauren 90 0 34 0.38 5 58 63 0.70 10 7 2 Moster, Lynnette 102 13 260 2.55 4 14 18 0.18 4 3 8 Vincent, Keight 91 21 145 1.59 0 0 0 0.00 0 2 20 Kuhn, Laura 10 0 1 0.10 0 6 6 0.60 0 0 4 Hess, Amanda 102 20 284 2.78 3 14 17 0.17 8 7 9 Mesquita, Tina 22 0 8 0.36 0 2 2 0.09 0 4 3 Dickerson, Jessica 17 0 5 0.29 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 33 Aston, Marisa 76 13 116 1.53 0 0 0 0.00 0 1 TEAM 14 GEORGIA TECH…….. 103 117 1639 15.91 56 398 255.0 2.48 57 57 Opponents……….. 103 137 1543 14.98 43 367 226.5 2.20 87 41

2001 Georgia Tech Volleyball Georgia Tech Category Leaders (as of Dec 01, 2001) All matches

## ATTACK (by ##) G K K/Game E TA Pct ## KILL (by K/Game) G K K/Game ——————————————————– —————————————- 2 Moster, Lynnette 102 104 1.02 52 327 .159 5 Pachale, Maja 103 461 4.48 3 Dickerson, Jessica 17 3 0.18 3 8 .000 24 Bell, Kyleen 101 316 3.13 4 Hess, Amanda 102 124 1.22 75 411 .119 13 Preiss, Alexandra 94 277 2.95 5 Pachale, Maja 103 461 4.48 146 1083 .291 12 Sauer, Lauren 90 175 1.94 8 Vincent, Keight 91 4 0.04 2 14 .143 4 Hess, Amanda 102 124 1.22 9 Mesquita, Tina 22 1 0.05 1 3 .000 10 Pap, Dori 37 43 1.16 10 Pap, Dori 37 43 1.16 20 101 .228 14 Gergen, Jayme 25 29 1.16 12 Sauer, Lauren 90 175 1.94 82 416 .224 16 Eveland, Kele 103 117 1.14 13 Preiss, Alexandra 94 277 2.95 77 619 .323 2 Moster, Lynnette 102 104 1.02 14 Gergen, Jayme 25 29 1.16 6 62 .371 20 Kuhn, Laura 10 8 0.80 16 Eveland, Kele 103 117 1.14 42 291 .258 3 Dickerson, Jessica 17 3 0.18 20 Kuhn, Laura 10 8 0.80 5 24 .125 9 Mesquita, Tina 22 1 0.05 24 Bell, Kyleen 101 316 3.13 98 775 .281 8 Vincent, Keight 91 4 0.04 33 Aston, Marisa 76 1 0.01 1 4 .000 33 Aston, Marisa 76 1 0.01 GEORGIA TECH…….. 103 1663 16.15 610 4138 .254 GEORGIA TECH…….. 103 1663 16.15 Opponents……….. 103 1493 14.50 701 4175 .190 Opponents……….. 103 1493 14.50

## SET (by A/Game) G A A/Game ## SERVE (by ##) G SA SE SA/G ————————————— ——————————————– 16 Eveland, Kele 103 1253 12.17 2 Moster, Lynnette 102 46 58 0.45 9 Mesquita, Tina 22 56 2.55 3 Dickerson, Jessica 17 0 0 0.00 2 Moster, Lynnette 102 50 0.49 4 Hess, Amanda 102 15 38 0.15 4 Hess, Amanda 102 44 0.43 5 Pachale, Maja 103 19 19 0.18 10 Pap, Dori 37 8 0.22 8 Vincent, Keight 91 5 11 0.05 8 Vincent, Keight 91 16 0.18 9 Mesquita, Tina 22 2 5 0.09 5 Pachale, Maja 103 18 0.17 10 Pap, Dori 37 0 2 0.00 14 Gergen, Jayme 25 4 0.16 12 Sauer, Lauren 90 0 1 0.00 24 Bell, Kyleen 101 16 0.16 13 Preiss, Alexandra 94 13 33 0.14 33 Aston, Marisa 76 11 0.14 14 Gergen, Jayme 25 0 0 0.00 12 Sauer, Lauren 90 12 0.13 16 Eveland, Kele 103 16 18 0.16 13 Preiss, Alexandra 94 11 0.12 24 Bell, Kyleen 101 14 24 0.14 3 Dickerson, Jessica 17 0 0.00 33 Aston, Marisa 76 8 9 0.11 GEORGIA TECH…….. 103 1499 14.55 GEORGIA TECH…….. 103 138 218 1.34 Opponents……….. 103 1355 13.16 Opponents……….. 103 117 233 1.14

## BLOCK (by B/Game) G BS BA Total B/Game BE ## DEFENSE (by Dig/Gm) G DIG Dig/G BHE ——————————————————- ——————————————– 13 Preiss, Alexandra 94 11 107 118.0 1.26 11 4 Hess, Amanda 102 284 2.78 7 24 Bell, Kyleen 101 15 74 89.0 0.88 9 16 Eveland, Kele 103 278 2.70 27 12 Sauer, Lauren 90 5 58 63.0 0.70 10 2 Moster, Lynnette 102 260 2.55 3 16 Eveland, Kele 103 9 57 66.0 0.64 6 5 Pachale, Maja 103 241 2.34 4 20 Kuhn, Laura 10 0 6 6.0 0.60 0 24 Bell, Kyleen 101 170 1.68 0 10 Pap, Dori 37 0 20 20.0 0.54 3 8 Vincent, Keight 91 145 1.59 2 5 Pachale, Maja 103 8 39 47.0 0.46 4 33 Aston, Marisa 76 116 1.53 1 14 Gergen, Jayme 25 1 7 8.0 0.32 2 13 Preiss, Alexandra 94 77 0.82 2 2 Moster, Lynnette 102 4 14 18.0 0.18 4 10 Pap, Dori 37 14 0.38 0 4 Hess, Amanda 102 3 14 17.0 0.17 8 12 Sauer, Lauren 90 34 0.38 7 9 Mesquita, Tina 22 0 2 2.0 0.09 0 9 Mesquita, Tina 22 8 0.36 4 33 Aston, Marisa 76 0 0 0.0 0.00 0 3 Dickerson, Jessica 17 5 0.29 0 8 Vincent, Keight 91 0 0 0.0 0.00 0 14 Gergen, Jayme 25 6 0.24 0 GEORGIA TECH…….. 103 56 398 255.0 2.48 57 20 Kuhn, Laura 10 1 0.10 0 Opponents……….. 103 43 367 226.5 2.20 87 GEORGIA TECH…….. 103 1639 15.91 57 Opponents……….. 103 1543 14.98 41 ## RECEPT (by RE/Game) G RE RE/Gm ————————————— 8 Vincent, Keight 91 21 0.23 4 Hess, Amanda 102 20 0.20 5 Pachale, Maja 103 18 0.17 33 Aston, Marisa 76 13 0.17 TM TEAM 103 14 0.14 2 Moster, Lynnette 102 13 0.13 14 Gergen, Jayme 25 3 0.12 24 Bell, Kyleen 101 11 0.11 13 Preiss, Alexandra 94 3 0.03 10 Pap, Dori 37 1 0.03 9 Mesquita, Tina 22 0 0.00 20 Kuhn, Laura 10 0 0.00 3 Dickerson, Jessica 17 0 0.00 16 Eveland, Kele 103 0 0.00 12 Sauer, Lauren 90 0 0.00 GEORGIA TECH…….. 103 117 1.14 Opponents……….. 103 137 1.33

