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Florida State vs Georgia Tech (Nov 01, 2008)


Florida State vs Georgia Tech (Nov 01, 2008)

Scoring Summary

Scoring Summary (Final)


#16 Florida State vs Georgia Tech (Nov 01, 2008 at Atlanta, Ga.)

Florida State (6-2,3-2) vs. Georgia Tech (7-2,4-2)

Date: Nov 01, 2008  Site: Atlanta, Ga.   Stadium: Bobby Dodd Stadium   
Attendance: 53528

Score by Quarters Score 
Florida State  10 10 0 8 28 
Georgia Tech  3 21 7 0 31 
1st 08:31 FS  Ponder, C 3 yd run (Gano, G kick) 
      10 plays, 68 yards, TOP 6:23 7 – 0 
 06:34 GT  Blair, S. 31 yd field goal 
      5 plays, 32 yards, TOP 1:49 7 – 3 
 02:54 FS  Gano, G 29 yd field goal 
      7 plays, 22 yards, TOP 3:27 10 – 3 
2nd 13:43 GT  Cox, L. 1 yd run (Blair, S. kick) 
      8 plays, 62 yards, TOP 4:04 10 – 10 
 10:43 GT  Dwyer, J. 36 yd run (Blair, S. kick) 
      3 plays, 62 yards, TOP 1:19 10 – 17 
 09:30 GT  Smith, G. 3 yd run (Blair, S. kick) 
      2 plays, 4 yards, TOP 0:44 10 – 24 
 08:05 FS  Holloway, S 4 yd pass from Ponder, C (Gano, G kick) 
      3 plays, 68 yards, TOP 1:21 17 – 24 
 00:45 FS  Gano, G 45 yd field goal 
      7 plays, 56 yards, TOP 1:53 20 – 24 
3rd 13:42 GT  Dwyer, J. 66 yd run (Blair, S. kick) 
      3 plays, 80 yards, TOP 1:18 20 – 31 
4th 06:04 FS  Parker, P 39 yd pass from Richardson, D (Carr, G pass from Ponder, C) 
      8 plays, 70 yards, TOP 3:10 28 – 31 
Kickoff time: 3:34 PM   End of Game: 6:45 PM   Total elapsed time: 3:11
Referee: Jack Childress   
Umpire: Jim Hyson   
Linesman: Tyrone Davis   
Line judge: Rick Page   
Back judge: Barry Hendon   
Field judge: Chris Brown   
Side judge: Mike Safrit   

Temperature: 71 deg   Wind: N 4 mph   Weather: Sunny

Team Statistics

Team Statistics (Final)


#16 Florida State vs Georgia Tech (Nov 01, 2008 at Atlanta, Ga.)

 Team Totals FS GT 
   Rushing 11 
   Rushing Attempts 36 45 
   Average Per Rush 5.4 6.4 
   Rushing Touchdowns 
   Yards Gained Rushing 234 298 
   Yards Lost Rushing 38 10 
   Completions-Attempts-Int 17-29-1 4-6-1 
   Average Per Attempt 6.5 9.2 
   Average Per Completion 11.1 13.8 
   Passing Touchdowns 
   Total offense plays 65 51 
   Average Gain Per Play 5.9 6.7 
Fumbles: Number-Lost 2-2 1-1 
Penalties: Number-Yards 4-22 4-22 
PUNTS-YARDS 3-121 3-108 
   Average Yards Per Punt 40.3 36.0 
   Net Yards Per Punt 40.3 30.0 
   Inside 20 
   50+ Yards 
   Fair catch 
KICKOFFS-YARDS 6-399 6-368 
   Average Yards Per Kickoff 66.5 61.3 
   Net Yards Per Kickoff 40.3 35.0 
Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD 1-18-0 0-0-0 
   Average Per Return 18.0 0.0 
Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD 6-158-0 4-117-0 
   Average Per Return 26.3 29.2 
Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD 1-0-0 1-28-0 
Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD 0-0-0 0-0-0 
Miscellaneous Yards 
Possession Time 33:13 26:47 
   1st Quarter 10:09  4:51 
   2nd Quarter  5:28  9:32 
   3rd Quarter  5:54  9:06 
   4th Quarter 11:42  3:18 
Third-Down Conversions 5 of 13 3 of 9 
Fourth-Down Conversions 2 of 2 1 of 1 
Red-Zone Scores-Chances 3-4 3-3 
Sacks By: Number-Yards 0-0 5-32 
PAT Kicks 2-2 4-4 
Field Goals 2-2 1-1 

Individual Statistics

Individual Statistics (Final)


#16 Florida State vs Georgia Tech (Nov 01, 2008 at Atlanta, Ga.)

Florida State
Georgia Tech
RUSHING No. Gain Loss Net TD Lg Avg. 
Thomas, J.  131 130 62 14.4 
Richardson, D  46 41 39 10.2 
Smith, A  38 35 12 3.9 
Sims, M  11 1.5 
Ponder, C  27 -19 -2.4 
Totals… 36 234 38 196 62 5.4 
RUSHING No. Gain Loss Net TD Lg Avg. 
Dwyer, J.  13 145 145 66 11.2 
Nesbitt, J.  14 62 61 23 4.4 
Jones, R.  39 39 20 9.8 
Wright, M.  29 29 29 29.0 
Cox, L.  2.7 
Shaw, J.  12 0.7 
Smith, G.  3.0 
TEAM  -2 -1.0 
Totals… 45 298 10 288 66 6.4 
PASSING Cmp-Att-Int Yds TD Long Sack 
Ponder, C  16-27-1 149 20 
Richardson, D  1-2-0 39 39 
Totals… 17-29-1 188 39 
PASSING Cmp-Att-Int Yds TD Long Sack 
Nesbitt, J.  4-5-0 55 30 
Shaw, J.  0-1-1 
Totals… 4-6-1 55 30 
Parker, P  77 39 
Carr, G  68 20 
Reed, B  18 
Easterling, T  11 
Owens, R  10 10 
Holloway, S  
Totals… 17 188 39 
Thomas, D.  21 11 
Dwyer, J.  30 30 
Jones, R.  
Totals… 55 30 
PUNTING No. Yds Avg Long In20 TB 
Gano, G  121 40.3 46 
Totals… 121 40.3 46 
PUNTING No. Yds Avg Long In20 TB 
Blair, S.  108 36.0 38 
Totals… 108 36.0 38 
  Punts Kickoffs Intercept 
ALL RETURNS No Yds Lg No Yds Lg No Yds Lg 
Parker, P  50 21 
Reed, B  18 18 
Robinson, P.  44 25 
Garvin, M  64 64 
Totals… 18 18 158 64 
  Punts Kickoffs Intercept 
ALL RETURNS No Yds Lg No Yds Lg No Yds Lg 
Jones, R.  75 46 
Taylor, C.  28 28 
Wright, M.  42 23 
Totals… 117 46 28 28 
Thomas, J.  130 130 
Parker, P  77 50 127 
Carr, G  68 68 
Garvin, M  64 64 
Robinson, P.  44 44 
Richardson, D  41 41 
Reed, B  18 18 36 
Smith, A  35 35 
Easterling, T  11 11 
Owens, R  10 10 
Sims, M  
Holloway, S  
Ponder, C  -19 -19 
Totals… 196 188 158 18 560 
Dwyer, J.  145 30 175 
Jones, R.  39 75 118 
Wright, M.  29 42 71 
Nesbitt, J.  61 61 
Taylor, C.  28 28 
Thomas, D.  21 21 
Cox, L.  
Shaw, J.  
Smith, G.  
TEAM  -2 -2 
Totals… 288 55 117 28 488 
Gano, G 1st 02:54 29 yards Good 
Gano, G 2nd 00:45 45 yards Good 
Blair, S. 1st 06:34 31 yards Good 
Gano, G  276 69.0 
Esco, J  123 61.5 
Blair, S.  368 61.3 
FUMBLES: Florida State-Sims, M 1-1; Ponder, C 1-1. Georgia Tech-Shaw, J. 1-1.

