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Virginia Tech vs Georgia Tech (Nov 01, 2007)

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Virginia Tech vs Georgia Tech (Nov 01, 2007)

Scoring Summary

Scoring Summary (Final)


#11 Virginia Tech vs Georgia Tech (Nov 01, 2007 at Atlanta, Ga.)

Virginia Tech (7-2,4-1) vs. Georgia Tech (5-4,2-4)

Date: Nov 01, 2007  Site: Atlanta, Ga.   Stadium: Bobby Dodd Stadium   
Attendance: 52202

Score by Quarters Score 
Virginia Tech  3 14 7 3 27 
Georgia Tech  3 0 0 0 3 
1st 09:07 GT  Travis Bell 24 yd field goal 
      7 plays, 42 yards, TOP 2:05 0 – 3 
 01:27 VT  Dunlevy, J 28 yd field goal 
      16 plays, 64 yards, TOP 7:40 3 – 3 
2nd 13:52 VT  Glennon, S 2 yd run (Dunlevy, J kick) 
      6 plays, 59 yards, TOP 2:34 10 – 3 
 05:30 VT  Harper, J 40 yd pass from Glennon, S (Dunlevy, J kick) 
      1 play, 40 yards, TOP 0:06 17 – 3 
3rd 04:22 VT  Morgan, J 71 yd pass from Glennon, S (Dunlevy, J kick) 
      6 plays, 77 yards, TOP 2:20 24 – 3 
4th 12:44 VT  Dunlevy, J 28 yd field goal 
      6 plays, 45 yards, TOP 3:14 27 – 3 
Kickoff time: 7:45   End of Game: 11:10   Total elapsed time: 3:25
Referee: J. Childress   
Umpire: J. Akers   
Linesman: T. Davis   
Line judge: T. Giles   
Back judge: D. Harrison   
Field judge: C. Brown   
Side judge: B. Hendon   
Scorer: G. Campbell   

Temperature: 69 deg   Wind: NW 6 mph  Weather: Clear

Team Statistics

Team Statistics (Final)


#11 Virginia Tech vs Georgia Tech (Nov 01, 2007 at Atlanta, Ga.)

 Team Totals VT GT 
   Passing 11 
   Rushing Attempts 46 26 
   Average Per Rush 4.0 4.0 
   Rushing Touchdowns 
   Yards Gained Rushing 216 130 
   Yards Lost Rushing 31 25 
   Completions-Attempts-Int 22-33-0 12-29-5 
   Average Per Attempt 9.0 5.7 
   Average Per Completion 13.5 13.8 
   Passing Touchdowns 
   Total offense plays 79 55 
   Average Gain Per Play 6.1 4.9 
Fumbles: Number-Lost 2-1 1-1 
Penalties: Number-Yards 4-20 4-29 
PUNTS-YARDS 7-315 6-255 
   Average Yards Per Punt 45.0 42.5 
   Net Yards Per Punt 39.1 42.5 
   Inside 20 
   50+ Yards 
   Fair catch 
KICKOFFS-YARDS 5-331 2-116 
   Average Yards Per Kickoff 66.2 58.0 
   Net Yards Per Kickoff 47.4 46.5 
Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD 0-0-0 4-41-0 
   Average Per Return 0.0 10.2 
Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD 2-23-0 4-74-0 
   Average Per Return 11.5 18.5 
Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD 5-65-0 0-0-0 
Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD 0-0-0 0-0-0 
Miscellaneous Yards 
Possession Time 37:25 22:35 
   1st Quarter 10:31  4:29 
   2nd Quarter  9:19  5:41 
   3rd Quarter  7:18  7:42 
   4th Quarter 10:17  4:43 
Third-Down Conversions 9 of 21 2 of 11 
Fourth-Down Conversions 1 of 1 0 of 1 
Red-Zone Scores-Chances 3-4 1-2 
Sacks By: Number-Yards 2-23 6-25 
PAT Kicks 3-3 0-0 
Field Goals 2-3 1-1 

Individual Statistics

Individual Statistics (Final)


#11 Virginia Tech vs Georgia Tech (Nov 01, 2007 at Atlanta, Ga.)

Virginia Tech
Georgia Tech
RUSHING No. Gain Loss Net TD Lg Avg. 
Ore, B  19 88 86 23 4.5 
Cheeseman, J  84 84 70 14.0 
Lewis, K  13 13 2.2 
Hyman, J  6.0 
Jefferson, K  -1 -1.0 
Glennon, S  13 25 28 -3 -0.2 
Totals… 46 216 31 185 70 4.0 
RUSHING No. Gain Loss Net TD Lg Avg. 
Jonathan Dwyer 10 68 68 14 6.8 
Josh Nesbitt 32 32 12 8.0 
Jamaal Evans 10 1.5 
TEAM  -1 -1.0 
Taylor Bennett 20 23 -3 14 -0.6 
Totals… 26 130 25 105 14 4.0 
PASSING Cmp-Att-Int Yds TD Long Sack 
Glennon, S  22-32-0 296 71 
TEAM  0-1-0 
Totals… 22-33-0 296 71 
PASSING Cmp-Att-Int Yds TD Long Sack 
Taylor Bennett 11-26-4 157 37 
Josh Nesbitt 1-3-1 
Totals… 12-29-5 166 37 
Morgan, J  103 71 
Harper, J  77 40 
Hyman, J  27 10 
Royal, E  45 34 
Smith, A  22 12 
Boone, G  14 11 
Weatherford, C  
Totals… 22 296 71 
James Johnson 136 37 
Mike Cox 21 11 
Correy Earls 
Jamaal Evans 
Totals… 12 166 37 
PUNTING No. Yds Avg Long In20 TB 
Bowden, B  315 45.0 54 
Totals… 315 45.0 54 
PUNTING No. Yds Avg Long In20 TB 
Durant Brooks 255 42.5 53 
Totals… 255 42.5 53 
  Punts Kickoffs Intercept 
ALL RETURNS No Yds Lg No Yds Lg No Yds Lg 
Morgan, J  
Chancellor, K  23 23 
Flowers, B  33 33 
Martin, C  
Harris, V  16 16 
Totals… 23 16 65 33 
  Punts Kickoffs Intercept 
ALL RETURNS No Yds Lg No Yds Lg No Yds Lg 
Correy Earls 52 24 
Tyler Evans 41 12 
Jonathan Dwyer 22 22 
Totals… 41 12 74 24 
Morgan, J  103 110 
Ore, B  86 86 
Cheeseman, J  84 84 
Harper, J  77 77 
Royal, E  45 45 
Hyman, J  27 33 
Flowers, B  33 33 
Chancellor, K  23 23 
Smith, A  22 22 
Harris, V  16 16 
Boone, G  14 14 
Lewis, K  13 13 
Martin, C  
Weatherford, C  
Jefferson, K  -1 -1 
Glennon, S  -3 -3 
Totals… 185 296 23 65 569 
James Johnson 136 136 
Jonathan Dwyer 68 22 90 
Correy Earls 52 61 
Tyler Evans 41 41 
Josh Nesbitt 32 32 
Mike Cox 21 21 
Jamaal Evans 
TEAM  -1 -1 
Taylor Bennett -3 -3 
Totals… 105 166 74 41 386 
Dunlevy, J 1st 01:27 28 yards Good 
Dunlevy, J 2nd 00:15 41 yards Missed 
Dunlevy, J 4th 12:44 28 yards Good 
Travis Bell 1st 09:07 24 yards Good 
Dunlevy, J  331 66.2 
Scott Blair 116 58.0 
FUMBLES: Virginia Tech-Ore, B 1-1; Glennon, S 1-0. Georgia Tech-James Johnson 1-1.

