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White vs Blue (Apr 20, 2018)

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White vs Blue (Apr 20, 2018)

Scoring Summary

Scoring Summary (Final)

2018 Georgia Tech Spring Game

White vs Blue (Apr 20, 2018 at Atlanta, Ga.)

White vs. Blue

Date: Apr 20, 2018  Site: Atlanta, Ga.   Stadium: Bobby Dodd   
Attendance: 8500

Score by Quarters Score 
White  7 0 0 7 14 
Blue  0 21 3 0 24 
1st 05:13 WHITE  Jerry Howard 1 yd run (Brenton King kick) 
      11 plays, 65 yards, TOP 5:04 7 – 0 
2nd 13:19 BLUE  Lucas Johnson 12 yd run (Brenton King kick) 
      11 plays, 70 yards, TOP 1:41 7 – 7 
 10:10 BLUE  KirVonte Benson 2 yd run (Brenton King kick) 
      3 plays, 74 yards, TOP 1:15 7 – 14 
 00:15 BLUE  Clinton Lynch 33 yd pass from Lucas Johnson (Brenton King kick) 
      7 plays, 55 yards, TOP 0:56 7 – 21 
3rd 05:08 BLUE  Brenton King 40 yd field goal 
      9 plays, 54 yards, TOP 6:05 7 – 24 
4th 12:19 WHITE  Ponchez-Mason 1 yd run (Brenton King kick) 
      12 plays, 70 yards, TOP 2:41 14 – 24 
Kickoff time: 7 p.m.   End of Game: 8:44   Total elapsed time: 1:44

Temperature: 69 deg   Wind: 7 ENE   Weather: Clear

Team Statistics

Team Statistics (Final)

2018 Georgia Tech Spring Game

White vs Blue (Apr 20, 2018 at Atlanta, Ga.)

 Team Totals WHITE BLUE 
   Rushing 10 
   Rushing Attempts 43 38 
   Average Per Rush 3.2 3.2 
   Rushing Touchdowns 
   Yards Gained Rushing 155 162 
   Yards Lost Rushing 16 40 
   Completions-Attempts-Int 3-9-0 7-20-1 
   Average Per Attempt 4.8 7.7 
   Average Per Completion 14.3 22.0 
   Passing Touchdowns 
   Total offense plays 52 58 
   Average Gain Per Play 3.5 4.8 
Fumbles: Number-Lost 1-1 3-0 
Penalties: Number-Yards 3-12 2-20 
PUNTS-YARDS 7-294 5-213 
   Average Yards Per Punt 42.0 42.6 
   Net Yards Per Punt 42.0 42.6 
   Inside 20 
   50+ Yards 
   Fair catch 
   Average Yards Per Kickoff 0.0 0.0 
   Net Yards Per Kickoff 0.0 0.0 
Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD 0-0-0 0-0-0 
   Average Per Return 0.0 0.0 
Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD 0-0-0 0-0-0 
   Average Per Return 0.0 0.0 
Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD 1-0-0 0-0-0 
Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD 0-0-0 0-0-0 
Miscellaneous Yards 
Possession Time 23:45 34:46 
   1st Quarter  6:46  8:14 
   2nd Quarter  5:13  8:18 
   3rd Quarter  5:08  9:52 
   4th Quarter  6:38  8:22 
Third-Down Conversions 3 of 12 5 of 15 
Fourth-Down Conversions 2 of 2 0 of 0 
Red-Zone Scores-Chances 2-2 2-2 
   Touchdowns 2-2 2-2 
   Field goals 0-2 0-2 
Sacks By: Number-Yards 2-13 1-7 
PAT Kicks 2-2 3-3 
Field Goals 0-0 1-1 
Points off turnovers 

Individual Statistics

Individual Statistics (Final)

2018 Georgia Tech Spring Game

White vs Blue (Apr 20, 2018 at Atlanta, Ga.)

RUSHING No. Gain Loss Net TD Lg Avg. 
Jerry Howard  13 64 64 15 4.9 
Tobias Oliver  20 66 14 52 10 2.6 
Ponchez-Mason  24 22 3.1 
Omahri Jarrett  1.0 
Xavier Gantt  0.0 
Melvin Davis  0.0 
Totals… 43 155 16 139 15 3.2 
RUSHING No. Gain Loss Net TD Lg Avg. 
Joseph Macrina  31 29 12 3.6 
Clinton Lynch  28 28 11 9.3 
Josh Blancato  21 21 19 10.5 
KirVonte Benson 21 20 2.9 
Qua Searcy  4.5 
Lucas Johnson  10 37 31 14 0.6 
Mark Rew  11 1.0 
Nathan Cottrell 4.0 
Totals… 38 162 40 122 19 3.2 
PASSING Cmp-Att-Int Yds TD Long Sack 
Tobias Oliver  3-9-0 43 38 
Totals… 3-9-0 43 38 
PASSING Cmp-Att-Int Yds TD Long Sack 
Lucas Johnson  5-17-1 143 53 
Mark Rew  2-3-0 11 
Totals… 7-20-1 154 53 
A. Sanders  
Jarett Cole  38 38 
Totals… 43 38 
Brad Stewart  100 53 
Clinton Lynch  33 33 
Qua Searcy  10 10 
Josh Blancato  
Nathan Cottrell 
Totals… 154 53 
PUNTING No. Yds Avg Long In20 TB 
P. Harvin III  294 42.0 54 
Totals… 294 42.0 54 
PUNTING No. Yds Avg Long In20 TB 
Josh Blancato  45 45.0 45 
P. Harvin III  168 42.0 49 
Totals… 213 42.6 49 
  Punts Kickoffs Intercept 
ALL RETURNS No Yds Lg No Yds Lg No Yds Lg 
Tariq Carpenter 
  Punts Kickoffs Intercept 
ALL RETURNS No Yds Lg No Yds Lg No Yds Lg 
Jerry Howard  64 64 
Tobias Oliver  52 52 
Jarett Cole  38 38 
Ponchez-Mason  22 22 
A. Sanders  
Omahri Jarrett  
Totals… 139 43 182 
Brad Stewart  100 100 
Clinton Lynch  28 33 61 
Joseph Macrina  29 29 
Josh Blancato  21 29 
KirVonte Benson 20 20 
Qua Searcy  10 19 
Nathan Cottrell 
Lucas Johnson  
Mark Rew  
Totals… 122 154 276 
Brenton King 3rd 05:08 40 yards Good 
FUMBLES: White-Ponchez-Mason 1-1. Blue-Lucas Johnson 2-0; Mark Rew 1-0.