2001 Georgia Tech Volleyball Georgia Tech Combined Team Statistics (as of Dec 01, 2001) All matches

RECORD: OVERALL HOME AWAY NEUTRAL ALL MATCHES……… (19-8 ) (11-2 ) ( 6-5 ) ( 2-1 ) CONFERENCE………. (12-4 ) ( 7-1 ) ( 5-3 ) ( 0-0 ) NON-CONFERENCE…… ( 7-4 ) ( 4-1 ) ( 1-2 ) ( 2-1 )

|———ATTACK———–| |—Set—| |—-SERVE—–| |—DIG—| |——-BLOCKING——-| ## SUMMARY (by ##) G K K/Game E TA Pct A A/Game SA SE SA/Gm RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game BE BHE ———————————————————————————————————————————- 14 Gergen, Jayme 25 29 1.16 6 62 .371 4 0.16 0 0 0.00 3 6 0.24 1 7 8 0.32 2 0 13 Preiss, Alexandra 94 277 2.95 77 619 .323 11 0.12 13 33 0.14 3 77 0.82 11 107 118 1.26 11 2 5 Pachale, Maja 103 461 4.48 146 1083 .291 18 0.17 19 19 0.18 18 241 2.34 8 39 47 0.46 4 4 24 Bell, Kyleen 101 316 3.13 98 775 .281 16 0.16 14 24 0.14 11 170 1.68 15 74 89 0.88 9 0 16 Eveland, Kele 103 117 1.14 42 291 .258 1253 12.17 16 18 0.16 0 278 2.70 9 57 66 0.64 6 27 10 Pap, Dori 37 43 1.16 20 101 .228 8 0.22 0 2 0.00 1 14 0.38 0 20 20 0.54 3 0 12 Sauer, Lauren 90 175 1.94 82 416 .224 12 0.13 0 1 0.00 0 34 0.38 5 58 63 0.70 10 7 2 Moster, Lynnette 102 104 1.02 52 327 .159 50 0.49 46 58 0.45 13 260 2.55 4 14 18 0.18 4 3 8 Vincent, Keight 91 4 0.04 2 14 .143 16 0.18 5 11 0.05 21 145 1.59 0 0 0 0.00 0 2 20 Kuhn, Laura 10 8 0.80 5 24 .125 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 1 0.10 0 6 6 0.60 0 0 4 Hess, Amanda 102 124 1.22 75 411 .119 44 0.43 15 38 0.15 20 284 2.78 3 14 17 0.17 8 7 3 Dickerson, Jessica 17 3 0.18 3 8 .000 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 5 0.29 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 9 Mesquita, Tina 22 1 0.05 1 3 .000 56 2.55 2 5 0.09 0 8 0.36 0 2 2 0.09 0 4 33 Aston, Marisa 76 1 0.01 1 4 .000 11 0.14 8 9 0.11 13 116 1.53 0 0 0 0.00 0 1 TEAM 14 GEORGIA TECH…….. 103 1663 16.15 610 4138 .254 1499 14.55 138 218 1.34 117 1639 15.91 56 398 255.0 2.48 57 57 Opponents……….. 103 1493 14.50 701 4175 .190 1355 13.16 117 233 1.14 137 1543 14.98 43 367 226.5 2.20 87 41