Drive Chart

Drive Chart (Final)


#11 Virginia Tech vs Georgia Tech (Nov 01, 2007 at Atlanta, Ga.)

  Drive Started Drive Ended Consumed   
Team Qtr Spot Time Obtained Spot Time   How Lost Pl-Yds TOP RZ 
VT  1st V11 12:36  Punt V06 11:12   Punt 3–5 1:24   
VT  1st V25 09:07  Kickoff G11 01:27 FIELD GOAL 16-64 7:40 
VT  1st V41 01:26  Kickoff G00 13:52 TOUCHDOWN 6-59 2:34 
VT  2nd V21 11:37  Interception V41 07:03   Punt 9-20 4:34   
VT  2nd G40 05:36  Interception G00 05:30 TOUCHDOWN 1-40 0:06   
VT  2nd V29 03:46  Punt G25 00:15   Missed FG 12-46 3:31   
VT  3rd V22 14:53  Kickoff V31 13:38   Punt 3-9 1:15   
VT  3rd V40 11:01  Punt V30 10:09   Punt 3–10 0:52   
VT  3rd V13 08:38  Punt V17 07:00   Punt 3-4 1:38   
VT  3rd V23 06:42  Fumble G00 04:22 TOUCHDOWN 6-77 2:20   
VT  3rd V09 01:59  Punt V32 01:51   Fumble 1-23 0:08   
VT  3rd V44 00:58  Interception G11 12:44 FIELD GOAL 6-45 3:14 
VT  4th V31 10:44  Interception V40 09:25   Punt 3-9 1:19   
VT  4th V14 08:27  Interception V20 06:35   Punt 3-6 1:52   
VT  4th V18 04:50  Punt G04 00:00   End of half 7-78 4:50 
GT  1st G24 15:00  Kickoff V41 12:36   Punt 5-35 2:24   
GT  1st V49 11:12  Punt V07 09:07 FIELD GOAL 7-42 2:05 
GT  2nd G16 13:42  Kickoff G49 11:37   Interception 5-33 2:05   
GT  2nd G18 07:03  Punt G34 05:36   Interception 4-16 1:27   
GT  2nd G20 05:26  Kickoff G25 03:46   Punt 3-5 1:40   
GT  2nd G25 00:15  Missed FG G24 00:00   End of half 1–1 0:15   
GT  3rd G27 13:38  Punt G19 11:01   Punt 4–8 2:37   
GT  3rd G48 10:09  Punt V44 08:38   Punt 3-8 1:31   
GT  3rd G42 07:00  Punt V23 06:42   Fumble 1-35 0:18   
GT  3rd G30 04:14  Kickoff G38 01:59   Punt 3-8 2:15   
GT  3rd V31 01:51  Fumble V18 00:58   Interception 3-13 0:53 
GT  4th G23 12:38  Kickoff V32 10:44   Interception 8-45 1:54   
GT  4th G16 09:25  Punt G40 08:27   Interception 3-24 0:58   
GT  4th G29 06:35  Punt G30 04:50   Punt 6-1 1:45   
  1st 2nd 3rd 4th   1st 2nd     
Virginia Tech  Qtr Qtr Qtr Qtr   Half Half   Total 
Time of possession  10:31  09:19  07:18  10:17    19:50  17:35    37:25  
3rd Down Conversions   3/5   4/7   2/5   0/4     7/12   2/9     9/21  
Average field position  V25   V36   V25   V21     V31   V23     V26  
4th Down Conversions   0/0   1/1   0/0   0/0     1/1   0/0     1/1  
  1st 2nd 3rd 4th   1st 2nd     
Georgia Tech  Qtr Qtr Qtr Qtr   Half Half   Total 
Time of possession  04:29  05:41  07:42  04:43    10:10  12:25    22:35  
3rd Down Conversions   0/2   1/3   0/3   1/3     1/5   1/6     2/11  
Average field position  G37   G19   G43   G22     G25   G35     G31  
4th Down Conversions   0/0   0/0   0/0   0/1     0/0   0/1     0/1  

Drive Chart (By Quarter)

  Drive Started Drive Ended Consumed   
Team Qtr Spot Time Obtained Spot Time   How Lost Pl-Yds TOP RZ 
GT  1st G24 15:00  Kickoff V41 12:36   Punt 5-35 2:24   
VT  1st V11 12:36  Punt V06 11:12   Punt 3–5 1:24   
GT  1st V49 11:12  Punt V07 09:07 FIELD GOAL 7-42 2:05 
VT  1st V25 09:07  Kickoff G11 01:27 FIELD GOAL 16-64 7:40 
VT  1st V41 01:26  Kickoff G00 13:52 TOUCHDOWN 6-59 2:34 
GT  2nd G16 13:42  Kickoff G49 11:37   Interception 5-33 2:05   
VT  2nd V21 11:37  Interception V41 07:03   Punt 9-20 4:34   
GT  2nd G18 07:03  Punt G34 05:36   Interception 4-16 1:27   
VT  2nd G40 05:36  Interception G00 05:30 TOUCHDOWN 1-40 0:06   
GT  2nd G20 05:26  Kickoff G25 03:46   Punt 3-5 1:40   
VT  2nd V29 03:46  Punt G25 00:15   Missed FG 12-46 3:31   
GT  2nd G25 00:15  Missed FG G24 00:00   End of half 1–1 0:15   
VT  3rd V22 14:53  Kickoff V31 13:38   Punt 3-9 1:15   
GT  3rd G27 13:38  Punt G19 11:01   Punt 4–8 2:37   
VT  3rd V40 11:01  Punt V30 10:09   Punt 3–10 0:52   
GT  3rd G48 10:09  Punt V44 08:38   Punt 3-8 1:31   
VT  3rd V13 08:38  Punt V17 07:00   Punt 3-4 1:38   
GT  3rd G42 07:00  Punt V23 06:42   Fumble 1-35 0:18   
VT  3rd V23 06:42  Fumble G00 04:22 TOUCHDOWN 6-77 2:20   
GT  3rd G30 04:14  Kickoff G38 01:59   Punt 3-8 2:15   
VT  3rd V09 01:59  Punt V32 01:51   Fumble 1-23 0:08   
GT  3rd V31 01:51  Fumble V18 00:58   Interception 3-13 0:53 
VT  3rd V44 00:58  Interception G11 12:44 FIELD GOAL 6-45 3:14 
GT  4th G23 12:38  Kickoff V32 10:44   Interception 8-45 1:54   
VT  4th V31 10:44  Interception V40 09:25   Punt 3-9 1:19   
GT  4th G16 09:25  Punt G40 08:27   Interception 3-24 0:58   
VT  4th V14 08:27  Interception V20 06:35   Punt 3-6 1:52   
GT  4th G29 06:35  Punt G30 04:50   Punt 6-1 1:45   
VT  4th V18 04:50  Punt G04 00:00   End of half 7-78 4:50 

Defensive Statistics

Defensive Statistics (Final)


#11 Virginia Tech vs Georgia Tech (Nov 01, 2007 at Atlanta, Ga.)