Drive Chart

Drive Chart (Final)


#16 Florida State vs Georgia Tech (Nov 01, 2008 at Atlanta, Ga.)

  Drive Started Drive Ended Consumed   
Team Qtr Spot Time Obtained Spot Time   How Lost Pl-Yds TOP RZ 
FS  1st F32 14:54  Kickoff G00 08:31 TOUCHDOWN 10-68 6:23 
FS  1st G33 06:21  Kickoff G11 02:54 FIELD GOAL 7-22 3:27 
FS  2nd F20 13:36  Kickoff F28 12:02   Punt 3-8 1:34   
FS  2nd F26 10:39  Kickoff F23 10:14   Interception 2–3 0:25   
FS  2nd F32 09:26  Kickoff G00 08:05 TOUCHDOWN 3-68 1:21 
FS  2nd F17 02:38  Punt G27 00:45 FIELD GOAL 7-56 1:53   
FS  3rd F33 13:37  Kickoff F49 11:11   Punt 5-16 2:26   
FS  3rd F43 06:52  Fumble G49 03:29   Fumble 6-8 3:23   
FS  4th F01 14:49  Punt F08 11:21   Punt 6-7 3:28   
FS  4th F30 09:14  Punt G00 06:04 TOUCHDOWN 8-70 3:10   
FS  4th F41 05:49  Interception G00 00:45   Fumble 10-59 5:04 
GT  1st F46 08:23  Kickoff F14 06:34 FIELD GOAL 5-32 1:49 
GT  1st G38 02:47  Kickoff F00 13:43 TOUCHDOWN 8-62 4:04 
GT  2nd G38 12:02  Punt F00 10:43 TOUCHDOWN 3-62 1:19   
GT  2nd F04 10:14  Interception F00 09:30 TOUCHDOWN 2-4 0:44 
GT  2nd G20 08:05  Kickoff G48 02:38   Punt 8-28 5:27   
GT  2nd G21 00:40  Kickoff G28 00:00   End of half 2-7 0:40   
GT  3rd G20 15:00  Kickoff F00 13:42 TOUCHDOWN 3-80 1:18   
GT  3rd G10 11:11  Punt F43 06:52   Fumble 9-47 4:19   
GT  3rd G50 03:29  Fumble F36 14:49   Punt 6-14 3:40   
GT  4th G46 11:21  Punt G50 09:14   Punt 3-4 2:07   
GT  4th G25 05:56  Kickoff G25 05:49   Interception 1-0 0:07   
GT  4th G20 00:45  Fumble G18 00:00   End of half 2–2 0:45   
  1st 2nd 3rd 4th   1st 2nd     
Florida State  Qtr Qtr Qtr Qtr   Half Half   Total 
Time of possession  10:09  05:28  05:54  11:42    15:37  17:36    33:13  
3rd Down Conversions   2/3   0/2   1/3   2/5     2/5   3/8     5/13  
Average field position  F49   F23   F38   F24     F32   F29     F31  
4th Down Conversions   0/0   0/0   0/0   2/2     0/0   2/2     2/2  
  1st 2nd 3rd 4th   1st 2nd     
Georgia Tech  Qtr Qtr Qtr Qtr   Half Half   Total 
Time of possession  04:51  09:32  09:06  03:18    14:23  12:24    26:47  
3rd Down Conversions   0/2   1/2   2/4   0/1     1/4   2/5     3/9  
Average field position  G46   G43   G26   G30     G44   G28     G36  
4th Down Conversions   1/1   0/0   0/0   0/0     1/1   0/0     1/1  

Drive Chart (By Quarter)

  Drive Started Drive Ended Consumed   
Team Qtr Spot Time Obtained Spot Time   How Lost Pl-Yds TOP RZ 
FS  1st F32 14:54  Kickoff G00 08:31 TOUCHDOWN 10-68 6:23 
GT  1st F46 08:23  Kickoff F14 06:34 FIELD GOAL 5-32 1:49 
FS  1st G33 06:21  Kickoff G11 02:54 FIELD GOAL 7-22 3:27 
GT  1st G38 02:47  Kickoff F00 13:43 TOUCHDOWN 8-62 4:04 
FS  2nd F20 13:36  Kickoff F28 12:02   Punt 3-8 1:34   
GT  2nd G38 12:02  Punt F00 10:43 TOUCHDOWN 3-62 1:19   
FS  2nd F26 10:39  Kickoff F23 10:14   Interception 2–3 0:25   
GT  2nd F04 10:14  Interception F00 09:30 TOUCHDOWN 2-4 0:44 
FS  2nd F32 09:26  Kickoff G00 08:05 TOUCHDOWN 3-68 1:21 
GT  2nd G20 08:05  Kickoff G48 02:38   Punt 8-28 5:27   
FS  2nd F17 02:38  Punt G27 00:45 FIELD GOAL 7-56 1:53   
GT  2nd G21 00:40  Kickoff G28 00:00   End of half 2-7 0:40   
GT  3rd G20 15:00  Kickoff F00 13:42 TOUCHDOWN 3-80 1:18   
FS  3rd F33 13:37  Kickoff F49 11:11   Punt 5-16 2:26   
GT  3rd G10 11:11  Punt F43 06:52   Fumble 9-47 4:19   
FS  3rd F43 06:52  Fumble G49 03:29   Fumble 6-8 3:23   
GT  3rd G50 03:29  Fumble F36 14:49   Punt 6-14 3:40   
FS  4th F01 14:49  Punt F08 11:21   Punt 6-7 3:28   
GT  4th G46 11:21  Punt G50 09:14   Punt 3-4 2:07   
FS  4th F30 09:14  Punt G00 06:04 TOUCHDOWN 8-70 3:10   
GT  4th G25 05:56  Kickoff G25 05:49   Interception 1-0 0:07   
FS  4th F41 05:49  Interception G00 00:45   Fumble 10-59 5:04 
GT  4th G20 00:45  Fumble G18 00:00   End of half 2–2 0:45   

Defensive Statistics

Defensive Statistics (Final)


#16 Florida State vs Georgia Tech (Nov 01, 2008 at Atlanta, Ga.)

## Florida State  Solo Ast Total TFL/Yds FF FR-Yds Int-Yds BrUp Blkd Sack/Yds QBH 
30 Nicholson, D   10  1.0/1   .   .   .  
31 Verdell, T   .   .   .   .  
3  Rolle, M   .   .   .   .  
54 Griffin, P   .   .   .   .  
36 Watson, D   .   .   .   .  
19 Ingram, K   .   .   .   .  
22 Mangum, K   .   .   .   .  
99 Brown, E   1.0/7   .   .   .  
56 Stewart, K   .   1-0   .   .  
98 White, M.,   .   .   .   .  
59 Moffett, N   .   .   .   .  
8C Givens, L.   .   .   .   .  
21 Robinson, P.   .   .   1-0   .  
20 Robinson, J   .   .   .   .  
90 McCray, M.   .   .   .   .  
72 Thacker, B   .   .   .   .  
86 Owens, R   .   .   .   .  
95 McNeil, K   .   .   .   .  
40 Roberts, R   .   .   .   .  
24 McClure, D   .   .   .   .  
1D Esco, J   .   .   .   .  
## Georgia Tech  Solo Ast Total TFL/Yds FF FR-Yds Int-Yds BrUp Blkd Sack/Yds QBH 
22 Taylor, C.   10  .   .   1-28  .  
1  Burnett, M.   1.0/1   .   .   .  
35 Peterson, M.   1.0/3   .   .   .  
2  Butler, M.   .   .   .   .  
91 Morgan, D.   .   1-0   .   .  
59 Jackson, K.   0.5/1   .   .   .  
54 Griffin, S.   1.0/8   .   .   1.0/8  
12 Barnes, A.   .   .   .   .  
14 Blair, S.   .   .   .   .  
99 Walker, V.   1.5/2   .   .   1.0/2  
28 Reid, R.   .   1-0   .   .  
94 Anyaibe, E.   1.0/1   .   .   .  
95 Richard, D.   2.0/12   .   .   2.0/12  
93 Johnson, M.   1.0/10   .   .   1.0/10  
57 Bowen, S.   .   .   .   .  