Drive Chart

Drive Chart (Final)

2018 Georgia Tech Spring Game

White vs Blue (Apr 20, 2018 at Atlanta, Ga.)

  Drive Started Drive Ended Consumed   
Team Qtr Spot Time Obtained Spot Time   How Lost Pl-Yds TOP RZ 
WHITE  1st W46 13:22  Interception W49 11:40   Punt 3-3 1:42   
WHITE  1st W35 10:17  Punt B00 05:13 TOUCHDOWN 11-65 5:04 
WHITE  2nd W30 13:19  Possession W36 11:25   Punt 3-6 1:54   
WHITE  2nd W30 10:10  Possession W33 08:48   Punt 3-3 1:22   
WHITE  2nd W48 07:11  Punt B44 07:05   Fumble 1-8 0:06   
WHITE  2nd W14 04:42  Punt W12 02:38   Punt 3–2 2:04   
WHITE  2nd W20 02:12  Punt W20 01:11   Punt 3-0 1:01   
WHITE  3rd W30 15:00  Possession W30 00:00   End of half 8-0 0:00   
WHITE  4th W30 15:00  Possession B00 12:19 TOUCHDOWN 12-70 2:41 
WHITE  4th W04 06:21  Punt W20 02:24   Punt 5-16 3:57   
BLUE  1st B30 15:00  Possession B14 13:22   Interception 3–16 1:38   
BLUE  1st B11 11:40  Punt B20 10:17   Punt 3-9 1:23   
BLUE  2nd B30 15:00  Possession W00 13:19 TOUCHDOWN 11-70 1:41 
BLUE  2nd B26 11:25  Punt W00 10:10 TOUCHDOWN 3-74 1:15 
BLUE  2nd B16 08:48  Punt B03 07:11   Punt 3–13 1:37   
BLUE  2nd B44 07:05  Fumble W41 04:42   Punt 5-15 2:23   
BLUE  2nd B34 02:38  Punt B34 02:12   Punt 3-0 0:26   
BLUE  2nd B45 01:11  Punt W00 00:15 TOUCHDOWN 7-55 0:56   
BLUE  3rd B23 11:13  Punt W23 05:08 FIELD GOAL 9-54 6:05   
BLUE  4th B30 12:19  Possession B50 06:21   Punt 8-20 5:58   
BLUE  4th B40 02:24  Punt W47 00:00   End of half 4-13 2:24   
  1st 2nd 3rd 4th   1st 2nd     
White  Qtr Qtr Qtr Qtr   Half Half   Total 
Time of possession  06:46  05:13  05:08  06:38    11:59  11:46    23:45  
3rd Down Conversions   1/3   0/4   2/4   0/1     1/7   2/5     3/12  
Average field position  W40   W28   W30   W04     W31   W17     W28  
4th Down Conversions   1/1   0/0   1/1   0/0     1/1   1/1     2/2  
  1st 2nd 3rd 4th   1st 2nd     
Blue  Qtr Qtr Qtr Qtr   Half Half   Total 
Time of possession  08:14  08:18  09:52  08:22    16:32  18:14    34:46  
3rd Down Conversions   1/4   3/6   1/2   0/3     4/10   1/5     5/15  
Average field position  B23   B33   B23   B35     B29   B31     B29  
4th Down Conversions   0/0   0/0   0/0   0/0     0/0   0/0     0/0  

Drive Chart (By Quarter)

  Drive Started Drive Ended Consumed   
Team Qtr Spot Time Obtained Spot Time   How Lost Pl-Yds TOP RZ 
BLUE  1st B30 15:00  Possession B14 13:22   Interception 3–16 1:38   
WHITE  1st W46 13:22  Interception W49 11:40   Punt 3-3 1:42   
BLUE  1st B11 11:40  Punt B20 10:17   Punt 3-9 1:23   
WHITE  1st W35 10:17  Punt B00 05:13 TOUCHDOWN 11-65 5:04 
BLUE  2nd B30 15:00  Possession W00 13:19 TOUCHDOWN 11-70 1:41 
WHITE  2nd W30 13:19  Possession W36 11:25   Punt 3-6 1:54   
BLUE  2nd B26 11:25  Punt W00 10:10 TOUCHDOWN 3-74 1:15 
WHITE  2nd W30 10:10  Possession W33 08:48   Punt 3-3 1:22   
BLUE  2nd B16 08:48  Punt B03 07:11   Punt 3–13 1:37   
WHITE  2nd W48 07:11  Punt B44 07:05   Fumble 1-8 0:06   
BLUE  2nd B44 07:05  Fumble W41 04:42   Punt 5-15 2:23   
WHITE  2nd W14 04:42  Punt W12 02:38   Punt 3–2 2:04   
BLUE  2nd B34 02:38  Punt B34 02:12   Punt 3-0 0:26   
WHITE  2nd W20 02:12  Punt W20 01:11   Punt 3-0 1:01   
BLUE  2nd B45 01:11  Punt W00 00:15 TOUCHDOWN 7-55 0:56   
WHITE  3rd W30 15:00  Possession W30 00:00   End of half 8-0 0:00   
BLUE  3rd B23 11:13  Punt W23 05:08 FIELD GOAL 9-54 6:05   
WHITE  4th W30 15:00  Possession B00 12:19 TOUCHDOWN 12-70 2:41 
BLUE  4th B30 12:19  Possession B50 06:21   Punt 8-20 5:58   
WHITE  4th W04 06:21  Punt W20 02:24   Punt 5-16 3:57   
BLUE  4th B40 02:24  Punt W47 00:00   End of half 4-13 2:24   

Defensive Statistics

Defensive Statistics (Final)

2018 Georgia Tech Spring Game

White vs Blue (Apr 20, 2018 at Atlanta, Ga.)

