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Question and Answer with Punter Ben Arndt

Sept. 23, 2005

What is something that most people don’t know about you?

“Most people don’t know that I was home-schooled until I was in eighth grade.”

What would be your ultimate Sports Center highlight?

“It would be to throw a pass to Chris Reis and score a touchdown against UGA.”

If you had to exchange wardrobes with someone on the team, whose clothes would you want?

“It would have to be Kyle Belcher because of his short khaki shorts, pink polo shirts, and his New Balance tennis shoes.”

Tell about one visible scar…

“I have a scar on my right foot from a surgery I had to correct turf toe on my kicking foot.”

If you could relive any single family outing in your life, what would it be?

“When I was 10, we took a trip to Washington D.C., Michigan, and Pennsylvania to visit family from both my mom and dad’s side.”

If you could have season tickets for any team, sitting in any place in the stadium, which team would it be and where would you sit?

“I would want tickets to the Falcons and would sit on the 50-yard line.”

Who has had the greatest influence on your athletic career?

“My father coached every sport that I played, and went to great lengths to ensure that I received all the knowledge and training that would make me a better athlete.”

If you were forced to give up all of your possessions but one, what would it be?

“My cell phone so I could stay in contact with all my friends and family.”

What is your best non-athletic talent?

“I’m pretty good at playing acoustic guitar”

What is the most valuable thing you’ve learned from being a college athlete?

“Make the right decisions every day, learn how to manage your time, and enjoy the journey.”

Do you have any pre-game rituals?

“I usually read the player profiles so I can stay relaxed.”

What is the best thing about being a college athlete at Tech?

“Being able to play ACC football in Atlanta and the excitement of playing in front of large crowds.”

What has been the most memorable game that you have been a part of?

“The Clemson game from last year sticks out my mind. I also remember that I punted 10 times during the course of the game.”

What won’t you miss about being a college athlete?

“I won’t miss having early morning running in the spring when it’s still cold and you’re wearing shorts.”

What is your all-time favorite meal?

“My dad’s barbecue with my mom’s fresh-baked bread and any vegetable from my dad’s garden with german chocolate cake.”

If you could make one thing come true for a friend what would it be and for whom?

“I’d like for my best friend Sam to be able to play professional soccer at Manchester United. He was a big soccer fanatic while we were growing up, but he tore his ACL playing intramural basketball while in school at Virginia.”

What team would you add to the schedule?

“Florida State, because I’ve hard so much about the atmosphere and I hadn’t transferred to Tech yet the last time that we played them.”

What is your favorite stadium to play in?

“Death Valley at Clemson.”

What’s the latest music CD that you’ve bought:

“Late Registration by Kanye West.”

Who is your favorite musical artist:

“Kurt Cobain of the group Nirvana.”

What is your favorite TV show:


Person you’d most like to meet (dead or alive):

“I’d like to meet George Washington because he started our country and envisioned what needed to take place in order for us to be free.”

Name the athlete you admire the most:

“John Smoltz, because of the fact that he’s always stayed with the Braves while all the players from the original roster have left. I admire him as a person and as an athlete.”

If you could play any other sport at Tech, what would it be?

“Soccer, because it’s my first love.”

Besides playing in the NFL, what other plans do you have after graduation?

“I’d like to go into a job involving my major which is Industrial and Systems Engineering and be the chief officer for a large company.”

Name a professor that has had an impact on you here at Tech:

“Paul Griffin. He went to great lengths to bring guest speakers and applied real world applications to our class material.”


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