Participation Report

Participation Report (Final)


#16 Florida State vs Georgia Tech (Nov 01, 2008 at Atlanta, Ga.)

Florida State  
Pos ## Offense 
Z  5  Parker, P  
LT  67 Datko, A.  
LG  77 Sanders, Z.  
C  60 McMahon, R  
RG  63 Ganguzza, A  
RT  79 Spurlock, D.  
TE  81 Piurowski, C  
QB  7  Ponder, C  
WR  82 Easterling, T  
TB  6  Smith, A  
X  18 Carr, G  
Florida State  
Pos ## Defense 
LE  59 Moffett, N  
DT  72 Thacker, B  
DT  50 50 
RE  99 Brown, E  
WLB  31 Verdell, T  
MLB  30 Nicholson, D  
SLB  56 Stewart, K  
FC  4  Carter, T  
FS  24 McClure, D  
ROV  3  Rolle, M  
BC  21 Robinson, P.  
Georgia Tech  
Pos ## Offense 
QB  9  Nesbitt, J.  
BB  21 Dwyer, J.  
AB  36 Cox, L.  
AB  20 Jones, R.  
WR  8  Thomas, D.  
WR  15 Earls, C.  
LT  64 Gardner, A.  
LG  71 Howard, C.  
C  77 Voss, D.  
RG  70 Gilbert, J.  
RT  75 Claytor, N.  
Georgia Tech  
Pos ## Defense 
DE  91 Morgan, D.  
DT  99 Walker, V.  
DT  95 Richard, D.  
DE  93 Johnson, M.  
ILB  59 Jackson, K.  
OLB  54 Griffin, S.  
CB  2  Butler, M.  
CB  25 Jasper, D.  
ROV  1  Burnett, M.  
FS  22 Taylor, C.  
CB  28 Reid, R.  

Florida State: 1D-Esco, J, 1-Surrency, C., 8C-Givens, L., 10-Richardson, D, 12-Carr, N., 13-Bradham, N., 19-Ingram, K,
20-Robinson, J, 22-Mangum, K, 23-Lawson, R, 28-Allen, D, 29-Garvin, M, 35-Sims, M, 36-Watson, D, 38-Thomas, J., 40-Roberts, R,
41-Smith, K, 42-Holloway, S, 43-Gano, G, 44-Harris, M, 46-Williams, V., 48-Wright, R, 49-Lampkin, B., 54-Griffin, P, 57-Davis, B,
62-Hudson, R, 65-Aronson, Z., 74-Tonga, J., 75-Furlong, W, 83-Reed, B, 85-Little, J., 86-Owens, R, 90-McCray, M., 95-McNeil, K,
98-White, M.,.

Georgia Tech: 3-Wright, M., 5-Smith, G., 7-Clark, T., 11-Shaw, J., 12-Barnes, A., 14-Blair, S., 17-Braman, M.,
18-Booker, C., 30-Liipfert, J., 33-Garside, T., 34-Sylvester, S., 35-Peterson, M., 44-Rocker, A., 46-Edwards, M.,
47-Blackwood, J., 50-White, B., 51-Jefferson, B., 53-Smith, A., 57-Bowen, S., 72-Hill, J., 73-Barrick, A., 81-Fisher, Z.,
83-Smith, A., 85-Anderson, C., 87-Clyburn, R., 94-Anyaibe, E., 97-Hall, R., 98-Anderson, B..

Box Score

Box Score (Final)

#16 Florida State vs Georgia Tech (Nov 01, 2008 at Atlanta, Ga.)

Score by Quarters     1  2  3  4   Score
-----------------    -- -- -- --   -----
Florida State....... 10 10  0  8  - 28       Record: (6-2,3-2)
Georgia Tech........  3 21  7  0  - 31       Record: (7-2,4-2)

Scoring Summary:
1st 08:31 FS - Ponder, C 3 yd run (Gano, G kick), 10-68 6:23, FS 7 - GT 0
    06:34 GT - Blair, S. 31 yd field goal, 5-32 1:49, FS 7 - GT 3
    02:54 FS - Gano, G 29 yd field goal, 7-22 3:27, FS 10 - GT 3
2nd 13:43 GT - Cox, L. 1 yd run (Blair, S. kick), 8-62 4:04, FS 10 - GT 10
    10:43 GT - Dwyer, J. 36 yd run (Blair, S. kick), 3-62 1:19, FS 10 - GT 17
    09:30 GT - Smith, G. 3 yd run (Blair, S. kick), 2-4 0:44, FS 10 - GT 24
    08:05 FS - Holloway, S 4 yd pass from Ponder, C (Gano, G kick), 3-68 1:21, FS 17 - GT 24
    00:45 FS - Gano, G 45 yd field goal, 7-56 1:53, FS 20 - GT 24
3rd 13:42 GT - Dwyer, J. 66 yd run (Blair, S. kick), 3-80 1:18, FS 20 - GT 31
4th 06:04 FS - Parker, P 39 yd pass from Richardson, D (Carr, G pass from Ponder, C), 8-70 3:10, FS 28 - GT 31

                                     FS       GT
FIRST DOWNS...................       18       14
RUSHES-YARDS (NET)............   36-196   45-288
PASSING YDS (NET).............      188       55
Passes Att-Comp-Int...........  29-17-1    6-4-1
TOTAL OFFENSE PLAYS-YARDS.....   65-384   51-343
Fumble Returns-Yards..........      0-0      0-0
Punt Returns-Yards............     1-18      0-0
Kickoff Returns-Yards.........    6-158    4-117
Interception Returns-Yards....      1-0     1-28
Punts (Number-Avg)............   3-40.3   3-36.0
Fumbles-Lost..................      2-2      1-1
Penalties-Yards...............     4-22     4-22
Possession Time...............    33:13    26:47
Third-Down Conversions........  5 of 13   3 of 9
Fourth-Down Conversions.......   2 of 2   1 of 1
Red-Zone Scores-Chances.......      3-4      3-3
Sacks By: Number-Yards........      0-0     5-32

RUSHING: Florida State-Thomas, J. 9-130; Richardson, D 4-41; Smith, A
9-35; Sims, M 6-9; Ponder, C 8-minus 19. Georgia Tech-Dwyer, J. 13-145; Nesbitt,
J. 14-61; Jones, R. 4-39; Wright, M. 1-29; Cox, L. 3-8; Shaw, J. 7-5; Smith, G.
1-3; TEAM 2-minus 2.

PASSING: Florida State-Ponder, C 16-27-1-149; Richardson, D 1-2-0-39.
Georgia Tech-Nesbitt, J. 4-5-0-55; Shaw, J. 0-1-1-0.