## White  Solo Ast Total TFL/Yds FF FR-Yds Int-Yds BrUp Blkd Sack/Yds QBH 
51 Brant Mitchell   5.0/10   .   .   .  
9  V. Alexander   1.0/1   .   .   .  
91 Kelton Dawson   .   .   .   .  
12 Jordan-Swilling  .   .   .   .  
6  Lamont Simmons   .   .   .   .  
18 Tobias Oliver   .   .   .   .  
10 C. Campbell   .   .   .   .  
29 Tariq Carpenter  .   .   1-0   .  
79 Josh Tukes   1.0/3   .   .   .  
95 T. Merriweather  1.0/7   .   .   1.0/7  
77 Antonio Mallard  .   .   .   .  
45 Charlie Thomas   .   .   .   .  
54 Cerge-Henderson  .   .   .   .  
94 A. Saint-Amour   .   .   .   .  
39 Dameon Williams  .   .   .   .  
38 Ajani Kerr   .   .   .   .  
## Blue  Solo Ast Total TFL/Yds FF FR-Yds Int-Yds BrUp Blkd Sack/Yds QBH 
25 Tre Jackson   1.0/1   1-0   .   .  
44 Quez Jackson   2.0/5   .   .   .  
89 Antwan Owens   .   .   .   .  
41 J. Henderson   2.0/3   .   .   .  
97 B. Glanton   .   .   .   .  
76 Djimon Brooks   .   .   .   .  
11 Devin Smith   .   .   .   .  
40 Kaleb Oliver   .   .   .   .  
34 Gentry Bonds   .   .   .   .  
74 Josh White   1.0/7   .   .   1.0/7  
7  Lucas Johnson   .   .   .   .  
35 Jarett Cole   .   .   .   .  
14 Mark Rew   .   .   .   .  
33 Jaytlin Askew   .   .   .   .  
90 Brandon Adams   .   .   .   .  

Participation Report

Participation Report (Final)

2018 Georgia Tech Spring Game

White vs Blue (Apr 20, 2018 at Atlanta, Ga.)

White: 2P-P. Harvin III, 6-Lamont Simmons, 9-V. Alexander, 10-C. Campbell, 12-Jordan-Swilling, 15-Jerry Howard,
18-Tobias Oliver, 23-Melvin Davis, 24-Ponchez-Mason, 25-Tre Jackson, 27-Josh Blancato, 29-Tariq Carpenter, 35-Jarett Cole,
36-Omahri Jarrett, 37-Brenton King, 38-Ajani Kerr, 39-Dameon Williams, 41-J. Henderson, 44-Quez Jackson, 45-Charlie Thomas,
46-Xavier Gantt, 51-Brant Mitchell, 54-Cerge-Henderson, 77-Antonio Mallard, 79-Josh Tukes, 82-A. Sanders, 83-Brad Stewart,
89-Liam Byrne, 91-Kelton Dawson, 94-A. Saint-Amour, 95-T. Merriweather.

Blue: 1-Qua Searcy, 2P-P. Harvin III, 7-Lucas Johnson, 11-Devin Smith, 14-Mark Rew, 18-Tobias Oliver, 21-Joseph Macrina,
22-Clinton Lynch, 24-Ponchez-Mason, 25-Tre Jackson, 27-Josh Blancato, 30-KirVonte Benson, 31-Nathan Cottrell, 33-Jaytlin Askew,
34-Gentry Bonds, 35-Jarett Cole, 37-Brenton King, 40-Kaleb Oliver, 41-J. Henderson, 44-Quez Jackson, 74-Josh White,
76-Djimon Brooks, 83-Brad Stewart, 84-Stephen Dolphus, 89-Antwan Owens, 90-Brandon Adams, 97-B. Glanton.

Box Score

Box Score (Final)

White vs Blue (Apr 20, 2018 at Atlanta, Ga.)

Score by Quarters     1  2  3  4   Score
-----------------    -- -- -- --   -----
White...............  7  0  0  7  - 14       Record:
Blue................  0 21  3  0  - 24       Record:

Scoring Summary:
1st 05:13 WHITE - Jerry Howard 1 yd run (Brenton King kick), 11-65 5:04, WHITE 7 - BLUE 0
2nd 13:19 BLUE - Lucas Johnson 12 yd run (Brenton King kick), 11-70 1:41, WHITE 7 - BLUE 7
    10:10 BLUE - KirVonte Benson 2 yd run (Brenton King kick), 3-74 1:15, WHITE 7 - BLUE 14
    00:15 BLUE - Clinton Lynch 33 yd pass from Lucas Johnson (Brenton King kick), 7-55 0:56, WHITE 7 - BLUE 21
3rd 05:08 BLUE - Brenton King 40 yd field goal, 9-54 6:05, WHITE 7 - BLUE 24
4th 12:19 WHITE - Ponchez-Mason 1 yd run (Brenton King kick), 12-70 2:41, WHITE 14 - BLUE 24

                                  WHITE     BLUE
FIRST DOWNS...................       11       16
RUSHES-YARDS (NET)............   43-139   38-122
PASSING YDS (NET).............       43      154
Passes Att-Comp-Int...........    9-3-0   20-7-1
TOTAL OFFENSE PLAYS-YARDS.....   52-182   58-276
Fumble Returns-Yards..........      0-0      0-0
Punt Returns-Yards............      0-0      0-0
Kickoff Returns-Yards.........      0-0      0-0
Interception Returns-Yards....      1-0      0-0
Punts (Number-Avg)............   7-42.0   5-42.6
Fumbles-Lost..................      1-1      3-0
Penalties-Yards...............     3-12     2-20
Possession Time...............    23:45    34:46
Third-Down Conversions........  3 of 12  5 of 15
Fourth-Down Conversions.......   2 of 2   0 of 0
Red-Zone Scores-Chances.......      2-2      2-2
Sacks By: Number-Yards........     2-13      1-7

RUSHING: White-Jerry Howard 13-64; Tobias Oliver 20-52; Ponchez-Mason
7-22; Omahri Jarrett 1-1; Xavier Gantt 1-0; Melvin Davis 1-0. Blue-Joseph
Macrina 8-29; Clinton Lynch 3-28; Josh Blancato 2-21; KirVonte Benson 7-20; Qua
Searcy 2-9; Lucas Johnson 10-6; Mark Rew 5-5; Nathan Cottrell 1-4.

PASSING: White-Tobias Oliver 3-9-0-43. Blue-Lucas Johnson 5-17-1-143;
Mark Rew 2-3-0-11.