## Virginia Tech  Solo Ast Total TFL/Yds FF FR-Yds Int-Yds BrUp Blkd Sack/Yds QBH 
41 Martin, C   .   .   1-9   .  
33 Warren, Br   1.0/12   .   .   1.0/12  
11 Adibi, X   .   .   .   .  
17 Chancellor, K   0.5/6   .   1-23  0.5/6  
18 Flowers, B   .   .   1-33  .  
59 Booker, B   .   .   .   .  
27 Cheeseman, J   .   .   .   .  
16 Luckett, Z   .   .   .   .  
54 McMillin, B   .   .   .   .  
25 Parker, DJ   1.0/1   .   .   .  
99 Powell, C   .   .   .   .  
1  Harris, V   .   .   2-0   .  
89 Houseright, J   .   .   .   .  
45 Sturdivant, P   .   .   .   .  
91 Graves, J   .   .   .   .  
90 Martin, O   .   .   .   .  
43 Worilds, J   0.5/5   .   .   0.5/5  
49 Ellis, C   .   1-0   .   .  
47 Brown, N   .   .   .   .  
## Georgia Tech  Solo Ast Total TFL/Yds FF FR-Yds Int-Yds BrUp Blkd Sack/Yds QBH 
4  Jamal Lewis  10  1.5/4   .   .   0.5/2  
99 Vance Walker  1.0/3   .   .   1.0/3  
93 Michael Johnson  2.0/5   .   .   2.0/5  
41 Philip Wheeler  0.5/1   .   .   .  
58 Gary Guyton  .   .   .   .  
34 Avery Roberson  .   .   .   .  
42 Adamm Oliver  1.0/9   1-0   .   1.0/9  
1  Morgan Burnett  .   .   .   .  
32 Jahi Word-Daniels  .   .   .   .  
23 Djay Jones  .   .   .   .  
95 Darryl Richard  0.5/1   .   .   0.5/1  
90 Darrell Robertson  1.5/5   .   .   1.0/5  
57 Shane Bowen  .   .   .   .  
7  Tony Clark  .   .   .   .  
13 Taylor Bennett  .   .   .   .  
94 Elris Anyaibe  .   .   .   .  
40 Mike Cox  .   .   .   .  
28 D.J. Donley   .   .   .   .  
84 Colin Peek  .   .   .   .  
12 Anthony Barnes  .   .   .   .  

Participation Report

Participation Report (Final)


#11 Virginia Tech vs Georgia Tech (Nov 01, 2007 at Atlanta, Ga.)

Virginia Tech  
Pos ## Offense 
LT  76 Brown, D  
LG  67 Marshman, N  
C  60 Warren, Be  
RG  70 Render, S  
RT  77 Wang, E  
QB  7  Glennon, S  
FB  39 Weatherford, C  
TB  28 Ore, B  
TE  83 Wheeler, S  
SE  2  Morgan, J  
FL  4  Royal, E  
Virginia Tech  
Pos ## Defense 
DE  49 Ellis, C  
DT  99 Powell, C  
DT  59 Booker, B  
DE  90 Martin, O  
ILB  33 Warren, Br  
ILB  11 Adibi, X  
OLB  41 Martin, C  
FC  1  Harris, V  
BC  18 Flowers, B  
ROV  17 Chancellor, K  
FS  25 Parker, DJ  
Georgia Tech  
Pos ## Offense 
LT  64 A. Gardner  
LG  77 D. Voss  
C  60 K. Tuminello  
RG  61 M. Rhodes  
RT  71 C. Howard  
QB  13 T. Bennett  
TB  20 J. Evans  
WR  8  D. Thomas  
WR  28 D.J. Donley  
WR  89 J. Johnson  
WR  5  G. Smith  
Georgia Tech  
Pos ## Defense 
DE  90 D. Robertson  
DT  95 D. Richard  
DT  99 V. Walker  
DE  42 A. Oliver  
LB  58 G. Guyton  
LB  41 P. Wheeler  
LB  57 S. Bowen  
CB  34 A. Roberson  
CB  32 J. Word-Daniels 
S  4  J. Lewis  
S  23 D. Jones  

Virginia Tech: 3-Whitaker, I, 8-Boone, G, 14-Throckmorton, G, 16-Luckett, Z, 19-Hyman, J, 20-Lewis, K, 21-Carmichael, R,
22-Virgil, S, 24-Porch, D, 26-Grimm, Co, 27-Cheeseman, J, 31-Morgan, D, 35-Pickle, D, 37-Reid, M, 40-Gorham, B, 42-Jefferson, K,
43-Worilds, J, 44-Perez, D, 45-Sturdivant, P, 47-Brown, N, 48-Younger, K, 53-Reidy, M, 54-McMillin, B, 56-Taylor, D, 61-King, S,
64-Graham, R, 66-Holland, B, 75-Robertson, K, 80-Dillard, B, 81-Harper, J, 85-Finnegan, M, 88-Smith, A, 89-Houseright, J,
91-Graves, J, 92-Dunlevy, J, 95-Thompson, C, 97-Bowden, B.

Georgia Tech: 1-M. Burnett, 2-M. Butler, 7-T. Clark, 9-J. Nesbitt, 10-M. Frierson, 12-A. Barnes, 14-S. Blair, 15-C. Earls,
21-J. Dwyer, 25-D. Jasper, 26-D. Reese, 29-Miles King, 30-J. Liipfert, 33-T. Garside, 37-J. Gaston, 38-Q. Kelly, 39-D. Brooks,
40-M. Cox, 43-T. Evans, 47-J. Blackwood, 50-B. White, 51-B. Jefferson, 53-A.J. Smith, 54-S. Griffin, 55-D. Brown, 74-T. Dunmon,
83-A. Smith, 84-C. Peek, 87-T. Bell, 91-D. Morgan, 93-M. Johnson, 94-E. Anyaibe, 98-B. Anderson.

Box Score

Box Score (Final)

#11 Virginia Tech vs Georgia Tech (Nov 01, 2007 at Atlanta, Ga.)