RECEIVING: Florida State-Parker, P 5-77; Carr, G 5-68; Reed, B 3-18;
Easterling, T 2-11; Owens, R 1-10; Holloway, S 1-4. Georgia Tech-Thomas, D.
2-21; Dwyer, J. 1-30; Jones, R. 1-4.

INTERCEPTIONS: Florida State-Robinson, P. 1-0. Georgia Tech-Taylor, C.

FUMBLES: Florida State-Sims, M 1-1; Ponder, C 1-1. Georgia Tech-Shaw, J.

Stadium: Bobby Dodd Stadium    Attendance: 53528
Kickoff time: 3:34 PM   End of Game: 6:45 PM   Total elapsed time: 3:11
Officials: Referee: Jack Childress; Umpire: Jim Hyson; Linesman: Tyrone Davis;
Line judge: Rick Page; Back judge: Barry Hendon; Field judge: Chris Brown;
Side judge: Mike Safrit;
Temperature: 71 deg    Wind: N 4 mph   Weather: Sunny

        #16 Florida State vs Georgia Tech (Nov 01, 2008 at Atlanta, Ga.)

SACKS (UA-A): Florida State-None. Georgia Tech-Richard, D. 2-0; Johnson,
M. 1-0; Walker, V. 1-0; Griffin, S. 1-0.

TACKLES (UA-A): Florida State-Nicholson, D 7-3; Verdell, T 4-2; Rolle, M
4-1; Griffin, P 3-0; Watson, D 3-0; Ingram, K 3-0; Stewart, K 2-0; Brown, E 2-0;
Mangum, K 2-0; Moffett, N 1-1; White, M., 1-1; McNeil, K 1-0; McClure, D 1-0;
Roberts, R 1-0; Givens, L. 1-0; Esco, J 1-0; Robinson, J 1-0; McCray, M. 1-0;
Robinson, P. 1-0; Owens, R 1-0; Thacker, B 1-0. Georgia Tech-Taylor, C. 8-2;
Burnett, M. 6-2; Peterson, M. 5-1; Butler, M. 4-1; Morgan, D. 4-0; Jackson, K.
3-1; Barnes, A. 3-0; Blair, S. 3-0; Griffin, S. 3-0; Walker, V. 2-1; Reid, R.
1-2; Anyaibe, E. 2-0; Johnson, M. 2-0; Richard, D. 2-0; Bowen, S. 1-0.

Game Starters:
Florida State

Z    5  Parker, P
LT   67 Datko, A.
LG   77 Sanders, Z.
C    60 McMahon, R
RG   63 Ganguzza, A
RT   79 Spurlock, D.
TE   81 Piurowski, C
QB   7  Ponder, C
WR   82 Easterling, T
TB   6  Smith, A
X    18 Carr, G

LE   59 Moffett, N
DT   72 Thacker, B
DT   50 50
RE   99 Brown, E
WLB  31 Verdell, T
MLB  30 Nicholson, D
SLB  56 Stewart, K
FC   4  Carter, T
FS   24 McClure, D
ROV  3  Rolle, M
BC   21 Robinson, P.

Georgia Tech

QB   9  Nesbitt, J.
BB   21 Dwyer, J.
AB   36 Cox, L.
AB   20 Jones, R.
WR   8  Thomas, D.
WR   15 Earls, C.
LT   64 Gardner, A.
LG   71 Howard, C.
C    77 Voss, D.
RG   70 Gilbert, J.
RT   75 Claytor, N.

DE   91 Morgan, D.
DT   99 Walker, V.
DT   95 Richard, D.
DE   93 Johnson, M.
ILB  59 Jackson, K.
OLB  54 Griffin, S.
CB   2  Butler, M.
CB   25 Jasper, D.
ROV  1  Burnett, M.
FS   22 Taylor, C.
CB   28 Reid, R.

Player participation:

Florida State: 1D-Esco, J, 1-Surrency, C., 8C-Givens, L., 10-Richardson, D, 12-Carr, N., 13-Bradham, N., 19-Ingram, K,
20-Robinson, J, 22-Mangum, K, 23-Lawson, R, 28-Allen, D, 29-Garvin, M, 35-Sims, M, 36-Watson, D, 38-Thomas, J., 40-Roberts, R,
41-Smith, K, 42-Holloway, S, 43-Gano, G, 44-Harris, M, 46-Williams, V., 48-Wright, R, 49-Lampkin, B., 54-Griffin, P, 57-Davis, B,
62-Hudson, R, 65-Aronson, Z., 74-Tonga, J., 75-Furlong, W, 83-Reed, B, 85-Little, J., 86-Owens, R, 90-McCray, M., 95-McNeil, K,
98-White, M.,.

Georgia Tech: 3-Wright, M., 5-Smith, G., 7-Clark, T., 11-Shaw, J., 12-Barnes, A., 14-Blair, S., 17-Braman, M., 18-Booker, C.,
30-Liipfert, J., 33-Garside, T., 34-Sylvester, S., 35-Peterson, M., 44-Rocker, A., 46-Edwards, M., 47-Blackwood, J.,
50-White, B., 51-Jefferson, B., 53-Smith, A., 57-Bowen, S., 72-Hill, J., 73-Barrick, A., 81-Fisher, Z., 83-Smith, A.,
85-Anderson, C., 87-Clyburn, R., 94-Anyaibe, E., 97-Hall, R., 98-Anderson, B..

Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary


#16 Florida State vs Georgia Tech (Nov 01, 2008 at Atlanta, Ga.)