RECEIVING: White-A. Sanders 2-5; Jarett Cole 1-38. Blue-Brad Stewart
3-100; Clinton Lynch 1-33; Qua Searcy 1-10; Josh Blancato 1-8; Nathan Cottrell

INTERCEPTIONS: White-Tariq Carpenter 1-0. Blue-None.

FUMBLES: White-Ponchez-Mason 1-1. Blue-Lucas Johnson 2-0; Mark Rew 1-0.

Stadium: Bobby Dodd            Attendance: 8500
Kickoff time: 7 p.m.    End of Game: 8:44      Total elapsed time: 1:44
Temperature: 69 deg    Wind: 7 ENE     Weather: Clear

                  White vs Blue (Apr 20, 2018 at Atlanta, Ga.)

SACKS (UA-A): White-T. Merriweather 1-0. Blue-Josh White 1-0.

TACKLES (UA-A): White-Brant Mitchell 6-0; Kelton Dawson 4-0; V. Alexander
4-0; Jordan-Swilling 3-0; Lamont Simmons 3-0; Tobias Oliver 3-0; Josh Tukes 2-0;
T. Merriweather 2-0; Antonio Mallard 2-0; Tariq Carpenter 2-0; C. Campbell 2-0;
Cerge-Henderson 1-0; A. Saint-Amour 1-0; Charlie Thomas 1-0; Dameon Williams
0-1. Blue-Tre Jackson 8-0; Quez Jackson 6-0; Antwan Owens 6-0; J. Henderson 5-0;
B. Glanton 4-0; Gentry Bonds 2-0; Djimon Brooks 2-0; Devin Smith 2-0; Kaleb
Oliver 2-0; Lucas Johnson 1-0; Jarett Cole 1-0; Jaytlin Askew 1-0; Brandon Adams
1-0; Mark Rew 1-0; Josh White 1-0.

Player participation:

White: 2P-P. Harvin III, 6-Lamont Simmons, 9-V. Alexander, 10-C. Campbell, 12-Jordan-Swilling, 15-Jerry Howard, 18-Tobias Oliver,
23-Melvin Davis, 24-Ponchez-Mason, 25-Tre Jackson, 27-Josh Blancato, 29-Tariq Carpenter, 35-Jarett Cole, 36-Omahri Jarrett,
37-Brenton King, 38-Ajani Kerr, 39-Dameon Williams, 41-J. Henderson, 44-Quez Jackson, 45-Charlie Thomas, 46-Xavier Gantt,
51-Brant Mitchell, 54-Cerge-Henderson, 77-Antonio Mallard, 79-Josh Tukes, 82-A. Sanders, 83-Brad Stewart, 89-Liam Byrne,
91-Kelton Dawson, 94-A. Saint-Amour, 95-T. Merriweather.

Blue: 1-Qua Searcy, 2P-P. Harvin III, 7-Lucas Johnson, 11-Devin Smith, 14-Mark Rew, 18-Tobias Oliver, 21-Joseph Macrina,
22-Clinton Lynch, 24-Ponchez-Mason, 25-Tre Jackson, 27-Josh Blancato, 30-KirVonte Benson, 31-Nathan Cottrell, 33-Jaytlin Askew,
34-Gentry Bonds, 35-Jarett Cole, 37-Brenton King, 40-Kaleb Oliver, 41-J. Henderson, 44-Quez Jackson, 74-Josh White,
76-Djimon Brooks, 83-Brad Stewart, 84-Stephen Dolphus, 89-Antwan Owens, 90-Brandon Adams, 97-B. Glanton.

Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary

2018 Georgia Tech Spring Game

White vs Blue (Apr 20, 2018 at Atlanta, Ga.)

1st Quarter

Ga Tech Spring Game. White= Visitor, Blue = Home
Captains: White: #51, #54, #23, #94
Blue: #1, #22, #25, #93, #70
White wins the toss and defers. Blue will receive and attack the South
White 1-10at White35Start of 1st quarter, clock 15:00.
White 1-10at White35Change of possession, BLUE ball on BLUE30, 1st and 10.
Blue 1-10at Blue30Lucas Johnson at QB for Blue.
Blue 1-10at Blue30Lucas Johnson rush for loss of 5 yards to the BLUE25 (Brant Mitchell).
Blue 2-15at Blue25Lucas Johnson rush for no gain to the BLUE25, fumble by Lucas Johnson recovered by BLUE KirVonte Benson at BLUE14.
Blue 3-26at Blue14Lucas Johnson pass intercepted by Tariq Carpenter at the WHITE46, Tariq Carpenter return 0 yards to the WHITE46.
Drive: 3 plays, minus 16 yards, TOP 01:38
White 1-10at White46WHITE drive start at 13:22, WHITE ball on WHITE46.
White 1-10at White46Clock 13:22.
White 1-10at White46Jerry Howard rush for 3 yards to the WHITE49 (Antwan Owens).
White 2-7at White49Melvin Davis rush for no gain to the WHITE49 (J. Henderson).
White 3-7at White49Tobias Oliver rush for no gain to the WHITE49 (Tre Jackson).
White 4-7at White49P. Harvin III punt 40 yards to the BLUE11, fair catch by Brad Stewart.
Drive: 3 plays, 3 yards, TOP 01:42
Blue 1-10at Blue11BLUE drive start at 11:40.
Blue 1-10at Blue11KirVonte Benson rush for 5 yards to the BLUE16 (C. Campbell).
Blue 2-5at Blue16Lucas Johnson rush for no gain to the BLUE16 (V. Alexander).
Blue 3-5at Blue16Nathan Cottrell rush for 4 yards to the BLUE20 (Jordan-Swilling).
Blue 4-1at Blue20Josh Blancato punt 45 yards to the WHITE35, fair catch by Ponchez-Mason.
Drive: 3 plays, 9 yards, TOP 01:23
White 1-10at White35WHITE drive start at 10:17.
White 1-10at White35Jerry Howard rush for 6 yards to the WHITE41 (Antwan Owens).
White 2-4at White41Jerry Howard rush for 4 yards to the WHITE45, 1ST DOWN WHITE (Antwan Owens).
White 1-10at White45Tobias Oliver rush for loss of 4 yards to the WHITE41 (Quez Jackson).
White 2-14at White41Tobias Oliver pass incomplete.
White 3-14at White41Tobias Oliver pass complete to Jarett Cole for 38 yards to the BLUE21, 1ST DOWN WHITE.
White 1-10at Blue21Tobias Oliver rush for 7 yards to the BLUE14 (Kaleb Oliver).
White 2-3at Blue14Jerry Howard rush for 4 yards to the BLUE10, 1ST DOWN WHITE (Quez Jackson).
White 1-Gat Blue10Jerry Howard rush for 5 yards to the BLUE5 (Antwan Owens).
White 2-Gat Blue05Jerry Howard rush for 3 yards to the BLUE2 (Djimon Brooks).
White 3-Gat Blue02Omahri Jarrett rush for 1 yard to the BLUE1 (Kaleb Oliver).
White 4-Gat Blue01Jerry Howard rush for 1 yard to the BLUE0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 05:13.
Brenton King kick attempt good.
White 7, Blue 0
White 1-Gat White35Change of possession, BLUE ball on BLUE30, 1st and 10.
Drive: 11 plays, 65 yards, TOP 05:04
Blue 1-10at Blue301st and 10.
Blue 1-10at Blue30Lucas Johnson rush for 5 yards to the BLUE35 (Kelton Dawson).
Blue 2-5at Blue35Lucas Johnson rush for 6 yards to the BLUE41, 1ST DOWN BLUE (Kelton Dawson).
Blue 1-10at Blue41Clinton Lynch rush for 11 yards to the WHITE48, 1ST DOWN BLUE (Tariq Carpenter).
Blue 1-10at White48KirVonte Benson rush for 7 yards to the WHITE41 (Kelton Dawson).
Blue 2-3at White41KirVonte Benson rush for 2 yards to the WHITE39 (Kelton Dawson).
Blue 3-1at White39KirVonte Benson rush for no gain to the WHITE39 (Jordan-Swilling).
Blue 4-1at White393rd and 8.
Blue 3-8at White39Lucas Johnson pass complete to Qua Searcy for 10 yards to the WHITE29, 1ST DOWN BLUE.
Blue 1-10at White29KirVonte Benson rush for 5 yards to the WHITE24 (Charlie Thomas).
Drive: 8 plays, 46 yards, TOP 06:54
White 7, Blue 0