Score by Quarters     1  2  3  4   Score
-----------------    -- -- -- --   -----
Virginia Tech.......  3 14  7  3  - 27       Record: (7-2,4-1)
Georgia Tech........  3  0  0  0  -  3       Record: (5-4,2-4)

Scoring Summary:
1st 09:07 GT - Travis Bell 24 yd field goal, 7-42 2:05, VT 0 - GT 3
    01:27 VT - Dunlevy, J 28 yd field goal, 16-64 7:40, VT 3 - GT 3
2nd 13:52 VT - Glennon, S 2 yd run (Dunlevy, J kick), 6-59 2:34, VT 10 - GT 3
    05:30 VT - Harper, J 40 yd pass from Glennon, S (Dunlevy, J kick), 1-40 0:06, VT 17 - GT 3
3rd 04:22 VT - Morgan, J 71 yd pass from Glennon, S (Dunlevy, J kick), 6-77 2:20, VT 24 - GT 3
4th 12:44 VT - Dunlevy, J 28 yd field goal, 6-45 3:14, VT 27 - GT 3

                                     VT       GT
FIRST DOWNS...................       20       13
RUSHES-YARDS (NET)............   46-185   26-105
PASSING YDS (NET).............      296      166
Passes Att-Comp-Int...........  33-22-0  29-12-5
TOTAL OFFENSE PLAYS-YARDS.....   79-481   55-271
Fumble Returns-Yards..........      0-0      0-0
Punt Returns-Yards............      0-0     4-41
Kickoff Returns-Yards.........     2-23     4-74
Interception Returns-Yards....     5-65      0-0
Punts (Number-Avg)............   7-45.0   6-42.5
Fumbles-Lost..................      2-1      1-1
Penalties-Yards...............     4-20     4-29
Possession Time...............    37:25    22:35
Third-Down Conversions........  9 of 21  2 of 11
Fourth-Down Conversions.......   1 of 1   0 of 1
Red-Zone Scores-Chances.......      3-4      1-2
Sacks By: Number-Yards........     2-23     6-25

RUSHING: Virginia Tech-Ore, B 19-86; Cheeseman, J 6-84; Lewis, K 6-13;
Hyman, J 1-6; Jefferson, K 1-minus 1; Glennon, S 13-minus 3. Georgia
Tech-Jonathan Dwyer 10-68; Josh Nesbitt 4-32; Jamaal Evans 6-9; TEAM 1-minus 1;
Taylor Bennett 5-minus 3.

PASSING: Virginia Tech-Glennon, S 22-32-0-296; TEAM 0-1-0-0. Georgia
Tech-Taylor Bennett 11-26-4-157; Josh Nesbitt 1-3-1-9.

RECEIVING: Virginia Tech-Morgan, J 6-103; Harper, J 4-77; Hyman, J 4-27;
Royal, E 2-45; Smith, A 2-22; Boone, G 2-14; Weatherford, C 2-8. Georgia
Tech-James Johnson 7-136; Mike Cox 3-21; Correy Earls 1-9; Jamaal Evans 1-0.

INTERCEPTIONS: Virginia Tech-Harris, V 2-0; Flowers, B 1-33; Chancellor,
K 1-23; Martin, C 1-9. Georgia Tech-None.

FUMBLES: Virginia Tech-Glennon, S 1-0; Ore, B 1-1. Georgia Tech-James
Johnson 1-1.

Stadium: Bobby Dodd Stadium    Attendance: 52202
Kickoff time: 7:45      End of Game: 11:10     Total elapsed time: 3:25
Officials: Referee: J. Childress; Umpire: J. Akers; Linesman: T. Davis;
Line judge: T. Giles; Back judge: D. Harrison; Field judge: C. Brown;
Side judge: B. Hendon; Scorer: G. Campbell;
Temperature: 69 deg    Wind: NW 6 mph  Weather: Clear


        #11 Virginia Tech vs Georgia Tech (Nov 01, 2007 at Atlanta, Ga.)

SACKS (UA-A): Virginia Tech-Warren, Br 1-0; Chancellor, K 0-1; Worilds, J
0-1. Georgia Tech-Michael Johnson 1-2; Vance Walker 1-0; Darryl Richard 0-1;
Adamm Oliver 1-0; Darrell Robertson 1-0; Jamal Lewis 0-1.

TACKLES (UA-A): Virginia Tech-Warren, Br 5-3; Martin, C 5-3; Adibi, X
4-3; Chancellor, K 4-2; Flowers, B 3-2; Luckett, Z 2-0; Cheeseman, J 2-0;
Booker, B 2-0; Powell, C 1-1; Parker, DJ 1-1; McMillin, B 1-1; Harris, V 0-2;
Houseright, J 1-0; Graves, J 1-0; Sturdivant, P 1-0; Martin, O 0-1; Worilds, J
0-1. Georgia Tech-Jamal Lewis 7-3; Vance Walker 7-0; Michael Johnson 5-2; Gary
Guyton 3-4; Philip Wheeler 3-4; Avery Roberson 5-1; Adamm Oliver 5-0; Morgan
Burnett 4-1; Jahi Word-Daniels 4-0; Djay Jones 3-0; Darryl Richard 2-1; Darrell
Robertson 1-1; Shane Bowen 1-1; Tony Clark 1-0; Elris Anyaibe 1-0; Mike Cox 1-0;
Taylor Bennett 1-0; Colin Peek 0-1; D.J. Donley 0-1.

Game Starters:
Virginia Tech

LT   76 Brown, D
LG   67 Marshman, N
C    60 Warren, Be
RG   70 Render, S
RT   77 Wang, E
QB   7  Glennon, S
FB   39 Weatherford, C
TB   28 Ore, B
TE   83 Wheeler, S
SE   2  Morgan, J
FL   4  Royal, E

DE   49 Ellis, C
DT   99 Powell, C
DT   59 Booker, B
DE   90 Martin, O
ILB  33 Warren, Br
ILB  11 Adibi, X
OLB  41 Martin, C
FC   1  Harris, V
BC   18 Flowers, B
ROV  17 Chancellor, K
FS   25 Parker, DJ

Georgia Tech

LT   64 A. Gardner
LG   77 D. Voss
C    60 K. Tuminello
RG   61 M. Rhodes
RT   71 C. Howard
QB   13 T. Bennett
TB   20 J. Evans
WR   8  D. Thomas
WR   28 D.J. Donley
WR   89 J. Johnson
WR   5  G. Smith

DE   90 D. Robertson
DT   95 D. Richard
DT   99 V. Walker
DE   42 A. Oliver
LB   58 G. Guyton
LB   41 P. Wheeler
LB   57 S. Bowen
CB   34 A. Roberson
CB   32 J. Word-Daniels
S    4  J. Lewis
S    23 D. Jones

Player participation:

Virginia Tech: 3-Whitaker, I, 8-Boone, G, 14-Throckmorton, G, 16-Luckett, Z, 19-Hyman, J, 20-Lewis, K, 21-Carmichael, R,
22-Virgil, S, 24-Porch, D, 26-Grimm, Co, 27-Cheeseman, J, 31-Morgan, D, 35-Pickle, D, 37-Reid, M, 40-Gorham, B, 42-Jefferson, K,
43-Worilds, J, 44-Perez, D, 45-Sturdivant, P, 47-Brown, N, 48-Younger, K, 53-Reidy, M, 54-McMillin, B, 56-Taylor, D, 61-King, S,
64-Graham, R, 66-Holland, B, 75-Robertson, K, 80-Dillard, B, 81-Harper, J, 85-Finnegan, M, 88-Smith, A, 89-Houseright, J,
91-Graves, J, 92-Dunlevy, J, 95-Thompson, C, 97-Bowden, B.