1st Quarter

GT Captains: #64 A. Gardner, #95 D. Richard, #93 M. Johnson
FSU Captains: #4 T. Carter, #6 A. Smith, #49 B. Lampkin
Tech wins the toss, defers. FSU will receive and attack the north end.
Fs 1-10at Fs30GT ball on GT30.
Gt 1-10at Gt30Start of 1st quarter, clock 15:00.
Blair, S. kickoff 59 yards to the FS11, Parker, P return 21 yards to the FS32 (Blair, S.).
Fs 1-10at Fs32FLORIDA STATE drive start at 14:54.
Fs 1-10at Fs32Ponder, C pass complete to Parker, P for 9 yards to the FS41 (Jackson, K.).
Fs 2-1at Fs41Smith, A rush for 12 yards to the GT47, 1ST DOWN FS, out-of-bounds (Butler, M.).
Fs 1-10at Gt47Ponder, C pass complete to Carr, G for 14 yards to the GT33, 1ST DOWN FS (Butler, M.).
Fs 1-10at Gt33Ponder, C rush for 2 yards to the GT31 (Morgan, D.).
Fs 2-8at Gt31Ponder, C pass complete to Carr, G for 20 yards to the GT11, 1ST DOWN FS (Jackson, K.).
Fs 1-10at Gt11Sims, M rush for 4 yards to the GT7 (Morgan, D.).
Fs 2-6at Gt07PENALTY FS delay of game (Ponder, C) 5 yards to the GT12.
Fs 2-11at Gt12Ponder, C pass complete to Reed, B for 3 yards to the GT9 (Burnett, M.).
Fs 3-8at Gt09Ponder, C pass intercepted by Peterson, M. at the GT0, Peterson, M. return to the GT0, touchback, PENALTY GT pass interference (Peterson, M.) 7 yards to the GT2, 1ST DOWN FS, NO PLAY.
Fs 1-Gat Gt02Sims, M rush for loss of 1 yard to the GT3 (Burnett, M.).
Fs 2-Gat Gt03Ponder, C rush for no gain to the GT3 (Barnes, A.).
Fs 3-Gat Gt03Ponder, C rush for 3 yards to the GT0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 08:31.
Previous play is under review.
Gano, G kick attempt good.
Florida State 7, Georgia Tech 0
Drive: 10 plays, 68 yards, TOP 06:23
Esco, J kickoff 62 yards to the GT8, Jones, R. return 46 yards to the FS46 (Watson, D).
Gt 1-10at Fs46GEORGIA TECH drive start at 08:23.
Gt 1-10at Fs46Nesbitt, J. pass complete to Dwyer, J. for 30 yards to the FS16, 1ST DOWN GT (Verdell, T).
Gt 1-10at Fs16Dwyer, J. rush for 3 yards to the FS13 (Nicholson, D).
Gt 2-7at Fs13Nesbitt, J. rush for loss of 1 yard to the FS14 (Nicholson, D).
Gt 3-8at Fs14Nesbitt, J. pass incomplete to Thomas, D. (Robinson, P.).
Gt 4-8at Fs14Blair, S. field goal attempt from 31 GOOD, clock 06:34.
Florida State 7, Georgia Tech 3
Drive: 5 plays, 32 yards, TOP 01:49
Blair, S. kickoff 67 yards to the FS3, Garvin, M return 64 yards to the GT33, out-of-bounds (Blair, S.).
Fs 1-10at Gt33FLORIDA STATE drive start at 06:21.
Fs 1-10at Gt33Smith, A rush for 3 yards to the GT30 (Griffin, S.).
Fs 2-7at Gt30Timeout Florida State, clock 05:40.
Florida State kickoff return spot reviewed, runner OOB at Tech 33.
Fs 2-7at Gt30Ponder, C pass incomplete to Parker, P, dropped pass.
Fs 3-7at Gt30Ponder, C pass complete to Carr, G for 12 yards to the GT18, 1ST DOWN FS (Taylor, C.).
Fs 1-10at Gt18Smith, A rush for 7 yards to the GT11 (Taylor, C.;Reid, R.).
Fs 2-3at Gt11Smith, A rush for 1 yard to the GT10 (Taylor, C.).
Fs 3-2at Gt10Sims, M rush for loss of 1 yard to the GT11 (Jackson, K.;Walker, V.).
Fs 4-3at Gt11Gano, G field goal attempt from 29 GOOD, clock 02:54.
Florida State 10, Georgia Tech 3
Drive: 7 plays, 22 yards, TOP 03:27
Esco, J kickoff 61 yards to the GT9, Jones, R. return 29 yards to the GT38 (Esco, J).
Gt 1-10at Gt38GEORGIA TECH drive start at 02:47.
Gt 1-10at Gt38Jones, R. rush for 20 yards to the FS42, 1ST DOWN GT (Verdell, T).
Gt 1-10at Fs42Nesbitt, J. rush for 5 yards to the FS37 (Rolle, M).
Gt 2-5at Fs37Dwyer, J. rush for 2 yards to the FS35 (Griffin, P).
Gt 3-3at Fs35Nesbitt, J. rush for 2 yards to the FS33 (Watson, D).
Gt 4-1at Fs33Nesbitt, J. rush for 1 yard to the FS32, 1ST DOWN GT (Nicholson, D).
Drive: 5 plays, 30 yards, TOP 04:04
Florida State 10, Georgia Tech 3

2nd Quarter

Gt 1-10at Fs32Start of 2nd quarter, clock 15:00.
Previous play is under review. Call upheld – 1st down Georgia Tech
Gt 1-10at Fs32Wright, M. rush for 29 yards to the FS3, 1ST DOWN GT (McClure, D).
Gt 1-Gat Fs03Jones, R. rush for 2 yards to the FS1 (Robinson, P.).
Gt 2-Gat Fs01Cox, L. rush for 1 yard to the FS0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 13:43.
Blair, S. kick attempt good.
Florida State 10, Georgia Tech 10
Drive: 8 plays, 62 yards, TOP 04:04
Blair, S. kickoff 63 yards to the FS7, Parker, P return 13 yards to the FS20 (Burnett, M.).
Fs 1-10at Fs20FLORIDA STATE drive start at 13:36.
Fs 1-10at Fs20Ponder, C pass complete to Parker, P for 5 yards to the FS25.
Fs 2-5at Fs25Richardson, D at QB for Florida State.
Fs 2-5at Fs25Richardson, D rush for 3 yards to the FS28 (Peterson, M.).
Fs 3-2at Fs28Ponder, C at QB for Florida State.
Fs 3-2at Fs28Ponder, C pass incomplete to Fortson, J..
Fs 4-2at Fs28Gano, G punt 34 yards to the GT38, fair catch by Jones, R..
Drive: 3 plays, 8 yards, TOP 01:34
Gt 1-10at Gt38GEORGIA TECH drive start at 12:02.
Gt 1-10at Gt38PENALTY FS offside (Thacker, B) 5 yards to the GT43.
Gt 1-5at Gt43Jones, R. rush for 17 yards to the FS40, 1ST DOWN GT (Rolle, M).
Gt 1-10at Fs40Nesbitt, J. pass complete to Jones, R. for 4 yards to the FS36.
Gt 2-6at Fs36Dwyer, J. rush for 36 yards to the FS0, 1ST DOWN GT, TOUCHDOWN, clock 10:43.
Blair, S. kick attempt good.
Georgia Tech 17, Florida State 10
Drive: 3 plays, 62 yards, TOP 01:19
Blair, S. kickoff 60 yards to the FS10, Parker, P return 16 yards to the FS26 (Barnes, A.).
Fs 1-10at Fs26FLORIDA STATE drive start at 10:39.
Fs 1-10at Fs26Smith, A rush for loss of 3 yards to the FS23, out-of-bounds (Peterson, M.).
Fs 2-13at Fs23Ponder, C pass intercepted by Taylor, C. at the FS32, Taylor, C. return 28 yards to the FS4 (Owens, R) (Peterson, M.).
Drive: 2 plays, minus 3 yards, TOP 00:25
Gt 1-Gat Fs04GEORGIA TECH drive start at 10:14.
Gt 1-Gat Fs04PENALTY GT false start (Gardner, A.) 5 yards to the FS9.
Gt 1-Gat Fs09Nesbitt, J. rush for 6 yards to the FS3 (Verdell, T;Nicholson, D).
Gt 2-Gat Fs03Smith, G. rush for 3 yards to the FS0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 09:30.
Blair, S. kick attempt good.
Georgia Tech 24, Florida State 10
Drive: 2 plays, 4 yards, TOP 00:44
Blair, S. kickoff 57 yards to the FS13, Robinson, P. return 19 yards to the FS32, out-of-bounds.
Fs 1-10at Fs32FLORIDA STATE drive start at 09:26.
Fs 1-10at Fs32Thomas, J. rush for 62 yards to the GT6, 1ST DOWN FS (Peterson, M.).
Fs 1-Gat Gt06Sims, M rush for 2 yards to the GT4 (Anyaibe, E.).
Fs 2-Gat Gt04Ponder, C pass complete to Holloway, S for 4 yards to the GT0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 08:05.
Gano, G kick attempt good.
Georgia Tech 24, Florida State 17
Drive: 3 plays, 68 yards, TOP 01:21
Gano, G kickoff 70 yards to the GT0, touchback.
Gt 1-10at Gt20GEORGIA TECH drive start at 08:05.
Gt 1-10at Gt20Timeout Georgia Tech, clock 08:05.
Gt 1-10at Gt20Nesbitt, J. rush for 1 yard to the GT21 (White, M.,).
Gt 2-9at Gt21Nesbitt, J. pass complete to Thomas, D. for 11 yards to the GT32, 1ST DOWN GT, out-of-bounds (Mangum, K).
Gt 1-10at Gt32Nesbitt, J. rush for 2 yards to the GT34 (Nicholson, D;Moffett, N).
Gt 2-8at Gt34Jones, R. rush for no gain to the GT34 (Verdell, T;Rolle, M).
Gt 3-8at Gt34Nesbitt, J. pass complete to Thomas, D. for 10 yards to the GT44, 1ST DOWN GT (Mangum, K).
Gt 1-10at Gt44Dwyer, J. rush for 2 yards to the GT46 (Verdell, T).
Gt 2-8at Gt46Cox, L. rush for 4 yards to the 50 yardline (McNeil, K).
Gt 3-4at Gt50Cox, L. rush for 3 yards to the FS47 (Nicholson, D).
Gt 4-1at Fs47PENALTY GT delay of game (Nesbitt, J.) 5 yards to the GT48.
Gt 4-6at Gt48Blair, S. punt 35 yards to the FS17, fair catch by Carter, T.
Drive: 8 plays, 28 yards, TOP 05:27
Fs 1-10at Fs17FLORIDA STATE drive start at 02:38.
Fs 1-10at Fs17Thomas, J. rush for 13 yards to the FS30, 1ST DOWN FS (Morgan, D.).
Fs 1-10at Fs30Ponder, C pass incomplete.
Fs 2-10at Fs30Richardson, D at QB for Florida State.
Fs 2-10at Fs30PENALTY FS substitution infraction 5 yards to the FS25.
Fs 2-15at Fs25Richardson, D rush for 39 yards to the GT36, 1ST DOWN FS, out-of-bounds (Taylor, C.).
Fs 1-10at Gt36Richardson, D sacked for loss of 5 yards to the GT41 (Richard, D.).
Fs 2-15at Gt41Ponder, C at QB for Florida State.
Fs 2-15at Gt41Ponder, C pass complete to Carr, G for 14 yards to the GT27 (Peterson, M.).
Fs 3-1at Gt27Timeout Florida State, clock 00:59.
Fs 3-1at Gt27Ponder, C pass incomplete to Piurowski, C (Burnett, M.).
Fs 4-1at Gt27Gano, G field goal attempt from 45 GOOD, clock 00:45.
Georgia Tech 24, Florida State 20
Drive: 7 plays, 56 yards, TOP 01:53
Gano, G kickoff 68 yards to the GT2, Wright, M. return 19 yards to the GT21 (Givens, L.).
Gt 1-10at Gt21GEORGIA TECH drive start at 00:40.
Gt 1-10at Gt21Nesbitt, J. rush for 6 yards to the GT27 (Verdell, T).
Gt 2-4at Gt27Nesbitt, J. rush for 1 yard to the GT28 (Brown, E).
Gt 3-3at Gt28End of half, clock 00:00.
Tech will receive to start the 2nd half, and attack the south goal.
Drive: 2 plays, 7 yards, TOP 00:40
Georgia Tech 24, Florida State 20