2nd Quarter

Blue 2-5at White24Start of 2nd quarter, clock 15:00.
Blue 2-5at White24Lucas Johnson rush for loss of 2 yards to the WHITE26 (Brant Mitchell).
Blue 3-7at White26Lucas Johnson rush for 14 yards to the WHITE12, 1ST DOWN BLUE.
Blue 1-10at White12Lucas Johnson rush for 12 yards to the WHITE0, 1ST DOWN BLUE, TOUCHDOWN, clock 13:19.
Brenton King kick attempt good.
White 7, Blue 7
Blue 1-Gat Blue35Change of possession, WHITE ball on WHITE30, 1st and 10.
Drive: 11 plays, 70 yards, TOP 06:54
White 1-10at White301st and 10.
White 1-10at White30WHITE drive start at 13:19.
White 1-10at White30Tobias Oliver rush for 3 yards to the WHITE33 (Tre Jackson).
White 2-7at White33Tobias Oliver rush for 5 yards to the WHITE38 (Quez Jackson).
White 3-2at White38Ponchez-Mason rush for loss of 2 yards to the WHITE36 (J. Henderson).
White 4-4at White36P. Harvin III punt 38 yards to the BLUE26, fair catch by Brad Stewart.
Drive: 3 plays, 6 yards, TOP 01:54
Blue 1-10at Blue26BLUE drive start at 11:25.
Blue 1-10at Blue26Josh Blancato rush for 19 yards to the BLUE45, 1ST DOWN BLUE (Tobias Oliver).
Blue 1-10at Blue45Lucas Johnson pass complete to Brad Stewart for 53 yards to the WHITE2, 1ST DOWN BLUE (Tobias Oliver).
Blue 1-Gat White02KirVonte Benson rush for 2 yards to the WHITE0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 10:10.
Brenton King kick attempt good.
Blue 14, White 7
Blue 1-Gat Blue35Change of possession, WHITE ball on WHITE30, 1st and 10.
Drive: 3 plays, 74 yards, TOP 01:15
White 1-10at White301st and 10.
White 1-10at White30Tobias Oliver pass incomplete to H.-Anderson.
White 2-10at White30Tobias Oliver rush for 3 yards to the WHITE33 (Tre Jackson).
White 3-7at White33Tobias Oliver pass complete to A. Sanders for no gain to the WHITE33 (Antwan Owens).
White 4-7at White33P. Harvin III punt 51 yards to the BLUE16, fair catch by Qua Searcy.
Drive: 3 plays, 3 yards, TOP 01:22
Blue 1-10at Blue16BLUE drive start at 08:48.
Blue 1-10at Blue16Lucas Johnson pass incomplete.
Blue 2-10at Blue16Lucas Johnson sacked for loss of 7 yards to the BLUE9 (T. Merriweather).
Blue 3-17at Blue09Lucas Johnson sacked for loss of 6 yards to the BLUE3.
Blue 4-23at Blue03Fumble by Lucas Johnson.
Blue 4-23at Blue03P. Harvin III punt 49 yards to the WHITE48, fair catch by Ponchez-Mason.
Drive: 3 plays, minus 13 yards, TOP 01:37
White 1-10at White48WHITE drive start at 07:11.
White 1-10at White48Ponchez-Mason rush for 8 yards to the BLUE44, fumble forced by Gentry Bonds, fumble by Ponchez-Mason recovered by BLUE Tre Jackson at BLUE44.
Drive: 1 plays, 8 yards, TOP 00:06
Blue 1-10at Blue44BLUE drive start at 07:05.
Blue 1-10at Blue44Clinton Lynch rush for 9 yards to the WHITE47 (Tariq Carpenter).
Blue 2-1at White47Qua Searcy rush for 7 yards to the WHITE40, 1ST DOWN BLUE (Lamont Simmons).
Blue 1-10at White40Lucas Johnson pass incomplete.
Blue 2-10at White40KirVonte Benson rush for loss of 1 yard to the WHITE41 (V. Alexander).
Blue 3-11at White41Lucas Johnson pass incomplete to Stephen Dolphus.
Blue 4-11at White41PENALTY BLUE ineligible downfield on pass declined.
Blue 4-11at White41P. Harvin III punt 27 yards to the WHITE14, out-of-bounds.
Drive: 5 plays, 15 yards, TOP 02:23
White 1-10at White14WHITE drive start at 04:42.
White 1-10at White14Jerry Howard rush for 3 yards to the WHITE17 (Lucas Johnson).
White 2-7at White17Tobias Oliver rush for 2 yards to the WHITE19 (J. Henderson).
White 3-5at White19Tobias Oliver sacked for loss of 7 yards to the WHITE12 (Josh White).
White 4-12at White12P. Harvin III punt 54 yards to the BLUE34, fair catch by Brad Stewart.
Drive: 3 plays, minus 2 yards, TOP 02:04
Blue 1-10at Blue34BLUE drive start at 02:38.
Blue 1-10at Blue34Lucas Johnson pass incomplete to Qua Searcy.
Blue 2-10at Blue34Lucas Johnson pass incomplete to Stephen Dolphus, dropped pass.
Blue 3-10at Blue34Lucas Johnson pass incomplete to Stephen Dolphus.
Blue 4-10at Blue34P. Harvin III punt 46 yards to the WHITE20, fair catch by Ponchez-Mason.
Drive: 3 plays, 0 yards, TOP 00:26
White 1-10at White20WHITE drive start at 02:12.
White 1-10at White20Xavier Gantt rush for no gain to the WHITE20 (Tre Jackson).
White 2-10at White20Tobias Oliver pass incomplete to Omahri Jarrett.
White 3-10at White20Tobias Oliver pass incomplete to Ponchez-Mason.
White 4-10at White20P. Harvin III punt 35 yards to the BLUE45, downed.
Drive: 3 plays, 0 yards, TOP 01:01
Blue 1-10at Blue45BLUE drive start at 01:11.
Blue 1-10at Blue45Lucas Johnson pass incomplete to Nathan Cottrell (Ajani Kerr).
Blue 2-10at Blue45Clinton Lynch rush for 8 yards to the WHITE47 (Brant Mitchell).
Blue 3-2at White47Joseph Macrina rush for 2 yards to the WHITE45, 1ST DOWN BLUE (A. Saint-Amour).
Blue 1-10at White45Lucas Johnson pass complete to Brad Stewart for 12 yards to the WHITE33, 1ST DOWN BLUE (Lamont Simmons).
Blue 1-10at White33Lucas Johnson pass incomplete.
Blue 2-10at White33Lucas Johnson pass incomplete.
Blue 3-10at White33Timeout Blue, clock 00:22.
Blue 3-10at White33Lucas Johnson pass complete to Clinton Lynch for 33 yards to the WHITE0, 1ST DOWN BLUE, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:15.
Brenton King kick attempt good.
Blue 21, White 7
Blue 1-Gat Blue35Change of possession, WHITE ball on WHITE30, 1st and 10.
Drive: 7 plays, 55 yards, TOP 00:56
White 1-10at White30Jerry Howard rush for 15 yards to the WHITE45, 1ST DOWN WHITE (Jarett Cole).
White 1-10at White45Timeout White, clock 00:08.
White 1-10at White45Tobias Oliver pass incomplete.
White 2-10at White45End of half, clock 00:00.
Drive: 2 plays, 15 yards, TOP 00:00
Blue 21, White 7