TEAM STATISTICS GT OPP DATE OPPONENT W/L SCORE SCORE-BY-GAME ATTEND ————————————– ———— ——————– — —– —————————– —— ATTACK………….. Aug 31, 2001 vs Texas Tech W 3-0 30-26,30-23,32-30 203 Kills…………. 1663 1493 Aug 31, 2001 at Utah L 0-3 27-30,27-30,23-30 519 Errors………… 610 701 Sep 01, 2001 vs Rhode Island W 3-0 30-18,31-29,30-24 613 Total Attacks….. 4138 4175 Sep 07, 2001 COLORADO STATE L 1-3 30-23,28-30,14-30,29-31 1297 Attack Pct…….. .254 .190 Sep 08, 2001 GEORGETOWN W 3-0 30-28,30-26,30-24 311 Kills/Game…….. 16.1 14.5 Sep 09, 2001 LSU W 3-0 30-24,30-24,30-22 1853 SET…………….. *Sep 18, 2001 DU L 2-3 30-27,19-30,30-27,24-30,14-16 1211 Assists……….. 1499 1355 *Sep 22, 2001 FLORIDA STATE W 3-0 30-25,30-26,30-24 1096 Assists/Game…… 14.6 13.2 *Sep 23, 2001 WAKE FOREST W 3-1 30-23,30-16,28-30,30-26 902 SERVE…………… *Sep 28, 2001 CU W 3-0 30-15,30-26,30-16 1628 Aces………….. 138 117 *Oct 02, 2001 at NC State W 3-1 30-13,30-13,21-30,30-17 512 Errors………… 218 233 *Oct 07, 2001 at North Carolina L 0-3 27-30,26-30,22-30 874 Aces/Game……… 1.3 1.1 *Oct 12, 2001 MARYLAND W 3-2 30-26,25-30,27-30,30-24,15-8 812 SERVE RECEPTIONS…. *Oct 13, 2001 VIRGINIA W 3-0 30-23,30-19,30-19 912 Errors………… 117 137 Oct 14, 2001 ARKANSAS W 3-1 30-32,30-27,30-25,30-25 1006 Errors/Game……. 1.1 1.3 *Oct 19, 2001 at Wake Forest W 3-2 30-23,30-20,30-32,35-37,15-6 479 DEFENSE…………. *Oct 20, 2001 at DU L 1-3 26-29,24-30,32-30,28-30 363 Digs………….. 1639 1543 *Oct 23, 2001 at CU W 3-1 30-18,28-30,30-24,30-27 886 Digs/Game……… 15.9 15.0 Oct 27, 2001 at Florida A&M W 3-1 30-22,30-22,22-30,30-23 78 BLOCKING………… *Oct 28, 2001 at Florida State L 2-3 30-25,30-21,24-30,26-30,12-15 679 Block Solo…….. 56 43 *Nov 02, 2001 NORTH CAROLINA W 3-2 33-31,27-30,31-29,28-30,15-13 1711 Block Assist…… 398 367 *Nov 03, 2001 NC STATE W 3-0 30-16,30-18,30-17 1420 Total Blocks…… 255.0 226.5 *Nov 09, 2001 at Virginia W 3-0 32-30,30-23,30-22 330 Blocks Per Game… 2.5 2.2 *Nov 10, 2001 at Maryland W 3-1 26-30,30-19,30-21,30-21 244 Block Errors…… 57 87 Nov 16, 2001 vs Maryland L 2-3 30-26,30-19,23-30,28-30,13-15 286 BALL HANDLING ERRORS 57 41 Nov 23, 2001 UNIV. OF GEORGIA W 3-0 30-17,30-23,30-26 1561 ATTENDANCE………. Dec 01, 2001 at Louisville L 2-3 32-34,19-30,30-27,30-24,4-15 1510 Total…………. 15720 6474 * denotes conference match Dates/Avg Per Date 13/1209 11/589 Neutral site #/Avg 3/367 Current win streak 0 – Home win streak… 9 –

                          2001 Georgia Tech Volleyball                Georgia Tech Match Results (as of Dec 01, 2001)                                  All matches

Overall Conference Date Opponent Score Score-by-game Record Record Time Attend —- ——– —– ————- ——– ——– —- —— & Aug 31, 2001 vs Texas Tech W 3-0 30-26,30-23,32-30 1-0 0-0 1:30 203 & Aug 31, 2001 at Utah 0-3 L 27-30,27-30,23-30 1-1 0-0 1:35 519 & Sep 01, 2001 vs Rhode Island W 3-0 30-18,31-29,30-24 2-1 0-0 1:22 613 # Sep 07, 2001 COLORADO STATE 1-3 L 30-23,28-30,14-30,29-31 2-2 0-0 2:04 1297 # Sep 08, 2001 GEORGETOWN W 3-0 30-28,30-26,30-24 3-2 0-0 1:30 311 # Sep 09, 2001 LSU W 3-0 30-24,30-24,30-22 4-2 0-0 1:32 1853 * Sep 18, 2001 DU 2-3 L 30-27,19-30,30-27,24-30,14-16 4-3 0-1 2:35 1211 * Sep 22, 2001 FLORIDA STATE W 3-0 30-25,30-26,30-24 5-3 1-1 1:19 1096 * Sep 23, 2001 WAKE FOREST W 3-1 30-23,30-16,28-30,30-26 6-3 2-1 1:39 902 * Sep 28, 2001 CU W 3-0 30-15,30-26,30-16 7-3 3-1 1:15 1628 * Oct 02, 2001 at NC State W 3-1 30-13,30-13,21-30,30-17 8-3 4-1 1:41 512 * Oct 07, 2001 at North Carolina 0-3 L 27-30,26-30,22-30 8-4 4-2 1:35 874 * Oct 12, 2001 MARYLAND W 3-2 30-26,25-30,27-30,30-24,15-8 9-4 5-2 2:24 812 * Oct 13, 2001 VIRGINIA W 3-0 30-23,30-19,30-19 10-4 6-2 1:32 912 Oct 14, 2001 ARKANSAS W 3-1 30-32,30-27,30-25,30-25 11-4 6-2 2:10 1006 * Oct 19, 2001 at Wake Forest W 3-2 30-23,30-20,30-32,35-37,15-6 12-4 7-2 2:30 479 * Oct 20, 2001 at DU 1-3 L 26-29,24-30,32-30,28-30 12-5 7-3 2:05 363 * Oct 23, 2001 at CU W 3-1 30-18,28-30,30-24,30-27 13-5 8-3 2:05 886 Oct 27, 2001 at Florida A&M W 3-1 30-22,30-22,22-30,30-23 14-5 8-3 1:55 78 * Oct 28, 2001 at Florida State 2-3 L 30-25,30-21,24-30,26-30,12-15 14-6 8-4 2:14 679 * Nov 02, 2001 NORTH CAROLINA W 3-2 33-31,27-30,31-29,28-30,15-13 15-6 9-4 2:21 1711 * Nov 03, 2001 NC STATE W 3-0 30-16,30-18,30-17 16-6 10-4 1:17 1420 * Nov 09, 2001 at Virginia W 3-0 32-30,30-23,30-22 17-6 11-4 1:23 330 * Nov 10, 2001 at Maryland W 3-1 26-30,30-19,30-21,30-21 18-6 12-4 1:40 244 Nov 16, 2001 vs Maryland 2-3 L 30-26,30-19,23-30,28-30,13-15 18-7 12-4 2:07 286 Nov 23, 2001 UNIV. OF GEORGIA W 3-0 30-17,30-23,30-26 19-7 12-4 1:25 1561 ^ Dec 01, 2001 at Louisville 2-3 L 32-34,19-30,30-27,30-24,4-15 19-8 12-4 2:25 1510

TEAM RECORD W-L ATTEND Dates Total Average ———- — —— —– ——- ——- Overall: 19-8 Total: 27 23296 863 Conference: 12-4 Home: 13 15720 1209 Home: 11-2 Away: 11 6474 589 Away: 6-5 Neutral: 3 1102 367 Neutral: 2-1 3 games: 10-2 4 games: 6-2 5 games: 3-4