Georgia Tech: 1-M. Burnett, 2-M. Butler, 7-T. Clark, 9-J. Nesbitt, 10-M. Frierson, 12-A. Barnes, 14-S. Blair, 15-C. Earls,
21-J. Dwyer, 25-D. Jasper, 26-D. Reese, 29-Miles King, 30-J. Liipfert, 33-T. Garside, 37-J. Gaston, 38-Q. Kelly, 39-D. Brooks,
40-M. Cox, 43-T. Evans, 47-J. Blackwood, 50-B. White, 51-B. Jefferson, 53-A.J. Smith, 54-S. Griffin, 55-D. Brown, 74-T. Dunmon,
83-A. Smith, 84-C. Peek, 87-T. Bell, 91-D. Morgan, 93-M. Johnson, 94-E. Anyaibe, 98-B. Anderson.

Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary


#11 Virginia Tech vs Georgia Tech (Nov 01, 2007 at Atlanta, Ga.)

1st Quarter

GT Captains: #60 K. Tuminello, #41 P. Wheeler, #22 T. Choice
VT Captains: #77 D. Brown, #11 X. Adibi, #49 C. Ellis, #39 C. Weatherf
VT wins the toss, defers. Georgia Tech to receive, attack the south.
Vt 1-10at Vt30VT ball on VT30.
Dunlevy, J kickoff 64 yards to the GT6, C. Earls return 18 yards to the GT24 (Luckett, Z).
Gt 1-10at Gt24Timeout Georgia Tech, clock 14:54.
Gt 1-10at Gt24J. Evans rush for 1 yard to the GT25 (Adibi, X).
Gt 2-9at Gt25T. Bennett pass complete to J. Johnson for 37 yards to the VT38, 1ST DOWN GT.
Gt 1-10at Vt38J. Evans rush for 1 yard to the VT37 (Chancellor, K).
Gt 2-9at Vt37J. Evans rush for 1 yard to the VT36 (Warren, Br).
Gt 3-8at Vt36T. Bennett pass incomplete to G. Smith (Parker, DJ).
Gt 4-8at Vt36PENALTY GT delay of game (T. Bennett) 5 yards to the VT41.
Gt 4-13at Vt41D. Brooks punt 31 yards to the VT10, fair catch by Royal, E.
Drive: 5 plays, 35 yards, TOP 02:24
Vt 1-10at Vt10VIRGINIA TECH drive start at 12:36.
Vt 1-10at Vt10VT ball on VT11.
Vt 1-10at Vt11Glennon, S pass complete to Weatherford, C for 3 yards to the VT14 (S. Bowen).
Vt 2-7at Vt14PENALTY VT false start (Render, S) 5 yards to the VT9.
Vt 2-12at Vt09Glennon, S pass complete to Harper, J for 7 yards to the VT16, out-of-bounds (M. Johnson).
Vt 3-5at Vt16Glennon, S sacked for loss of 5 yards to the VT11 (D. Robertson).
Vt 4-10at Vt11PENALTY VT false start (Martin, O) 5 yards to the VT6.
Vt 4-15at Vt06Bowden, B punt 43 yards to the VT49, fair catch by T. Evans.
Drive: 3 plays, minus 5 yards, TOP 01:24
Gt 1-10at Vt49GEORGIA TECH drive start at 11:12.
Gt 1-10at Vt49T. Bennett pass incomplete to J. Johnson.
Play under review.
Previous play overruled – catch out of bounds.
Gt 2-10at Vt49T. Bennett pass complete to J. Johnson for 11 yards to the VT38, 1ST DOWN GT (Harris, V;Martin, C).
Gt 1-10at Vt38T. Bennett pass complete to J. Johnson for 26 yards to the VT12, 1ST DOWN GT (Adibi, X;Parker, DJ).
Gt 1-10at Vt12T. Bennett pass incomplete to J. Johnson.
Gt 2-10at Vt12J. Evans rush for 5 yards to the VT7 (Martin, C).
Gt 3-5at Vt07T. Bennett pass incomplete to J. Evans.
Gt 4-5at Vt07T. Bell field goal attempt from 24 GOOD, clock 09:07.
Georgia Tech 3, Virginia Tech 0
Drive: 7 plays, 42 yards, TOP 02:05
S. Blair kickoff 52 yards to the VT18, Morgan, J return 7 yards to the VT25 (M. Burnett).
Vt 1-10at Vt25VIRGINIA TECH drive start at 09:07.
Vt 1-10at Vt25Glennon, S pass complete to Smith, A for 12 yards to the VT37, 1ST DOWN VT (A. Roberson).
Vt 1-10at Vt37Ore, B rush for 1 yard to the VT38 (G. Guyton;P. Wheeler).
Vt 2-9at Vt38Glennon, S pass complete to Hyman, J for 4 yards to the VT42 (J. Lewis).
Vt 3-5at Vt42Timeout Virginia Tech, clock 07:07.
Vt 3-5at Vt42Glennon, S pass complete to Morgan, J for loss of 4 yards to the VT38, out-of-bounds (J. Word-Daniels), PENALTY GT offside (D. Robertson) 4 yards to the VT46, NO PLAY.
Vt 3-1at Vt46Glennon, S rush for 2 yards to the VT48, 1ST DOWN VT (D. Richard).
Vt 1-10at Vt48Ore, B rush for 5 yards to the GT47 (A. Roberson).
Vt 2-5at Gt47Glennon, S sacked for loss of 3 yards to the 50 yardline (V. Walker).
Vt 3-8at Vt50Glennon, S pass complete to Royal, E for 11 yards to the GT39, 1ST DOWN VT, out-of-bounds.
Vt 1-10at Gt39Ore, B rush for 5 yards to the GT34 (P. Wheeler;M. Burnett).
Vt 2-5at Gt34Glennon, S pass complete to Harper, J for 9 yards to the GT25, 1ST DOWN VT (A. Roberson).
Vt 1-10at Gt25Glennon, S sacked for loss of 1 yard to the GT26 (D. Richard;M. Johnson).
Vt 2-11at Gt26Glennon, S pass complete to Hyman, J for 10 yards to the GT16, out-of-bounds.
Vt 3-1at Gt16Ore, B rush for 6 yards to the GT10, 1ST DOWN VT (J. Lewis).
Vt 1-Gat Gt10Ore, B rush for loss of 2 yards to the GT12 (J. Lewis).
Vt 2-Gat Gt12Glennon, S pass incomplete to Smith, A, dropped pass.
Vt 3-Gat Gt12Glennon, S rush to the GT11, fumble forced by M. Johnson, fumble by Glennon, S recovered by VT Glennon, S at GT11 (M. Johnson).
Vt 4-Gat Gt11Dunlevy, J field goal attempt from 28 GOOD, clock 01:27.
Virginia Tech 3, Georgia Tech 3
Drive: 16 plays, 64 yards, TOP 07:40
Dunlevy, J kickoff 11 yards to the VT41, on-side kick, recovered by VT on VT41.
Vt 1-10at Vt41VIRGINIA TECH drive start at 01:26.
Vt 1-10at Vt41Glennon, S pass complete to Royal, E for 34 yards to the GT25, 1ST DOWN VT (J. Lewis).
Vt 1-10at Gt25Ore, B rush for 1 yard to the GT24 (A. Oliver).
Vt 2-9at Gt24Glennon, S pass complete to Morgan, J for 13 yards to the GT11, 1ST DOWN VT (J. Word-Daniels).
Drive: 3 plays, 48 yards, TOP 02:34
Virginia Tech 3, Georgia Tech 3