3rd Quarter

Gt 3-3at Gt28Start of 3rd quarter, clock 15:00, FS ball on FS30.
Drive: 2 plays, 7 yards, TOP 00:40
Gano, G kickoff 70 yards to the GT0, touchback.
Gt 1-10at Gt20GEORGIA TECH drive start at 15:00.
Gt 1-10at Gt20Nesbitt, J. rush for 1 yard to the GT21 (Watson, D).
Gt 2-9at Gt21Dwyer, J. rush for 13 yards to the GT34, 1ST DOWN GT, out-of-bounds (Rolle, M).
Gt 1-10at Gt34Dwyer, J. rush for 66 yards to the FS0, 1ST DOWN GT, TOUCHDOWN, clock 13:42.
Blair, S. kick attempt good.
Georgia Tech 31, Florida State 20
Drive: 3 plays, 80 yards, TOP 01:18
Blair, S. kickoff 62 yards to the FS8, Robinson, P. return 25 yards to the FS33 (Blair, S.).
Fs 1-10at Fs33FLORIDA STATE drive start at 13:37.
Fs 1-10at Fs33Ponder, C pass incomplete to Parker, P (Burnett, M.).
Fs 2-10at Fs33Smith, A rush for 10 yards to the FS43, 1ST DOWN FS (Burnett, M.).
Fs 1-10at Fs43Ponder, C sacked for loss of 7 yards to the FS36 (Richard, D.).
Fs 2-17at Fs36Ponder, C pass complete to Parker, P for 13 yards to the FS49 (Griffin, S.).
Fs 3-4at Fs49Ponder, C pass incomplete to Carr, G (Burnett, M.).
Fs 4-4at Fs49Gano, G punt 41 yards to the GT10, fair catch by Jones, R..
Drive: 5 plays, 16 yards, TOP 02:26
Gt 1-10at Gt10GEORGIA TECH drive start at 11:11.
Gt 1-10at Gt10Dwyer, J. rush for 1 yard to the GT11 (Stewart, K).
Gt 2-9at Gt11Dwyer, J. rush for 8 yards to the GT19 (Rolle, M).
Gt 3-1at Gt19Nesbitt, J. rush for 2 yards to the GT21, 1ST DOWN GT (Stewart, K).
Gt 1-10at Gt21Nesbitt, J. rush for 23 yards to the GT44, 1ST DOWN GT (Ingram, K).
Gt 1-10at Gt44Nesbitt, J. rush for 9 yards to the FS47 (Nicholson, D).
Gt 2-1at Fs47Dwyer, J. rush for 4 yards to the FS43, 1ST DOWN GT (Nicholson, D).
Gt 1-10at Fs43Dwyer, J. rush for 4 yards to the FS39 (Robinson, J).
Gt 2-6at Fs39Nesbitt, J. rush for 3 yards to the FS36 (Ingram, K).
Gt 3-3at Fs36Shaw, J. at QB for Georgia Tech.
Gt 3-3at Fs36Shaw, J. rush for loss of 7 yards to the FS43, fumble forced by Brown, E, fumble by Shaw, J. recovered by FS Stewart, K at FS43.
Drive: 9 plays, 47 yards, TOP 04:19
Fs 1-10at Fs43FLORIDA STATE drive start at 06:52.
Fs 1-10at Fs43Ponder, C sacked for loss of 2 yards to the FS41 (Walker, V.).
Fs 2-12at Fs41Thomas, J. rush for 11 yards to the GT48 (Taylor, C.).
Fs 3-1at Gt48Ponder, C rush for 3 yards to the GT45, 1ST DOWN FS (Walker, V.).
Fs 1-10at Gt45Richardson, D at QB for Florida State.
Fs 1-10at Gt45Richardson, D rush for 4 yards to the GT41 (Taylor, C.).
Fs 2-6at Gt41Ponder, C at QB for Florida State.
Fs 2-6at Gt41Sims, M rush for 2 yards to the GT39 (Johnson, M.).
Fs 3-4at Gt39Ponder, C sacked for loss of 10 yards to the GT49 (Johnson, M.), fumble by Ponder, C recovered by GT Morgan, D. at GT49.
Drive: 6 plays, 8 yards, TOP 03:23
Gt 1-10at Gt49GEORGIA TECH drive start at 03:29.
Gt 1-10at Gt49GT ball on 50 yardline.
Gt 1-10at Gt50Shaw, J. rush for 3 yards to the FS47 (Ingram, K).
Gt 2-7at Fs47Shaw, J. rush for 5 yards to the FS42 (White, M.,;Nicholson, D).
Gt 3-2at Fs42Shaw, J. rush for 3 yards to the FS39, 1ST DOWN GT (McCray, M.).
Gt 1-10at Fs39Shaw, J. rush for no gain to the FS39 (Moffett, N).
Gt 2-10at Fs39Dwyer, J. rush for 2 yards to the FS37 (Griffin, P).
Gt 3-8at Fs37Shaw, J. rush for 1 yard to the FS36 (Thacker, B).
Drive: 6 plays, 14 yards, TOP 03:40
Georgia Tech 31, Florida State 20