2001 Georgia Tech Volleyball Georgia Tech Team Match-by-Match (as of Dec 01, 2001) All matches


Aug 31, 2001 vs Texas Tech………. 3 50 22 129 .217 45 3 11 3 52 2 22 2 13.0 3 Aug 31, 2001 at Utah……………. 3 38 21 126 .135 35 2 9 3 31 2 8 0 6.0 3 Sep 01, 2001 vs Rhode Island…….. 3 55 12 119 .361 47 4 7 5 48 3 12 0 9.0 3 Sep 07, 2001 COLORADO STATE……… 4 56 29 154 .175 51 7 7 4 52 2 8 4 6.0 1 Sep 08, 2001 GEORGETOWN…………. 3 46 18 110 .255 39 4 6 5 32 2 8 8 6.0 2 Sep 09, 2001 LSU……………….. 3 54 19 123 .285 46 4 5 2 48 0 14 2 7.0 2 Sep 18, 2001 DU………………… 5 71 36 206 .170 60 4 8 9 84 3 28 5 17.0 1 Sep 22, 2001 FLORIDA STATE………. 3 53 18 115 .304 48 2 4 1 42 1 10 3 6.0 2 Sep 23, 2001 WAKE FOREST………… 4 66 30 153 .235 60 6 8 4 65 3 16 1 11.0 6 Sep 28, 2001 CU………………… 3 47 22 119 .210 43 9 5 2 57 1 8 0 5.0 0 Oct 02, 2001 at NC State………… 4 60 20 124 .323 57 9 10 4 59 2 12 2 8.0 0 Oct 07, 2001 at North Carolina…… 3 49 23 141 .184 48 2 5 8 54 1 10 2 6.0 3 Oct 12, 2001 MARYLAND…………… 5 73 26 186 .253 68 6 14 7 79 2 22 2 13.0 3 Oct 13, 2001 VIRGINIA…………… 3 56 16 116 .345 51 7 5 2 60 0 6 3 3.0 2 Oct 14, 2001 ARKANSAS…………… 4 84 29 200 .275 75 5 5 4 69 3 16 6 11.0 2 Oct 19, 2001 at Wake Forest……… 5 74 22 200 .260 70 6 5 7 93 5 35 0 22.5 0 Oct 20, 2001 at DU……………… 4 57 38 201 .095 44 2 8 3 80 1 18 1 10.0 0 Oct 23, 2001 at CU……………… 4 78 22 196 .286 72 7 6 4 94 0 14 3 7.0 3 Oct 27, 2001 at Florida A&M……… 4 66 20 147 .313 65 6 6 10 50 2 20 3 12.0 1 Oct 28, 2001 at Florida State……. 5 65 28 169 .219 57 5 13 7 75 2 26 4 15.0 3 Nov 02, 2001 NORTH CAROLINA……… 5 88 28 242 .248 75 6 11 4 96 0 26 2 13.0 3 Nov 03, 2001 NC STATE…………… 3 55 16 96 .406 49 7 6 0 37 1 8 1 5.0 1 Nov 09, 2001 at Virginia………… 3 58 13 106 .425 54 4 13 4 38 0 2 0 1.0 2 Nov 10, 2001 at Maryland………… 4 67 14 136 .390 57 9 11 4 46 5 14 0 12.0 2 Nov 16, 2001 vs Maryland………… 5 74 29 184 .245 69 5 9 7 68 5 15 3 12.5 3 Nov 23, 2001 UNIV. OF GEORGIA……. 3 50 7 103 .417 46 6 13 1 39 4 12 0 10.0 1 Dec 01, 2001 at Louisville………. 5 73 32 237 .173 68 1 8 3 91 4 8 0 8.0 5

Georgia Tech……………………103 1663 610 4138 .254 1499 138 218 117 1639 56 398 57 255.0 57 Opponent……………………….103 1493 701 4175 .190 1355 117 233 137 1543 43 367 87 226.5 41


Games played: 103 Kills per game: 16.15 Assists per game: 14.55 Service aces per game: 1.34 Reception errors per game: 1.14 Digs per game: 15.91 Blocks per game: 2.48 Ball handling errors per game: 0.55 Reception errors per game: 1.14

Overall record: 19-8 Conf: 12-4 Home: 11-2 Away: 6-5 Neutral: 2-1

2001 Georgia Tech Volleyball Georgia Tech Opponent Match-by-Match (as of Dec 01, 2001) All matches



Aug 31, 2001 vs Texas Tech………. 3 40 28 134 .090 34 3 5 3 47 4 12 3 10.0 5 Aug 31, 2001 at Utah……………. 3 54 26 120 .233 53 3 7 2 51 2 14 4 9.0 3 Sep 01, 2001 vs Rhode Island…….. 3 43 26 126 .135 41 5 6 4 44 0 9 5 4.5 0 Sep 07, 2001 COLORADO STATE……… 4 73 25 165 .291 59 4 6 7 57 2 19 1 11.5 5 Sep 08, 2001 GEORGETOWN…………. 3 47 22 111 .225 43 5 15 4 35 1 14 4 8.0 0 Sep 09, 2001 LSU……………….. 3 39 25 122 .115 36 2 5 4 41 0 16 3 8.0 0 Sep 18, 2001 DU………………… 5 74 25 194 .253 68 9 12 4 83 1 30 3 16.0 3 Sep 22, 2001 FLORIDA STATE………. 3 50 22 125 .224 45 1 12 2 36 0 8 1 4.0 1 Sep 23, 2001 WAKE FOREST………… 4 49 30 160 .119 44 4 14 6 45 4 20 2 14.0 1 Sep 28, 2001 CU………………… 3 30 23 112 .063 30 2 11 9 47 2 18 1 11.0 1 Oct 02, 2001 at NC State………… 4 37 28 130 .069 32 4 7 8 33 1 6 5 4.0 0 Oct 07, 2001 at North Carolina…… 3 50 22 143 .196 46 8 1 2 58 3 8 4 7.0 1 Oct 12, 2001 MARYLAND…………… 5 67 29 190 .200 63 7 13 6 73 2 10 4 7.0 2 Oct 13, 2001 VIRGINIA…………… 3 36 17 121 .157 32 2 6 7 37 1 12 5 7.0 1 Oct 14, 2001 ARKANSAS…………… 4 68 23 182 .247 62 4 4 5 73 1 18 7 10.0 2 Oct 19, 2001 at Wake Forest……… 5 75 37 222 .171 69 7 11 6 81 1 16 0 9.0 0 Oct 20, 2001 at DU……………… 4 68 35 197 .168 58 3 15 2 82 2 24 2 14.0 0 Oct 23, 2001 at CU……………… 4 63 28 200 .175 60 4 4 7 79 3 12 3 9.0 1 Oct 27, 2001 at Florida A&M……… 4 63 22 153 .268 58 10 6 6 57 1 10 9 6.0 3 Oct 28, 2001 at Florida State……. 5 64 36 183 .153 52 7 9 5 61 2 14 3 9.0 1 Nov 02, 2001 NORTH CAROLINA……… 5 83 31 221 .235 71 4 8 6 106 4 16 3 12.0 0 Nov 03, 2001 NC STATE…………… 3 28 20 89 .090 27 0 7 7 22 1 6 2 4.0 0 Nov 09, 2001 at Virginia………… 3 42 15 103 .262 38 4 12 4 29 0 8 4 4.0 2 Nov 10, 2001 at Maryland………… 4 59 26 142 .232 55 4 10 9 46 0 8 2 4.0 1 Nov 16, 2001 vs Maryland………… 5 66 27 173 .225 63 7 10 5 64 2 12 4 8.0 4 Nov 23, 2001 UNIV. OF GEORGIA……. 3 42 19 106 .217 35 1 12 6 35 1 6 2 4.0 2 Dec 01, 2001 at Louisville………. 5 83 34 251 .195 81 3 5 1 121 2 21 1 12.5 2