3rd Quarter

White 2-10at White45Start of 3rd quarter, clock 15:00.
White 2-10at White45WHITE drive start at 15:00.
White 2-10at White451st and 10.
White 1-10at White45WHITE ball on WHITE30.
White 1-10at White30Tobias Oliver rush for 2 yards to the WHITE32 (J. Henderson).
White 2-8at White32Tobias Oliver rush for 6 yards to the WHITE38 (B. Glanton).
White 3-2at White38Ponchez-Mason rush for 5 yards to the WHITE43, 1ST DOWN WHITE (Tre Jackson).
White 1-10at White43Tobias Oliver rush for loss of 1 yard to the WHITE42 (Quez Jackson).
White 2-11at White42Ponchez-Mason rush for no gain to the WHITE42 (Antwan Owens).
White 3-11at White42Tobias Oliver rush for loss of 1 yard to the WHITE41 (Tre Jackson).
White 4-12at White41P. Harvin III punt 36 yards to the BLUE23, fair catch by Brad Stewart.
Drive: 8 plays, 0 yards, TOP 00:00
Blue 1-10at Blue23BLUE drive start at 11:13.
Blue 1-10at Blue23BLUE ball on BLUE23.
Blue 1-10at Blue23Josh Blancato rush for 2 yards to the BLUE25 (T. Merriweather).
Blue 2-8at Blue25Lucas Johnson pass incomplete to Brad Stewart.
Blue 3-8at Blue25Lucas Johnson pass complete to Brad Stewart for 35 yards to the WHITE40, 1ST DOWN BLUE (C. Campbell).
Blue 1-10at White40Joseph Macrina rush for 7 yards to the WHITE33 (Cerge-Henderson).
Blue 2-3at White33Joseph Macrina rush for 6 yards to the WHITE27, 1ST DOWN BLUE (Jordan-Swilling).
Blue 1-10at White27Qua Searcy rush for 2 yards to the WHITE25 (Josh Tukes).
Blue 2-8at White25Joseph Macrina rush for 2 yards to the WHITE23 (Antonio Mallard).
Blue 3-6at White23Lucas Johnson pass incomplete to Clinton Lynch.
Blue 4-6at White23Brenton King field goal attempt from 40 GOOD, clock 05:08.
Blue 24, White 7
Blue 1-Gat Blue35Change of possession, WHITE ball on WHITE30, 1st and 10.
Drive: 9 plays, 54 yards, TOP 06:05
White 1-10at White301st and 10.
White 1-10at White30Jerry Howard rush for 6 yards to the WHITE36 (B. Glanton).
White 2-4at White36Jerry Howard rush for 2 yards to the WHITE38 (Brandon Adams).
White 3-2at White38Jerry Howard rush for 2 yards to the WHITE40, 1ST DOWN WHITE (B. Glanton).
White 1-10at White40Tobias Oliver pass incomplete to Omahri Jarrett.
White 2-10at White40Tobias Oliver rush for 4 yards to the WHITE44 (Quez Jackson).
White 3-6at White44Tobias Oliver rush for 4 yards to the WHITE48 (Djimon Brooks).
White 4-2at White48Jerry Howard rush for 10 yards to the BLUE42, 1ST DOWN WHITE (Tre Jackson).
White 1-10at Blue42Tobias Oliver pass complete to A. Sanders for 5 yards to the BLUE37 (Devin Smith).
White 2-5at Blue37PENALTY BLUE personal foul 15 yards to the BLUE22, 1ST DOWN WHITE.
White 1-10at Blue22PENALTY BLUE offside defense (99) 5 yards to the BLUE17.
Drive: 8 plays, 53 yards, TOP 07:49
Blue 24, White 7