2nd Quarter

Vt 1-10at Gt11Start of 2nd quarter, clock 15:00.
Vt 1-10at Gt11Ore, B rush for 7 yards to the GT4 (V. Walker).
Vt 2-3at Gt04Ore, B rush for 2 yards to the GT2 (J. Lewis).
Vt 3-1at Gt02Glennon, S rush for 2 yards to the GT0, 1ST DOWN VT, TOUCHDOWN, clock 13:52.
Dunlevy, J kick attempt good.
Virginia Tech 10, Georgia Tech 3
Drive: 6 plays, 59 yards, TOP 02:34
Dunlevy, J kickoff 64 yards to the GT6, C. Earls return 10 yards to the GT16 (Cheeseman, J).
Gt 1-10at Gt16GEORGIA TECH drive start at 13:42.
Gt 1-10at Gt16J. Dwyer rush for 14 yards to the GT30, 1ST DOWN GT (Flowers, B).
Gt 1-10at Gt30J. Dwyer rush for 14 yards to the GT44, 1ST DOWN GT (Harris, V;Chancellor, K).
Gt 1-10at Gt44T. Bennett pass complete to J. Johnson for 5 yards to the GT49 (Martin, C;Warren, Br).
Gt 2-5at Gt49J. Dwyer rush for no gain to the GT49 (Warren, Br).
Gt 3-5at Gt49T. Bennett pass intercepted by Harris, V at the VT21, Harris, V return 0 yards to the VT21.
Drive: 5 plays, 33 yards, TOP 02:05
Vt 1-10at Vt21VIRGINIA TECH drive start at 11:37.
Vt 1-10at Vt21Ore, B rush for 5 yards to the VT26 (P. Wheeler).
Vt 2-5at Vt26Ore, B rush for 2 yards to the VT28 (A. Oliver).
Vt 3-3at Vt28Glennon, S pass complete to Morgan, J for 5 yards to the VT33, 1ST DOWN VT (J. Word-Daniels).
Vt 1-10at Vt33Glennon, S pass complete to Hyman, J for 6 yards to the VT39, out-of-bounds (A. Roberson).
Vt 2-4at Vt39Ore, B rush for 3 yards to the VT42 (G. Guyton).
Vt 3-1at Vt42Ore, B rush for 1 yard to the VT43, 1ST DOWN VT (E. Anyaibe).
Vt 1-10at Vt43Glennon, S pass incomplete to Boone, G, QB hurry by M. Johnson.
Vt 2-10at Vt43Glennon, S pass complete to Morgan, J for 7 yards to the 50 yardline (D. Jones).
Vt 3-3at Vt50Glennon, S sacked for loss of 9 yards to the VT41 (A. Oliver).
Vt 4-12at Vt41Bowden, B punt 53 yards to the GT6, T. Evans return 12 yards to the GT18 (McMillin, B;Martin, O).
Drive: 9 plays, 20 yards, TOP 04:34
Gt 1-10at Gt18GEORGIA TECH drive start at 07:03.
Gt 1-10at Gt18J. Dwyer rush for 2 yards to the GT20 (Chancellor, K).
Gt 2-8at Gt20T. Bennett rush for 3 yards to the GT23 (Powell, C).
Gt 3-5at Gt23T. Bennett pass complete to M. Cox for 11 yards to the GT34, 1ST DOWN GT (Martin, C).
Gt 1-10at Gt34T. Bennett pass intercepted by Martin, C at the GT49, Martin, C return 9 yards to the GT40 (M. Cox).
Drive: 4 plays, 16 yards, TOP 01:27
Vt 1-10at Gt40VIRGINIA TECH drive start at 05:36.
Vt 1-10at Gt40Glennon, S pass complete to Harper, J for 40 yards to the GT0, 1ST DOWN VT, TOUCHDOWN, clock 05:30.
Dunlevy, J kick attempt good.
Virginia Tech 17, Georgia Tech 3
Drive: 1 plays, 40 yards, TOP 00:06
Dunlevy, J kickoff 70 yards to the GT0, touchback.
Gt 1-10at Gt20GEORGIA TECH drive start at 05:26.
Gt 1-10at Gt20J. Evans rush for 2 yards to the GT22 (Booker, B).
Gt 2-8at Gt22T. Bennett pass complete to M. Cox for 3 yards to the GT25 (Martin, C).
Gt 3-5at Gt25T. Bennett pass incomplete to G. Smith (Harris, V).
Gt 4-5at Gt25D. Brooks punt 47 yards to the VT28, downed.
Drive: 3 plays, 5 yards, TOP 01:40
Vt 1-10at Vt28VIRGINIA TECH drive start at 03:46.
Vt 1-10at Vt28VT ball on VT29.
Vt 1-10at Vt29Glennon, S pass complete to Morgan, J for 5 yards to the VT34 (J. Word-Daniels).
Vt 2-5at Vt34Glennon, S pass incomplete to Weatherford, C.
Vt 3-5at Vt34Glennon, S pass complete to Boone, G for 11 yards to the VT45, 1ST DOWN VT (M. Johnson).
Vt 1-10at Vt45Glennon, S pass complete to Smith, A for 10 yards to the GT45, 1ST DOWN VT.
Vt 1-10at Gt45Ore, B rush for 1 yard to the GT44 (V. Walker).
Vt 2-9at Gt44Glennon, S pass complete to Weatherford, C for 5 yards to the GT39 (G. Guyton;A. Roberson).
Vt 3-4at Gt39Glennon, S pass complete to Boone, G for 3 yards to the GT36 (J. Lewis).
Vt 4-1at Gt36Timeout Virginia Tech, clock 00:42.
Vt 4-1at Gt36Glennon, S rush for 2 yards to the GT34, 1ST DOWN VT (G. Guyton;J. Lewis).
Vt 1-10at Gt34TEAM pass incomplete.
Vt 2-10at Gt34Glennon, S rush for 9 yards to the GT25, out-of-bounds (G. Guyton).
Vt 3-1at Gt25Glennon, S pass incomplete to Hyman, J.
Vt 4-1at Gt25Dunlevy, J field goal attempt from 41 MISSED – short, spot at GT25 (blocked by M. Johnson), clock 00:15.
Drive: 12 plays, 46 yards, TOP 03:46
Gt 1-10at Gt25TEAM rush for loss of 1 yard to the GT24.
Gt 2-11at Gt24End of half, clock 00:00.
Drive: 1 plays, minus 1 yards, TOP 00:00
Virginia Tech 17, Georgia Tech 3