Opponent totals…………………103 1493 701 4175 .190 1355 117 233 137 1543 43 367 87 226.5 41 Georgia Tech……………………103 1663 610 4138 .254 1499 138 218 117 1639 56 398 57 255.0 57


Games played: 103 Kills per game: 14.50 Assists per game: 13.16 Service aces per game: 1.14 Reception errors per game: 1.33 Digs per game: 14.98 Blocks per game: 2.20 Ball handling errors per game: 0.40 Reception errors per game: 1.33

2001 Georgia Tech Volleyball Georgia Tech Team Match-by-Match Comparison (as of Dec 01, 2001) All matches

|—————–ATTACK——————| |–SET–| |——SERVE——| Opponent Score GP Kills Errors Total Pct A SA SE ——– —– — —-/—- —-/—- —-/—- ——/—— —-/—- —-/—- —-/—- Texas Tech………. 3-0 3 50/40 22/28 129/134 .217/ .090 45/34 3/3 11/5 Utah……………. 0-3 3 38/54 21/26 126/120 .135/ .233 35/53 2/3 9/7 Rhode Island…….. 3-0 3 55/43 12/26 119/126 .361/ .135 47/41 4/5 7/6 COLORADO STATE…… 1-3 4 56/73 29/25 154/165 .175/ .291 51/59 7/4 7/6 GEORGETOWN………. 3-0 3 46/47 18/22 110/111 .255/ .225 39/43 4/5 6/15 LSU…………….. 3-0 3 54/39 19/25 123/122 .285/ .115 46/36 4/2 5/5 DU……………… 2-3 5 71/74 36/25 206/194 .170/ .253 60/68 4/9 8/12 FLORIDA STATE……. 3-0 3 53/50 18/22 115/125 .304/ .224 48/45 2/1 4/12 WAKE FOREST……… 3-1 4 66/49 30/30 153/160 .235/ .119 60/44 6/4 8/14 CU……………… 3-0 3 47/30 22/23 119/112 .210/ .063 43/30 9/2 5/11 NC State………… 3-1 4 60/37 20/28 124/130 .323/ .069 57/32 9/4 10/7 North Carolina…… 0-3 3 49/50 23/22 141/143 .184/ .196 48/46 2/8 5/1 MARYLAND………… 3-2 5 73/67 26/29 186/190 .253/ .200 68/63 6/7 14/13 VIRGINIA………… 3-0 3 56/36 16/17 116/121 .345/ .157 51/32 7/2 5/6 ARKANSAS………… 3-1 4 84/68 29/23 200/182 .275/ .247 75/62 5/4 5/4 Wake Forest……… 3-2 5 74/75 22/37 200/222 .260/ .171 70/69 6/7 5/11 DU……………… 1-3 4 57/68 38/35 201/197 .095/ .168 44/58 2/3 8/15 CU……………… 3-1 4 78/63 22/28 196/200 .286/ .175 72/60 7/4 6/4 Florida A&M……… 3-1 4 66/63 20/22 147/153 .313/ .268 65/58 6/10 6/6 Florida State……. 2-3 5 65/64 28/36 169/183 .219/ .153 57/52 5/7 13/9 NORTH CAROLINA…… 3-2 5 88/83 28/31 242/221 .248/ .235 75/71 6/4 11/8 NC STATE………… 3-0 3 55/28 16/20 96/89 .406/ .090 49/27 7/0 6/7 Virginia………… 3-0 3 58/42 13/15 106/103 .425/ .262 54/38 4/4 13/12 Maryland………… 3-1 4 67/59 14/26 136/142 .390/ .232 57/55 9/4 11/10 Maryland………… 2-3 5 74/66 29/27 184/173 .245/ .225 69/63 5/7 9/10 UNIV. OF GEORGIA…. 3-0 3 50/42 7/19 103/106 .417/ .217 46/35 6/1 13/12 Louisville………. 2-3 5 73/83 32/34 237/251 .173/ .195 68/81 1/3 8/5

Totals………….. 67-36 103 1663/1493 610/701 4138/4175 .254/ .190 1499/1355 138/117 218/233