4th Quarter

White 1-5at Blue17Start of 4th quarter, clock 15:00.
White 1-5at Blue17Tobias Oliver rush for 6 yards to the BLUE11, 1ST DOWN WHITE (Gentry Bonds).
White 1-10at Blue11Tobias Oliver rush for 8 yards to the BLUE3 (Devin Smith).
White 2-2at Blue03PENALTY WHITE false start 5 yards to the BLUE8.
White 2-7at Blue08Ponchez-Mason rush for 7 yards to the BLUE1, 1ST DOWN WHITE (Tre Jackson).
White 1-Gat Blue01Ponchez-Mason rush for 1 yard to the BLUE0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 12:19.
Brenton King kick attempt good.
Blue 24, White 14
White 1-Gat White35Change of possession, BLUE ball on BLUE30, 1st and 10.
Drive: 12 plays, 70 yards, TOP 07:49
Blue 1-10at Blue30BLUE drive start at 12:19.
Blue 1-10at Blue30Mark Rew rush for 5 yards to the BLUE35 (;Dameon Williams).
Blue 2-5at Blue35Mark Rew rush for 6 yards to the BLUE41, 1ST DOWN BLUE (Lamont Simmons).
Blue 1-10at Blue41Mark Rew rush for loss of 1 yard to the BLUE40 (Brant Mitchell).
Blue 2-11at Blue40Joseph Macrina rush for loss of 1 yard to the BLUE39 (Brant Mitchell).
Blue 3-12at Blue39Mark Rew pass complete to Josh Blancato for 8 yards to the BLUE47 (V. Alexander).
Blue 4-4at Blue47PENALTY WHITE offside defense (Tariq Carpenter) 5 yards to the WHITE48, 1ST DOWN BLUE.
Blue 1-10at White48Joseph Macrina rush for 2 yards to the WHITE46 (Antonio Mallard).
Blue 2-8at White46Joseph Macrina rush for loss of 1 yard to the WHITE47 (Brant Mitchell).
Blue 3-9at White47Mark Rew rush for loss of 3 yards to the 50 yardline (Josh Tukes).
Blue 4-12at Blue50P. Harvin III punt 46 yards to the WHITE4, fair catch by Ponchez-Mason.
Drive: 8 plays, 20 yards, TOP 05:58
White 1-10at White04WHITE drive start at 06:21.
White 1-10at White04PENALTY WHITE false start 2 yards to the WHITE2.
White 1-12at White02Tobias Oliver rush for 10 yards to the WHITE12 (Jaytlin Askew).
White 2-2at White12Ponchez-Mason rush for 3 yards to the WHITE15, 1ST DOWN WHITE (Quez Jackson).
White 1-10at White15Tobias Oliver rush for 3 yards to the WHITE18 (B. Glanton).
White 2-7at White18Tobias Oliver rush for loss of 1 yard to the WHITE17 (J. Henderson).
White 3-8at White17Tobias Oliver rush for 3 yards to the WHITE20 (Mark Rew).
White 4-5at White20P. Harvin III punt 40 yards to the BLUE40, fair catch by Brad Stewart.
Drive: 5 plays, 16 yards, TOP 03:57
Blue 1-10at Blue40BLUE drive start at 02:24.
Blue 1-10at Blue40Joseph Macrina rush for 12 yards to the WHITE48, 1ST DOWN BLUE (Tobias Oliver).
Blue 1-10at White48Mark Rew rush for loss of 2 yards to the 50 yardline, fumble by Mark Rew recovered by BLUE Mark Rew at 50 yardline.
Blue 2-12at Blue50Mark Rew pass incomplete to 87 (Tobias Oliver).
Blue 3-12at Blue50Mark Rew pass complete to Nathan Cottrell for 3 yards to the WHITE47 (V. Alexander).
Blue 4-9at White47End of game, clock 00:00.
Drive: 4 plays, 13 yards, TOP 02:24
Blue 24, White 14

Play Breakdown Summary

Play Breakdown Summary (Final)

2018 Georgia Tech Spring Game

White vs Blue (Apr 20, 2018 at Atlanta, Ga.)

White                                  Blue

Down               RUN PASS  Total     Down               RUN PASS  Total

OVERALL..........   42   10     52     OVERALL..........   36   22     58
1ST DOWN.........   18    4     22     1ST DOWN.........   18    7     25
2ND DOWN-SHORT...    2    0      2     2ND DOWN-SHORT...    3    0      3
2ND DOWN-MIDDLE..    3    0      3     2ND DOWN-MIDDLE..    4    0      4
2ND DOWN-LONG....    9    2     11     2ND DOWN-LONG....    6    5     11
3RD DOWN-SHORT...    4    0      4     3RD DOWN-SHORT...    2    0      2
3RD DOWN-MIDDLE..    0    0      0     3RD DOWN-MIDDLE..    0    0      0
3RD DOWN-LONG....    4    4      8     3RD DOWN-LONG....    3   10     13
4TH DOWN.........    2    0      2     4TH DOWN.........    0    0      0

White                                  Blue

Formation        RUN PASS  Total       Formation        RUN PASS  Total

...............   42   10     52       ...............   36   22     58

White (Sorted by Play type)

1ST DOWN RUN  (18 RUN, 4 PASS)                                   1ST DOWN PASS
1-10 W30 #15  15 [    ]                                          1-10 W40 #18 to #36     - [     ]
1-10 W14 #15   3 [    ]                                          1-10 B42 #18 to #82     5 [     ]
1-10 W30 #15   6 [    ]                                          1-10 W30 #18 to #86     - [     ]
1-10 W35 #15   6 [    ]                                          1-10 W45 #18 to #       - [     ]
1-10 W46 #15   3 [    ]
1-10 B10 #15   5 [    ]
1-10 W15 #18   3 [    ]
1-10 W43 #18  -1 [    ]
1-10 B11 #18   8 [    ]
1-10 W45 #18  -4 [    ]
1-10 W30 #18   2 [    ]
1-12 W02 #18  10 [    ]
1-10 B21 #18   7 [    ]
1-10 W30 #18   3 [    ]
1-5  B17 #18   6 [    ]
1-10 W48 #24   8 [    ]
1-1  B01 #24   1 [    ]
1-10 W20 #46   0 [    ]