3rd Quarter

Gt 2-11at Gt24Start of 3rd quarter, clock 15:00, GT ball on GT30.
Virginia Tech will receive and attack the south in the 3rd quarter.
Drive: 1 plays, minus 1 yards, TOP 00:00
S. Blair kickoff 64 yards to the VT6, Harris, V return 16 yards to the VT22 (T. Clark).
Vt 1-10at Vt22VIRGINIA TECH drive start at 14:53.
Vt 1-10at Vt22Glennon, S pass incomplete to Morgan, J, dropped pass.
Vt 2-10at Vt22Glennon, S pass complete to Hyman, J for 7 yards to the VT29, out-of-bounds, QB hurry by D. Robertson.
Vt 3-3at Vt29Glennon, S pass complete to Morgan, J for 2 yards to the VT31 (M. Burnett).
Vt 4-1at Vt31Bowden, B punt 54 yards to the GT15, T. Evans return 12 yards to the GT27 (Luckett, Z).
Drive: 3 plays, 9 yards, TOP 01:15
Gt 1-10at Gt27GEORGIA TECH drive start at 13:38.
Gt 1-10at Gt27J. Dwyer rush for 3 yards to the GT30 (Flowers, B).
Gt 2-7at Gt30J. Dwyer rush for 4 yards to the GT34 (Adibi, X), PENALTY GT holding (C. Peek) 10 yards to the GT24.
Gt 2-13at Gt242nd and 13.
Gt 2-13at Gt24T. Bennett pass complete to M. Cox for 7 yards to the GT31 (Martin, C;Adibi, X).
Gt 3-6at Gt31T. Bennett sacked for loss of 12 yards to the GT19 (Warren, Br).
Gt 4-18at Gt19D. Brooks punt 41 yards to the VT40, fair catch by Harris, V.
Drive: 4 plays, minus 8 yards, TOP 02:37
Vt 1-10at Vt40VIRGINIA TECH drive start at 11:01.
Vt 1-10at Vt40PENALTY VT false start (Brown, D) 5 yards to the VT35.
Vt 1-15at Vt35Glennon, S pass incomplete to Morgan, J.
Vt 2-15at Vt35Glennon, S pass incomplete to Hyman, J.
Vt 3-15at Vt35Glennon, S sacked for loss of 5 yards to the VT30 (M. Johnson;J. Lewis).
Vt 4-20at Vt30Bowden, B punt 29 yards to the GT41, T. Evans return 7 yards to the GT48 (McMillin, B).
Drive: 3 plays, minus 10 yards, TOP 00:52
Gt 1-10at Gt48GEORGIA TECH drive start at 10:09.
#9 J. Nesbitt in at quarterback for Georgia Tech.
Gt 1-10at Gt48J. Nesbitt rush for 7 yards to the VT45 (Powell, C;Warren, Br).
Gt 2-3at Vt45J. Nesbitt rush for 1 yard to the VT44 (Warren, Br).
Gt 3-2at Vt44J. Nesbitt pass incomplete to J. Johnson.
Gt 4-2at Vt44D. Brooks punt 31 yards to the VT13, fair catch by Harris, V.
Drive: 3 plays, 8 yards, TOP 01:31
Vt 1-10at Vt13VIRGINIA TECH drive start at 08:38.
Vt 1-10at Vt13Lewis, K rush for 3 yards to the VT16 (D. Jones).
Vt 2-7at Vt16Glennon, S pass incomplete to Harper, J.
Vt 3-7at Vt16Lewis, K rush for 1 yard to the VT17 (P. Wheeler;S. Bowen).
Vt 4-6at Vt17Bowden, B punt 41 yards to the GT42, fair catch by T. Evans.
Drive: 3 plays, 4 yards, TOP 01:38
Gt 1-10at Gt42GEORGIA TECH drive start at 07:00.
#13 T. Bennett in at quarterback for Georgia Tech.
Gt 1-10at Gt42T. Bennett pass complete to J. Johnson to the VT23, fumble forced by Martin, C, fumble by J. Johnson recovered by VT Ellis, C at VT23, PENALTY GT ineligible downfield on pass declined.
Drive: 1 plays, 35 yards, TOP 00:18
Vt 1-10at Vt23VIRGINIA TECH drive start at 06:42.
Vt 1-10at Vt23Glennon, S pass incomplete to Morgan, J (J. Word-Daniels).
Vt 2-10at Vt23Ore, B rush for 2 yards to the VT25 (V. Walker).
Vt 3-8at Vt25Glennon, S rush for 9 yards to the VT34, 1ST DOWN VT (M. Burnett).
Vt 1-10at Vt34Glennon, S rush for loss of 3 yards to the VT31.
Vt 2-13at Vt31Glennon, S sacked for loss of 2 yards to the VT29 (M. Johnson).
Vt 3-15at Vt29Glennon, S pass complete to Morgan, J for 71 yards to the GT0, 1ST DOWN VT, TOUCHDOWN, clock 04:22.
Dunlevy, J kick attempt good.
Virginia Tech 24, Georgia Tech 3
Drive: 6 plays, 77 yards, TOP 02:20
Dunlevy, J kickoff 64 yards to the GT6, C. Earls return 24 yards to the GT30 (Cheeseman, J).
Gt 1-10at Gt30GEORGIA TECH drive start at 04:14.
Gt 1-10at Gt30T. Bennett pass complete to J. Evans for no gain to the GT30 (Martin, C).
Gt 2-10at Gt30T. Bennett pass complete to C. Earls for 9 yards to the GT39 (Flowers, B;Adibi, X).
Gt 3-1at Gt39J. Evans rush for loss of 1 yard to the GT38 (Parker, DJ).
Gt 4-2at Gt38D. Brooks punt 53 yards to the VT9, fair catch by Harris, V.
Drive: 3 plays, 8 yards, TOP 02:15
Vt 1-10at Vt09VIRGINIA TECH drive start at 01:59.
Vt 1-10at Vt09Ore, B rush to the VT32, fumble forced by A. Roberson, fumble by Ore, B recovered by GT A. Oliver at VT32.
Drive: 1 plays, 23 yards, TOP 00:08
Gt 1-10at Vt32GEORGIA TECH drive start at 01:51.
Gt 1-10at Vt32GT ball on VT31.
Gt 1-10at Vt31J. Dwyer rush for 11 yards to the VT20, 1ST DOWN GT (Chancellor, K).
Gt 1-10at Vt20J. Dwyer rush for 2 yards to the VT18 (Flowers, B;Warren, Br).
Gt 2-8at Vt18T. Bennett pass intercepted by Flowers, B at the VT11, Flowers, B return 33 yards to the VT44 (T. Bennett).
Drive: 3 plays, 13 yards, TOP 00:53
Vt 1-10at Vt44VIRGINIA TECH drive start at 00:58.
Vt 1-10at Vt44Glennon, S pass complete to Harper, J for 21 yards to the GT35, 1ST DOWN VT (A. Oliver), QB hurry by A. Barnes.
Vt 1-10at Gt35Ore, B rush for 15 yards to the GT20, 1ST DOWN VT (M. Burnett).
Drive: 2 plays, 36 yards, TOP 03:14
Virginia Tech 24, Georgia Tech 3