Note: Match totals are displayed in the format TEAM/OPPONENT for each category

2001 Georgia Tech Volleyball Georgia Tech Team Match-by-Match Comparison (as of Dec 01, 2001) All matches

|–PASS-| |–DEF–| |—————–BLOCK—————–| |–GEN–| Opponent RE DIG BS-BA BE Total BHE ——– —-/—- —-/—- ———/——— —-/—- —–/—– —-/—- Texas Tech………. 3/3 52/47 2-22 / 4-12 2/3 13.0/ 10.0 3/5 Utah……………. 3/2 31/51 2-8 / 2-14 0/4 6.0/ 9.0 3/3 Rhode Island…….. 5/4 48/44 3-12 / 0-9 0/5 9.0/ 4.5 3/0 COLORADO STATE…… 4/7 52/57 2-8 / 2-19 4/1 6.0/ 11.5 1/5 GEORGETOWN………. 5/4 32/35 2-8 / 1-14 8/4 6.0/ 8.0 2/0 LSU…………….. 2/4 48/41 0-14 / 0-16 2/3 7.0/ 8.0 2/0 DU……………… 9/4 84/83 3-28 / 1-30 5/3 17.0/ 16.0 1/3 FLORIDA STATE……. 1/2 42/36 1-10 / 0-8 3/1 6.0/ 4.0 2/1 WAKE FOREST……… 4/6 65/45 3-16 / 4-20 1/2 11.0/ 14.0 6/1 CU……………… 2/9 57/47 1-8 / 2-18 0/1 5.0/ 11.0 0/1 NC State………… 4/8 59/33 2-12 / 1-6 2/5 8.0/ 4.0 0/0 North Carolina…… 8/2 54/58 1-10 / 3-8 2/4 6.0/ 7.0 3/1 MARYLAND………… 7/6 79/73 2-22 / 2-10 2/4 13.0/ 7.0 3/2 VIRGINIA………… 2/7 60/37 0-6 / 1-12 3/5 3.0/ 7.0 2/1 ARKANSAS………… 4/5 69/73 3-16 / 1-18 6/7 11.0/ 10.0 2/2 Wake Forest……… 7/6 93/81 5-35 / 1-16 0/0 22.5/ 9.0 0/0 DU……………… 3/2 80/82 1-18 / 2-24 1/2 10.0/ 14.0 0/0 CU……………… 4/7 94/79 0-14 / 3-12 3/3 7.0/ 9.0 3/1 Florida A&M……… 10/6 50/57 2-20 / 1-10 3/9 12.0/ 6.0 1/3 Florida State……. 7/5 75/61 2-26 / 2-14 4/3 15.0/ 9.0 3/1 NORTH CAROLINA…… 4/6 96/106 0-26 / 4-16 2/3 13.0/ 12.0 3/0 NC STATE………… 0/7 37/22 1-8 / 1-6 1/2 5.0/ 4.0 1/0 Virginia………… 4/4 38/29 0-2 / 0-8 0/4 1.0/ 4.0 2/2 Maryland………… 4/9 46/46 5-14 / 0-8 0/2 12.0/ 4.0 2/1 Maryland………… 7/5 68/64 5-15 / 2-12 3/4 12.5/ 8.0 3/4 UNIV. OF GEORGIA…. 1/6 39/35 4-12 / 1-6 0/2 10.0/ 4.0 1/2 Louisville………. 3/1 91/121 4-8 / 2-21 0/1 8.0/ 12.5 5/2

Totals………….. 117/137 1639/1543 56-398 / 43-367 57/87 255.0/226.5 57/41

Note: Match totals are displayed in the format TEAM/OPPONENT for each category

2001 Georgia Tech Volleyball Georgia Tech Match Highs (as of Dec 01, 2001) All matches


ATTACK PERCENT (K-E-TA) minimum 12 kills .700 (15- 1-20) Bell, Kyleen vs Rhode Island (Sep 01, 2001) .684 (14- 1-19) Preiss, Alexandra vs Wake Forest (Sep 23, 2001) .615 (18- 2-26) Sauer, Lauren at Maryland (Nov 10, 2001) .600 (23- 2-35) Pachale, Maja vs LSU (Sep 09, 2001) .583 (14- 0-24) Bell, Kyleen at Virginia (Nov 09, 2001)

KILLS (K-E-TA) 34 (34- 9-63) 4g Pachale, Maja vs Arkansas (Oct 14, 2001) 28 (28- 5-53) 5g Pachale, Maja vs North Carolina (Nov 02, 2001) 27 (27- 9-53) 5g Pachale, Maja vs Maryland (Nov 16, 2001) 25 (25- 3-52) 4g Preiss, Alexandra at CU (Oct 23, 2001) 23 (23- 2-35) 3g Pachale, Maja vs LSU (Sep 09, 2001)

KILLS 3-GAMES (K-E-TA) 23 (23- 2-35) Pachale, Maja vs LSU (Sep 09, 2001) 20 (20- 7-37) Pachale, Maja vs Texas Tech (Aug 31, 2001) 19 (19- 4-30) Pachale, Maja vs Virginia (Oct 13, 2001) 18 (18- 5-27) Pachale, Maja vs NC State (Nov 03, 2001) 16 (16- 2-36) Pachale, Maja vs Rhode Island (Sep 01, 2001)

KILLS 4-GAMES (K-E-TA) 34 (34- 9-63) Pachale, Maja vs Arkansas (Oct 14, 2001) 25 (25- 3-52) Preiss, Alexandra at CU (Oct 23, 2001) 21 (21- 5-48) Pachale, Maja vs Colorado State (Sep 07, 2001) 18 (18- 2-26) Sauer, Lauren at Maryland (Nov 10, 2001) 17 (17- 5-38) Pachale, Maja vs Wake Forest (Sep 23, 2001)

KILLS 5-GAMES (K-E-TA) 28 (28- 5-53) Pachale, Maja vs North Carolina (Nov 02, 2001) 27 (27- 9-53) Pachale, Maja vs Maryland (Nov 16, 2001) 23 (23- 6-59) Pachale, Maja at Louisville (Dec 01, 2001) 22 (22- 7-51) Hess, Amanda vs DU (Sep 18, 2001) 21 (21- 6-59) Pachale, Maja vs Maryland (Oct 12, 2001)

TOTAL ATTEMPTS (K-E-TA) 63 (34- 9-63) 4g Pachale, Maja vs Arkansas (Oct 14, 2001) 59 (21- 6-59) 5g Pachale, Maja vs Maryland (Oct 12, 2001) 59 (17- 5-59) 5g Bell, Kyleen vs North Carolina (Nov 02, 2001) 59 (23- 6-59) 5g Pachale, Maja at Louisville (Dec 01, 2001) 57 (17- 4-57) 5g Preiss, Alexandra at Louisville (Dec 01, 2001)

TOTAL ATTEMPTS 3-GAMES (K-E-TA) 37 (20- 7-37) Pachale, Maja vs Texas Tech (Aug 31, 2001) 37 (11- 3-37) Pachale, Maja at North Carolina (Oct 07, 2001) 36 (16- 2-36) Pachale, Maja vs Rhode Island (Sep 01, 2001) 35 (23- 2-35) Pachale, Maja vs LSU (Sep 09, 2001) 33 (12- 6-33) Pachale, Maja vs Georgetown (Sep 08, 2001)