4th Quarter

Gt 4-7at Fs36Start of 4th quarter, clock 15:00.
Gt 4-7at Fs36Timeout Florida State, clock 15:00.
Gt 4-7at Fs36Blair, S. punt 35 yards to the FS1, downed.
Drive: 6 plays, 14 yards, TOP 03:40
Fs 1-10at Fs01FLORIDA STATE drive start at 14:49.
Fs 1-10at Fs01Ponder, C pass incomplete to Parker, P.
Fs 2-10at Fs01Smith, A rush for 2 yards to the FS3 (Morgan, D.).
Fs 3-8at Fs03Ponder, C pass complete to Owens, R for 10 yards to the FS13, 1ST DOWN FS, out-of-bounds (Butler, M.).
Fs 1-10at Fs13Smith, A rush for no gain to the FS13 (Burnett, M.).
Fs 2-10at Fs13Ponder, C pass complete to Easterling, T for 2 yards to the FS15 (Butler, M.;Burnett, M.).
Fs 3-8at Fs15Timeout Florida State, clock 11:58.
Fs 3-8at Fs15Ponder, C pass complete to Parker, P for 15 yards to the FS30 (Butler, M.), PENALTY FS holding (Sanders, Z.) 7 yards to the FS8, NO PLAY.
Fs 3-15at Fs08Ponder, C pass incomplete to Reed, B (Burnett, M.).
Fs 4-15at Fs08Gano, G punt 46 yards to the GT46, fair catch by Jones, R..
Drive: 6 plays, 7 yards, TOP 03:28
Gt 1-10at Gt46GEORGIA TECH drive start at 11:21.
Gt 1-10at Gt46Dwyer, J. rush for 3 yards to the GT49 (Griffin, P).
Gt 2-7at Gt49Dwyer, J. rush for 1 yard to the 50 yardline, out-of-bounds.
Gt 3-6at Gt50Timeout Georgia Tech, clock 10:09.
Gt 3-6at Gt50Shaw, J. rush for no gain to the 50 yardline (Nicholson, D).
Gt 4-6at Gt50Blair, S. punt 38 yards to the FS12, Reed, B return 18 yards to the FS30 (Bowen, S.).
Drive: 3 plays, 4 yards, TOP 02:07
Fs 1-10at Fs30FLORIDA STATE drive start at 09:14.
Fs 1-10at Fs30Ponder, C pass incomplete to Parker, P.
Fs 2-10at Fs30Ponder, C pass complete to Easterling, T for 9 yards to the FS39 (Reid, R.).
Fs 3-1at Fs39Thomas, J. rush for 9 yards to the FS48, 1ST DOWN FS (Reid, R.;Burnett, M.), PENALTY GT offside declined.
Fs 1-10at Fs48Ponder, C pass complete to Carr, G for 8 yards to the GT44 (Butler, M.).
Fs 2-2at Gt44Thomas, J. rush for loss of 1 yard to the GT45 (Anyaibe, E.).
Fs 3-3at Gt45Timeout Georgia Tech, clock 06:45.
Fs 3-3at Gt45Richardson, D at QB for Florida State.
Fs 3-3at Gt45Richardson, D pass incomplete to Thomas, J..
Fs 4-3at Gt45Ponder, C at QB for Florida State.
Fs 4-3at Gt45Ponder, C pass complete to Reed, B for 6 yards to the GT39, 1ST DOWN FS (Taylor, C.).
Fs 1-10at Gt39Richardson, D at QB for Florida State.
Fs 1-10at Gt39Richardson, D pass complete to Parker, P for 39 yards to the GT0, 1ST DOWN FS, TOUCHDOWN, clock 06:04.
Fs 1-Gat Gt03Ponder, C at QB for Florida State.
Ponder, C pass attempt to Carr, G good, PENALTY GT pass interference declined.
Georgia Tech 31, Florida State 28
Drive: 8 plays, 70 yards, TOP 03:10
Gano, G kickoff 68 yards to the GT2, Wright, M. return 23 yards to the GT25 (Roberts, R).
Gt 1-10at Gt25GEORGIA TECH drive start at 05:56.
Gt 1-10at Gt25Shaw, J. pass intercepted by Robinson, P. at the FS41, Robinson, P. return 0 yards to the FS41.
Drive: 1 plays, 0 yards, TOP 00:07
Fs 1-10at Fs41FLORIDA STATE drive start at 05:49.
Fs 1-10at Fs41Thomas, J. rush for 7 yards to the FS48 (Peterson, M.).
Fs 2-3at Fs48Ponder, C sacked for loss of 8 yards to the FS40 (Griffin, S.).
Fs 3-11at Fs40Ponder, C pass incomplete to Easterling, T (Butler, M.), PENALTY FS holding declined.
Fs 4-11at Fs40PENALTY GT offside (Richard, D.) 5 yards to the FS45.
Fs 4-6at Fs45Ponder, C pass complete to Reed, B for 9 yards to the GT46, 1ST DOWN FS (Taylor, C.).
Fs 1-10at Gt46Ponder, C pass complete to Parker, P for 11 yards to the GT35, 1ST DOWN FS.
Fs 1-10at Gt35Thomas, J. rush for 7 yards to the GT28 (Peterson, M.;Taylor, C.).
Fs 2-3at Gt28Thomas, J. rush for 10 yards to the GT18, 1ST DOWN FS (Jackson, K.).
Fs 1-10at Gt18Thomas, J. rush for 12 yards to the GT6, 1ST DOWN FS, out-of-bounds (Burnett, M.).
Fs 1-Gat Gt06Smith, A rush for 3 yards to the GT3 (Barnes, A.).
Fs 2-Gat Gt03Sims, M rush for 2 yards to the GT1, fumble forced by Taylor, C., fumble by Sims, M recovered by GT Reid, R. at GT0, touchback.
Drive: 10 plays, 59 yards, TOP 05:04
Gt 1-10at Gt20GEORGIA TECH drive start at 00:45.
Gt 1-10at Gt20TEAM rush for loss of 1 yard to the GT19.
Gt 2-11at Gt19Timeout Florida State, clock 00:40.
Gt 2-11at Gt19TEAM rush for loss of 1 yard to the GT18.
Gt 3-12at Gt18End of game, clock 00:00.
Drive: 2 plays, minus 2 yards, TOP 00:45
Georgia Tech 31, Florida State 28

Play Breakdown Summary

Play Breakdown Summary (Final)


#16 Florida State vs Georgia Tech (Nov 01, 2008 at Atlanta, Ga.)