4th Quarter

Vt 1-10at Gt20Start of 4th quarter, clock 15:00.
Vt 1-10at Gt20Ore, B rush for 3 yards to the GT17 (V. Walker).
Vt 2-7at Gt17Ore, B rush for 6 yards to the GT11 (J. Word-Daniels).
Vt 3-1at Gt11Ore, B rush for no gain to the GT11 (G. Guyton).
Vt 4-1at Gt11Dunlevy, J field goal attempt from 28 GOOD, clock 12:44.
Virginia Tech 27, Georgia Tech 3
Drive: 6 plays, 45 yards, TOP 03:14
Dunlevy, J kickoff 69 yards to the GT1, J. Dwyer return 22 yards to the GT23, out-of-bounds (Houseright, J).
Gt 1-10at Gt23GEORGIA TECH drive start at 12:38.
Gt 1-10at Gt23T. Bennett rush for 14 yards to the GT37, 1ST DOWN GT, out-of-bounds (Adibi, X).
Gt 1-10at Gt37T. Bennett pass complete to J. Johnson for 13 yards to the 50 yardline, 1ST DOWN GT, out-of-bounds.
Gt 1-10at Gt50J. Dwyer rush for 9 yards to the VT41 (Chancellor, K).
#9 J. Nesbitt at quarterback.
Gt 2-1at Vt41J. Nesbitt pass complete to J. Johnson for 9 yards to the VT32, 1ST DOWN GT (Flowers, B).
#13 T. Bennett at quarterback.
Gt 1-10at Vt32T. Bennett pass incomplete to C. Earls.
Gt 2-10at Vt32T. Bennett pass incomplete to J. Johnson.
Gt 3-10at Vt32T. Bennett pass incomplete to C. Peek, QB hurry by Adibi, X.
Gt 4-10at Vt32T. Bennett pass intercepted by Chancellor, K at the VT8, Chancellor, K return 23 yards to the VT31 (D.J. Donley;C. Peek), QB hurry by Warren, Br.
Drive: 8 plays, 45 yards, TOP 01:54
Vt 1-10at Vt31VIRGINIA TECH drive start at 10:44.
Vt 1-10at Vt31Hyman, J rush for 6 yards to the VT37, out-of-bounds.
Vt 2-4at Vt37Lewis, K rush for 3 yards to the VT40 (P. Wheeler).
Vt 3-1at Vt40Lewis, K rush for no gain to the VT40 (V. Walker).
Vt 4-1at Vt40Bowden, B punt 44 yards to the GT16, fair catch by T. Evans.
Drive: 3 plays, 9 yards, TOP 01:19
Gt 1-10at Gt16GEORGIA TECH drive start at 09:25.
#9 J. Nesbitt in at quarterback for Georgia Tech.
Gt 1-10at Gt16J. Nesbitt rush for 12 yards to the GT28, 1ST DOWN GT (Graves, J).
Gt 1-10at Gt28J. Nesbitt rush for 12 yards to the GT40, 1ST DOWN GT (Booker, B).
Gt 1-10at Gt40J. Nesbitt pass intercepted by Harris, V at the VT14, Harris, V return 0 yards to the VT14.
Drive: 3 plays, 24 yards, TOP 00:58
Vt 1-10at Vt14VIRGINIA TECH drive start at 08:27.
Vt 1-10at Vt14Lewis, K rush for 1 yard to the VT15 (A. Oliver).
Vt 2-9at Vt15Glennon, S pass incomplete to Weatherford, C.
Vt 3-9at Vt15Lewis, K rush for 5 yards to the VT20 (G. Guyton;J. Lewis).
Vt 4-4at Vt20Bowden, B punt 51 yards to the GT29, T. Evans return 10 yards to the GT39 (Adibi, X), PENALTY GT illegal block (D. Jasper) 10 yards to the GT29, 1st and 10, GT ball on GT29.
Drive: 3 plays, 6 yards, TOP 01:52
Gt 1-10at Gt29GEORGIA TECH drive start at 06:35.
#13 T. Bennett at quarterback for Georgia Tech
Gt 1-10at Gt29T. Bennett pass incomplete to C. Peek (Warren, Br).
Gt 2-10at Gt29J. Dwyer rush for 9 yards to the GT38 (Sturdivant, P).
Gt 3-1at Gt38T. Bennett rush for 3 yards to the GT41, 1ST DOWN GT (Warren, Br).
Gt 1-10at Gt41T. Bennett sacked for loss of 11 yards to the GT30 (Chancellor, K;Worilds, J).
Gt 2-21at Gt30T. Bennett pass incomplete to J. Dwyer, QB hurry by Brown, N.
Gt 3-21at Gt30T. Bennett pass incomplete to C. Earls.
Gt 4-21at Gt30D. Brooks punt 52 yards to the VT18, fair catch by Harris, V.
Drive: 6 plays, 1 yards, TOP 01:45
Vt 1-10at Vt18VIRGINIA TECH drive start at 04:50.
Vt 1-10at Vt18PENALTY VT false start (Graham, R) 5 yards to the VT13.
Vt 1-15at Vt13Cheeseman, J rush for 1 yard to the VT14 (V. Walker).
Vt 2-14at Vt14Cheeseman, J rush for 70 yards to the GT16, 1ST DOWN VT (J. Lewis).
Vt 1-10at Gt16Cheeseman, J rush for 7 yards to the GT9 (D. Jones).
Vt 2-3at Gt09Cheeseman, J rush for 4 yards to the GT5, 1ST DOWN VT (D. Richard).
Vt 1-Gat Gt05Cheeseman, J rush for no gain to the GT5.
Vt 2-Gat Gt05Cheeseman, J rush for 2 yards to the GT3 (P. Wheeler).
Vt 3-Gat Gt03Jefferson, K rush for loss of 1 yard to the GT4 (P. Wheeler;D. Robertson).
Vt 4-Gat Gt04End of game, clock 00:00.
Drive: 7 plays, 78 yards, TOP 04:50
Virginia Tech 27, Georgia Tech 3

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