TOTAL ATTEMPTS 4-GAMES (K-E-TA) 63 (34- 9-63) Pachale, Maja vs Arkansas (Oct 14, 2001) 57 (12-12-57) Pachale, Maja at DU (Oct 20, 2001) 52 (25- 3-52) Preiss, Alexandra at CU (Oct 23, 2001) 48 (21- 5-48) Pachale, Maja vs Colorado State (Sep 07, 2001) 45 (13- 9-45) Bell, Kyleen at DU (Oct 20, 2001)

TOTAL ATTEMPTS 5-GAMES (K-E-TA) 59 (21- 6-59) Pachale, Maja vs Maryland (Oct 12, 2001) 59 (17- 5-59) Bell, Kyleen vs North Carolina (Nov 02, 2001) 59 (23- 6-59) Pachale, Maja at Louisville (Dec 01, 2001) 57 (17- 4-57) Preiss, Alexandra at Louisville (Dec 01, 2001) 57 (18- 8-57) Pachale, Maja at Wake Forest (Oct 19, 2001)

2001 Georgia Tech Volleyball Georgia Tech Match Highs (as of Dec 01, 2001) All matches

ASSISTS 67 (5g) Eveland, Kele vs North Carolina (Nov 02, 2001) 64 (5g) Eveland, Kele at Louisville (Dec 01, 2001) 64 (4g) Eveland, Kele vs Arkansas (Oct 14, 2001) 62 (5g) Eveland, Kele vs Maryland (Oct 12, 2001) 61 (5g) Eveland, Kele at Wake Forest (Oct 19, 2001)

ASSISTS 3-GAMES 48 Eveland, Kele at North Carolina (Oct 07, 2001) 45 Eveland, Kele at Virginia (Nov 09, 2001) 44 Eveland, Kele vs Florida State (Sep 22, 2001) 44 Eveland, Kele vs Virginia (Oct 13, 2001) 40 Eveland, Kele vs NC State (Nov 03, 2001)

ASSISTS 4-GAMES 64 Eveland, Kele vs Arkansas (Oct 14, 2001) 60 Eveland, Kele at CU (Oct 23, 2001) 56 Eveland, Kele at Florida A&M (Oct 27, 2001) 51 Eveland, Kele at Maryland (Nov 10, 2001) 49 Eveland, Kele at NC State (Oct 02, 2001)

ASSISTS 5-GAMES 67 Eveland, Kele vs North Carolina (Nov 02, 2001) 64 Eveland, Kele at Louisville (Dec 01, 2001) 62 Eveland, Kele vs Maryland (Oct 12, 2001) 61 Eveland, Kele at Wake Forest (Oct 19, 2001) 53 Eveland, Kele at Florida State (Oct 28, 2001)

DIGS 23 (4g) Eveland, Kele at CU (Oct 23, 2001) 22 (4g) Pachale, Maja at CU (Oct 23, 2001) 21 (5g) Hess, Amanda at Wake Forest (Oct 19, 2001) 21 (5g) Eveland, Kele vs DU (Sep 18, 2001) 20 (4g) Moster, Lynnette at DU (Oct 20, 2001)

DIGS 3-GAMES 16 Eveland, Kele vs CU (Sep 28, 2001) 13 Eveland, Kele vs Rhode Island (Sep 01, 2001) 12 Moster, Lynnette vs Virginia (Oct 13, 2001) 12 Moster, Lynnette vs Texas Tech (Aug 31, 2001) 10 Hess, Amanda vs CU (Sep 28, 2001)

DIGS 4-GAMES 23 Eveland, Kele at CU (Oct 23, 2001) 22 Pachale, Maja at CU (Oct 23, 2001) 20 Moster, Lynnette at DU (Oct 20, 2001) 18 Eveland, Kele at DU (Oct 20, 2001) 16 Hess, Amanda at CU (Oct 23, 2001)

DIGS 5-GAMES 21 Hess, Amanda at Wake Forest (Oct 19, 2001) 21 Eveland, Kele vs DU (Sep 18, 2001) 20 Hess, Amanda at Florida State (Oct 28, 2001) 18 Pachale, Maja vs DU (Sep 18, 2001) 18 Moster, Lynnette at Louisville (Dec 01, 2001)

2001 Georgia Tech Volleyball Georgia Tech Match Highs (as of Dec 01, 2001) All matches

ACES 5 Moster, Lynnette vs Virginia (Oct 13, 2001) 4 Moster, Lynnette vs Wake Forest (Sep 23, 2001) 4 Moster, Lynnette vs North Carolina (Nov 02, 2001) 4 Pachale, Maja vs CU (Sep 28, 2001) 3 Bell, Kyleen at Florida A&M (Oct 27, 2001)

BLOCKS (BS-BA) 11 ( 0-11) Preiss, Alexandra at Wake Forest (Oct 19, 2001) 9 ( 0- 9) Preiss, Alexandra vs DU (Sep 18, 2001) 9 ( 0- 9) Preiss, Alexandra vs North Carolina (Nov 02, 2001) 8 ( 2- 6) Preiss, Alexandra vs Maryland (Oct 12, 2001) 7 ( 1- 6) Bell, Kyleen vs Texas Tech (Aug 31, 2001) 7 ( 1- 6) Bell, Kyleen at Wake Forest (Oct 19, 2001) 7 ( 1- 6) Pachale, Maja at Wake Forest (Oct 19, 2001) 7 ( 1- 6) Sauer, Lauren at Wake Forest (Oct 19, 2001) 7 ( 0- 7) Preiss, Alexandra at Florida State (Oct 28, 2001) 7 ( 0- 7) Sauer, Lauren vs North Carolina (Nov 02, 2001)

2001 Georgia Tech Volleyball Georgia Tech Match Highs (as of Dec 01, 2001) All matches


ATTACK PERCENT (K-E-TA) minimum 12 kills .425 (58-13-106) at Virginia (Nov 09, 2001) .417 (50- 7-103) vs Univ. of Georgia (Nov 23, 2001) .406 (55-16- 96) vs NC State (Nov 03, 2001) .390 (67-14-136) at Maryland (Nov 10, 2001) .361 (55-12-119) vs Rhode Island (Sep 01, 2001)