2ND-SHORT RUN  (2 RUN, 0 PASS)                                   2ND-SHORT PASS
2-3  B14 #15   4 [    ]
2-2  W12 #24   3 [    ]

2ND-MIDDLE RUN  (3 RUN, 0 PASS)                                  2ND-MIDDLE PASS
2-5  B05 #15   3 [    ]
2-4  W36 #15   2 [    ]
2-4  W41 #15   4 [    ]

2ND-LONG RUN  (9 RUN, 2 PASS)                                    2ND-LONG PASS
2-7  W18 #18  -1 [    ]                                          2-10 W20 #18 to #36     - [     ]
2-10 W30 #18   3 [    ]                                          2-14 W41 #18 to #       - [     ]
2-7  W17 #18   2 [    ]
2-8  W32 #18   6 [    ]
2-7  W33 #18   5 [    ]
2-10 W40 #18   4 [    ]
2-7  W49 #23   0 [    ]
2-11 W42 #24   0 [    ]
2-7  B08 #24   7 [    ]

3RD-SHORT RUN  (4 RUN, 0 PASS)                                   3RD-SHORT PASS
3-2  W38 #15   2 [    ]
3-2  W38 #24  -2 [    ]
3-2  W38 #24   5 [    ]
3-2  B02 #36   1 [    ]

3RD-MIDDLE RUN  (0 RUN, 0 PASS)                                  3RD-MIDDLE PASS

3RD-LONG RUN  (4 RUN, 4 PASS)                                    3RD-LONG PASS
3-11 W42 #18  -1 [    ]                                          3-10 W20 #18 to #24     - [     ]
3-8  W17 #18   3 [    ]                                          3-14 W41 #18 to #35    38 [     ]
3-6  W44 #18   4 [    ]                                          3-7  W33 #18 to #82     0 [     ]
3-7  W49 #18   0 [    ]                                          3-5  W19 #18 to #    SACK [     ]

4TH DOWN RUN  (2 RUN, 0 PASS)                                    4TH DOWN PASS
4-1  B01 #15   1 [    ]
4-2  W48 #15  10 [    ]

Blue (Sorted by Play type)

1ST DOWN RUN  (18 RUN, 7 PASS)                                   1ST DOWN PASS
1-10 W27 #1    2 [    ]                                          1-10 B34 #7  to #1      - [     ]
1-10 B41 #14  -1 [    ]                                          1-10 B45 #7  to #31     - [     ]
1-10 W48 #14  -2 [    ]                                          1-10 W45 #7  to #83    12 [     ]
1-10 B30 #14   5 [    ]                                          1-10 B45 #7  to #83    53 [     ]
1-10 W48 #21   2 [    ]                                          1-10 W33 #7  to #       - [     ]
1-10 W40 #21   7 [    ]                                          1-10 B16 #7  to #       - [     ]
1-10 B40 #21  12 [    ]                                          1-10 W40 #7  to #       - [     ]
1-10 B44 #22   9 [    ]
1-10 B41 #22  11 [    ]
1-10 B23 #27   2 [    ]
1-10 B26 #27  19 [    ]
1-10 W29 #30   5 [    ]
1-2  W02 #30   2 [    ]
1-10 B11 #30   5 [    ]
1-10 W48 #30   7 [    ]
1-10 B30 #7    5 [    ]
1-10 B30 #7   -5 [    ]
1-10 W12 #7   12 [    ]

2ND-SHORT RUN  (3 RUN, 0 PASS)                                   2ND-SHORT PASS
2-1  W47 #1    7 [    ]
2-3  W33 #21   6 [    ]
2-3  W41 #30   2 [    ]

2ND-MIDDLE RUN  (4 RUN, 0 PASS)                                  2ND-MIDDLE PASS
2-5  B35 #14   6 [    ]
2-5  B35 #7    6 [    ]
2-5  B16 #7    0 [    ]
2-5  W24 #7   -2 [    ]

2ND-LONG RUN  (6 RUN, 5 PASS)                                    2ND-LONG PASS
2-8  W46 #21  -1 [    ]                                          2-8  B25 #7  to #83     - [     ]
2-11 B40 #21  -1 [    ]                                          2-10 B34 #7  to #84     - [     ]
2-8  W25 #21   2 [    ]                                          2-12 B50 #14 to #87     - [     ]
2-10 B45 #22   8 [    ]                                          2-10 B16 #7  to #    SACK [     ]
2-10 W40 #30  -1 [    ]                                          2-10 W33 #7  to #       - [     ]
2-15 B25 #7    0 [    ]

3RD-SHORT RUN  (2 RUN, 0 PASS)                                   3RD-SHORT PASS
3-2  W47 #21   2 [    ]
3-1  W39 #30   0 [    ]

3RD-MIDDLE RUN  (0 RUN, 0 PASS)                                  3RD-MIDDLE PASS

3RD-LONG RUN  (3 RUN, 10 PASS)                                   3RD-LONG PASS
3-9  W47 #14  -3 [    ]                                          3-8  W39 #7  to #1     10 [     ]
3-5  B16 #31   4 [    ]                                          3-6  W23 #7  to #22     - [     ]
3-7  W26 #7   14 [    ]                                          3-10 W33 #7  to #22    33 [     ]
                                                                 3-12 B39 #14 to #27     8 [     ]
                                                                 3-26 B14 #7  to #29   INT [     ]
                                                                 3-12 B50 #14 to #31     3 [     ]
                                                                 3-8  B25 #7  to #83    35 [     ]
                                                                 3-11 W41 #7  to #84     - [     ]
                                                                 3-10 B34 #7  to #84     - [     ]
                                                                 3-17 B09 #7  to #    SACK [     ]

4TH DOWN RUN  (0 RUN, 0 PASS)                                    4TH DOWN PASS

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