Florida State                          Georgia Tech

Down               RUN PASS  Total     Down               RUN PASS  Total

OVERALL..........   31   34     65     OVERALL..........   45    6     51
1ST DOWN.........   15   13     28     1ST DOWN.........   21    3     24
2ND DOWN-SHORT...    6    1      7     2ND DOWN-SHORT...    3    0      3
2ND DOWN-MIDDLE..    2    1      3     2ND DOWN-MIDDLE..    4    0      4
2ND DOWN-LONG....    4    8     12     2ND DOWN-LONG....    9    1     10
3RD DOWN-SHORT...    3    2      5     3RD DOWN-SHORT...    2    0      2
3RD DOWN-MIDDLE..    1    3      4     3RD DOWN-MIDDLE..    3    0      3
3RD DOWN-LONG....    0    4      4     3RD DOWN-LONG....    2    2      4
4TH DOWN.........    0    2      2     4TH DOWN.........    1    0      1

Florida State                          Georgia Tech

Formation        RUN PASS  Total       Formation        RUN PASS  Total

...............   31   34     65       ...............   45    6     51

Florida State (Sorted by Play type)

1ST DOWN RUN  (15 RUN, 13 PASS)                                  1ST DOWN PASS
1-10 G45 #10   4 [    ]                                          1-10 G47 #7  to #18    14 [    ]
1-10 G11 #35   4 [    ]                                          1-10 F48 #7  to #18     8 [    ]
1-2  G02 #35  -1 [    ]                                          1-10 F30 #7  to #5      - [    ]
1-6  G06 #35   2 [    ]                                          1-10 F32 #7  to #5      9 [    ]
1-10 F32 #38  62 [    ]                                          1-10 F33 #7  to #5      - [    ]
1-10 F17 #38  13 [    ]                                          1-10 F20 #7  to #5      5 [    ]
1-10 F41 #38   7 [    ]                                          1-10 F01 #7  to #5      - [    ]
1-10 G18 #38  12 [    ]                                          1-10 G39 #10 to #5     39 [    ]
1-10 G35 #38   7 [    ]                                          1-10 G46 #7  to #5     11 [    ]
1-6  G06 #6    3 [    ]                                          1-10 F30 #7  to #       - [    ]
1-10 G18 #6    7 [    ]                                          1-10 F43 #7  to #    SACK [    ]
1-10 G33 #6    3 [    ]                                          1-10 G36 #10 to #    SACK [    ]
1-10 F13 #6    0 [    ]                                          1-10 F43 #7  to #    SACK [    ]
1-10 F26 #6   -3 [    ]
1-10 G33 #7    2 [    ]

2ND-SHORT RUN  (6 RUN, 1 PASS)                                   2ND-SHORT PASS
2-3  G03 #35   2 [    ]                                          2-3  F48 #7  to #    SACK [    ]
2-2  G44 #38  -1 [    ]
2-3  G28 #38  10 [    ]
2-1  F41 #6   12 [    ]
2-3  G11 #6    1 [    ]
2-3  G03 #7    0 [    ]

2ND-MIDDLE RUN  (2 RUN, 1 PASS)                                  2ND-MIDDLE PASS
2-5  F25 #10   3 [    ]                                          2-4  G04 #7  to #42     4 [    ]
2-6  G41 #35   2 [    ]

2ND-LONG RUN  (4 RUN, 8 PASS)                                    2ND-LONG PASS
2-15 F25 #10  39 [    ]                                          2-15 G41 #7  to #18    14 [    ]
2-12 F41 #38  11 [    ]                                          2-8  G31 #7  to #18    20 [    ]
2-10 F01 #6    2 [    ]                                          2-13 F23 #7  to #22   INT [    ]
2-10 F33 #6   10 [    ]                                          2-17 F36 #7  to #5     13 [    ]
                                                                 2-7  G30 #7  to #5      - [    ]
                                                                 2-10 F13 #7  to #82     2 [    ]
                                                                 2-10 F30 #7  to #82     9 [    ]
                                                                 2-11 G12 #7  to #83     3 [    ]

3RD-SHORT RUN  (3 RUN, 2 PASS)                                   3RD-SHORT PASS
3-2  G10 #35  -1 [    ]                                          3-2  F28 #7  to #80     - [    ]
3-1  F39 #38   9 [    ]                                          3-1  G27 #7  to #81     - [    ]
3-1  G48 #7    3 [    ]

3RD-MIDDLE RUN  (1 RUN, 3 PASS)                                  3RD-MIDDLE PASS
3-3  G03 #7    3 [    ]                                          3-4  F49 #7  to #18     - [    ]
                                                                 3-3  G45 #10 to #38     - [    ]
                                                                 3-4  G39 #7  to #       - [    ]

3RD-LONG RUN  (0 RUN, 4 PASS)                                    3RD-LONG PASS
                                                                 3-7  G30 #7  to #18    12 [    ]
                                                                 3-11 F40 #7  to #82     - [    ]
                                                                 3-15 F08 #7  to #83     - [    ]
                                                                 3-8  F03 #7  to #86    10 [    ]

4TH DOWN RUN  (0 RUN, 2 PASS)                                    4TH DOWN PASS
                                                                 4-6  F45 #7  to #83     9 [    ]
                                                                 4-3  G45 #7  to #83     6 [    ]

Georgia Tech (Sorted by Play type)

1ST DOWN RUN  (21 RUN, 3 PASS)                                   1ST DOWN PASS
1-10 F39 #11   0 [    ]                                          1-10 F40 #9  to #20     4 [    ]
1-10 G50 #11   3 [    ]                                          1-10 G25 #11 to #21   INT [    ]
1-5  G43 #20  17 [    ]                                          1-10 F46 #9  to #21    30 [    ]
1-10 G38 #20  20 [    ]
1-3  F03 #20   2 [    ]
1-10 G46 #21   3 [    ]
1-10 F43 #21   4 [    ]
1-10 G44 #21   2 [    ]
1-10 F16 #21   3 [    ]
1-10 G34 #21  66 [    ]
1-10 G10 #21   1 [    ]
1-10 F32 #3   29 [    ]
1-10 G44 #9    9 [    ]
1-10 G21 #9   23 [    ]
1-10 F42 #9    5 [    ]
1-10 G20 #9    1 [    ]
1-10 G32 #9    2 [    ]
1-9  F09 #9    6 [    ]
1-10 G20 #9    1 [    ]
1-10 G21 #9    6 [    ]
1-10 G20 #TM  -1 [    ]

2ND-SHORT RUN  (3 RUN, 0 PASS)                                   2ND-SHORT PASS
2-1  F47 #21   4 [    ]
2-1  F01 #36   1 [    ]
2-3  F03 #5    3 [    ]

2ND-MIDDLE RUN  (4 RUN, 0 PASS)                                  2ND-MIDDLE PASS
2-6  F36 #21  36 [    ]
2-5  F37 #21   2 [    ]
2-6  F39 #9    3 [    ]
2-4  G27 #9    1 [    ]

2ND-LONG RUN  (9 RUN, 1 PASS)                                    2ND-LONG PASS
2-7  F47 #11   5 [    ]                                          2-9  G21 #9  to #8     11 [    ]
2-8  G34 #20   0 [    ]
2-9  G11 #21   8 [    ]
2-7  G49 #21   1 [    ]
2-10 F39 #21   2 [    ]
2-9  G21 #21  13 [    ]
2-8  G46 #36   4 [    ]
2-7  F13 #9   -1 [    ]
2-11 G19 #TM  -1 [    ]

3RD-SHORT RUN  (2 RUN, 0 PASS)                                   3RD-SHORT PASS
3-2  F42 #11   3 [    ]
3-1  G19 #9    2 [    ]

3RD-MIDDLE RUN  (3 RUN, 0 PASS)                                  3RD-MIDDLE PASS
3-3  F36 #11  -7 [    ]
3-4  G50 #36   3 [    ]
3-3  F35 #9    2 [    ]

3RD-LONG RUN  (2 RUN, 2 PASS)                                    3RD-LONG PASS
3-6  G50 #11   0 [    ]                                          3-8  G34 #9  to #8     10 [    ]
3-8  F37 #11   1 [    ]                                          3-8  F14 #9  to #8      - [    ]

4TH DOWN RUN  (1 RUN, 0 PASS)                                    4TH DOWN PASS
4-1  F33 #9    1 [    ]

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