KILLS (K-E-TA) 88 (88-28-242) 5g vs North Carolina (Nov 02, 2001) 84 (84-29-200) 4g vs Arkansas (Oct 14, 2001) 78 (78-22-196) 4g at CU (Oct 23, 2001) 74 (74-22-200) 5g at Wake Forest (Oct 19, 2001) 74 (74-29-184) 5g vs Maryland (Nov 16, 2001)

KILLS 3-GAMES (K-E-TA) 58 (58-13-106) at Virginia (Nov 09, 2001) 56 (56-16-116) vs Virginia (Oct 13, 2001) 55 (55-16- 96) vs NC State (Nov 03, 2001) 55 (55-12-119) vs Rhode Island (Sep 01, 2001) 54 (54-19-123) vs LSU (Sep 09, 2001)

KILLS 4-GAMES (K-E-TA) 84 (84-29-200) vs Arkansas (Oct 14, 2001) 78 (78-22-196) at CU (Oct 23, 2001) 67 (67-14-136) at Maryland (Nov 10, 2001) 66 (66-30-153) vs Wake Forest (Sep 23, 2001) 66 (66-20-147) at Florida A&M (Oct 27, 2001)

KILLS 5-GAMES (K-E-TA) 88 (88-28-242) vs North Carolina (Nov 02, 2001) 74 (74-22-200) at Wake Forest (Oct 19, 2001) 74 (74-29-184) vs Maryland (Nov 16, 2001) 73 (73-32-237) at Louisville (Dec 01, 2001) 73 (73-26-186) vs Maryland (Oct 12, 2001)

TOTAL ATTEMPTS (K-E-TA) 242 (88-28-242) 5g vs North Carolina (Nov 02, 2001) 237 (73-32-237) 5g at Louisville (Dec 01, 2001) 206 (71-36-206) 5g vs DU (Sep 18, 2001) 201 (57-38-201) 4g at DU (Oct 20, 2001) 200 (74-22-200) 5g at Wake Forest (Oct 19, 2001)

TOTAL ATTEMPTS 3-GAMES (K-E-TA) 141 (49-23-141) at North Carolina (Oct 07, 2001) 129 (50-22-129) vs Texas Tech (Aug 31, 2001) 126 (38-21-126) at Utah (Aug 31, 2001) 123 (54-19-123) vs LSU (Sep 09, 2001) 119 (55-12-119) vs Rhode Island (Sep 01, 2001)

TOTAL ATTEMPTS 4-GAMES (K-E-TA) 201 (57-38-201) at DU (Oct 20, 2001) 200 (84-29-200) vs Arkansas (Oct 14, 2001) 196 (78-22-196) at CU (Oct 23, 2001) 154 (56-29-154) vs Colorado State (Sep 07, 2001) 153 (66-30-153) vs Wake Forest (Sep 23, 2001)

TOTAL ATTEMPTS 5-GAMES (K-E-TA) 242 (88-28-242) vs North Carolina (Nov 02, 2001) 237 (73-32-237) at Louisville (Dec 01, 2001) 206 (71-36-206) vs DU (Sep 18, 2001) 200 (74-22-200) at Wake Forest (Oct 19, 2001) 186 (73-26-186) vs Maryland (Oct 12, 2001)

2001 Georgia Tech Volleyball Georgia Tech Match Highs (as of Dec 01, 2001) All matches

ASSISTS 75 (5g) vs North Carolina (Nov 02, 2001) 75 (4g) vs Arkansas (Oct 14, 2001) 72 (4g) at CU (Oct 23, 2001) 70 (5g) at Wake Forest (Oct 19, 2001) 69 (5g) vs Maryland (Nov 16, 2001)

ASSISTS 3-GAMES 54 at Virginia (Nov 09, 2001) 51 vs Virginia (Oct 13, 2001) 49 vs NC State (Nov 03, 2001) 48 at North Carolina (Oct 07, 2001) 48 vs Florida State (Sep 22, 2001)

ASSISTS 4-GAMES 75 vs Arkansas (Oct 14, 2001) 72 at CU (Oct 23, 2001) 65 at Florida A&M (Oct 27, 2001) 60 vs Wake Forest (Sep 23, 2001) 57 at NC State (Oct 02, 2001)

ASSISTS 5-GAMES 75 vs North Carolina (Nov 02, 2001) 70 at Wake Forest (Oct 19, 2001) 69 vs Maryland (Nov 16, 2001) 68 at Louisville (Dec 01, 2001) 68 vs Maryland (Oct 12, 2001)

DIGS 96 (5g) vs North Carolina (Nov 02, 2001) 94 (4g) at CU (Oct 23, 2001) 93 (5g) at Wake Forest (Oct 19, 2001) 91 (5g) at Louisville (Dec 01, 2001) 84 (5g) vs DU (Sep 18, 2001)

DIGS 3-GAMES 60 vs Virginia (Oct 13, 2001) 57 vs CU (Sep 28, 2001) 54 at North Carolina (Oct 07, 2001) 52 vs Texas Tech (Aug 31, 2001) 48 vs LSU (Sep 09, 2001)

DIGS 4-GAMES 94 at CU (Oct 23, 2001) 80 at DU (Oct 20, 2001) 69 vs Arkansas (Oct 14, 2001) 65 vs Wake Forest (Sep 23, 2001) 59 at NC State (Oct 02, 2001)

DIGS 5-GAMES 96 vs North Carolina (Nov 02, 2001) 93 at Wake Forest (Oct 19, 2001) 91 at Louisville (Dec 01, 2001) 84 vs DU (Sep 18, 2001) 79 vs Maryland (Oct 12, 2001)

2001 Georgia Tech Volleyball Georgia Tech Match Highs (as of Dec 01, 2001) All matches

ACES 9 vs CU (Sep 28, 2001) 9 at Maryland (Nov 10, 2001) 9 at NC State (Oct 02, 2001) 7 vs NC State (Nov 03, 2001) 7 at CU (Oct 23, 2001)

BLOCKS 22.5 at Wake Forest (Oct 19, 2001) 17.0 vs DU (Sep 18, 2001) 15.0 at Florida State (Oct 28, 2001) 13.0 vs Texas Tech (Aug 31, 2001) 13.0 vs Maryland (Oct 12, 2001) 13.0 vs North Carolina (Nov 02, 2001) 12.5 vs Maryland (Nov 16, 2001) 12.0 at Florida A&M (Oct 27, 2001) 12.0 at Maryland (Nov 10, 2001) 11.0 vs Arkansas (Oct 14, 2001)


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