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2002 Final Statistics

Georgia Tech Overall Team Statistics (as of Dec 06, 2002) All matches

Overall record: 33-6 Conf: 13-3 Home: 17-1 Away: 10-4 Neutral: 6-1

TEAM STATISTICS TECH OPP ——————————————————– ATTACK…………………… Kills………………….. 2423 2063 Errors…………………. 796 1039 Total Attacks…………… 5747 5775 Attack Pct……………… .283 .177 Kills/Game……………… 16.7 14.2 SET……………………… Assists………………… 2226 1874 Assists/Game……………. 15.4 12.9 SERVE……………………. Aces…………………… 185 123 Errors…………………. 307 314 Aces/Game………………. 1.3 0.8 SERVE RECEPTIONS………….. Errors…………………. 120 185 Errors/Game…………….. 0.8 1.3 Attempts……………….. 2937 3401 Reception Pct…………… .959 .946 DEFENSE………………….. Digs…………………… 2238 2085 Digs/Game………………. 15.4 14.4 BLOCKING…………………. Block Solo……………… 96 50 Block Assist……………. 619 410 Total Blocks……………. 405.5 255.0 Blocks Per Game…………. 2.8 1.8 Block Errors……………. 117 78 BALL HANDLING ERRORS………. 91 71 ATTENDANCE……………….. Total………………….. 19061 7422 Dates/Avg Per Date………. 18/1059 14/530 Neutral site #/Avg………. 7/85 Current win streak………. 0 – Home win streak…………. 10 –

MATCH WINS BY #GAMES 1 2 3 4 5 Total ———————————————– Georgia Tech…….. 0 0 18 12 3 – 33 Opponents……….. 0 0 0 2 4 – 6

GAMES WON BY GAME 1 2 3 4 5 Total ———————————————– Georgia Tech…….. 30 32 30 14 3 – 109 Opponents……….. 9 7 9 7 4 – 36

POINTS BY GAME 1 2 3 4 5 Total ———————————————– Georgia Tech……..114511411130 584 93 – 4093 Opponents……….. 947 892 948 551 98 – 3436

2002 Georgia Tech Volleyball Georgia Tech Overall Individual Statistics (as of Dec 06, 2002) All matches

Overall record: 33-6 Conf: 13-3 Home: 17-1 Away: 10-4 Neutral: 6-1

|———–ATTACK———| |—SET—| |—–SERVE—-| ## Name GP MP-MS K K/Game E TA Pct A A/Game SA SA/Gm SE ——————————————————————————————- 13 Preiss, Alexandra 145 39-38 444 3.06 110 959 .348 17 0.12 29 0.20 68 2 Moster, Lynnette 121 34-33 629 5.20 163 1412 .330 51 0.42 47 0.39 58 4 Gergen, Jayme 140 38-37 293 2.09 88 709 .289 16 0.11 9 0.06 39 9 Kuhn, Laura 142 39-15 314 2.21 113 726 .277 62 0.44 2 0.01 2 16 Eveland, Kele 144 39-38 122 0.85 41 303 .267 1905 13.23 29 0.20 45 12 Sauer, Lauren 143 39-24 484 3.38 196 1208 .238 4 0.03 0 0.00 3 10 Moon, Blair 48 20-5 103 2.15 60 270 .159 11 0.23 6 0.13 11 15 Laband, Lindsey 14 11-0 2 0.14 1 7 .143 38 2.71 1 0.07 2 8 Vincent, Keight 145 39-14 5 0.03 3 23 .087 31 0.21 24 0.17 40 21 Randall, Jennifer 145 39-24 23 0.16 15 106 .075 44 0.30 38 0.26 37 33 Aston, Marisa 145 39-0 3 0.02 3 17 .000 46 0.32 0 0.00 1 22 Pierce, Nicole 3 3-0 1 0.33 2 6 -.167 1 0.33 0 0.00 1 GEORGIA TECH…….. 145 39-39 2423 16.71 796 5747 .283 2226 15.35 185 1.28 307 Opponents……….. 145 39-39 2063 14.23 1039 5775 .177 1874 12.92 123 0.85 314

|—-RECEPT—-| |—DIG—| |——–BLOCKING———| ## Name G RE TA Pct DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game BE BHE —————————————————————————————- 13 Preiss, Alexandra 145 0 153 1.000 97 0.67 20 142 162 1.12 22 0 2 Moster, Lynnette 121 20 308 .935 378 3.12 10 36 46 0.38 12 3 4 Gergen, Jayme 140 0 157 1.000 86 0.61 12 157 169 1.21 28 5 9 Kuhn, Laura 142 1 113 .991 40 0.28 8 83 91 0.64 8 9 16 Eveland, Kele 144 0 989 1.000 397 2.76 9 93 102 0.71 23 58 12 Sauer, Lauren 143 0 163 1.000 62 0.43 34 80 114 0.80 18 4 10 Moon, Blair 48 6 107 .944 68 1.42 3 18 21 0.44 3 1 15 Laband, Lindsey 14 0 30 1.000 20 1.43 0 2 2 0.14 0 1 8 Vincent, Keight 145 17 88 .807 367 2.53 0 0 0 0.00 0 1 21 Randall, Jennifer 145 17 101 .832 279 1.92 0 7 7 0.05 3 2 33 Aston, Marisa 145 40 184 .783 444 3.06 0 0 0 0.00 0 7 22 Pierce, Nicole 3 0 3 1.000 0 0.00 0 1 1 0.33 0 0 Team 19 GEORGIA TECH…….. 145 120 2937 .959 2238 15.43 96 619 405.5 2.80 117 91 Opponents……….. 145 185 3401 .946 2085 14.38 50 410 255.0 1.76 78 71

2002 Georgia Tech Volleyball Georgia Tech Category Leaders (as of Dec 06, 2002) All matches

## ATTACK (by Pct) G K K/Game E TA Pct ## KILL (by K/Game) G K K/Game ——————————————————– —————————————- 13 Preiss, Alexandra 145 444 3.06 110 959 .348 2 Moster, Lynnette 121 629 5.20 2 Moster, Lynnette 121 629 5.20 163 1412 .330 12 Sauer, Lauren 143 484 3.38 4 Gergen, Jayme 140 293 2.09 88 709 .289 13 Preiss, Alexandra 145 444 3.06 9 Kuhn, Laura 142 314 2.21 113 726 .277 9 Kuhn, Laura 142 314 2.21 16 Eveland, Kele 144 122 0.85 41 303 .267 10 Moon, Blair 48 103 2.15 12 Sauer, Lauren 143 484 3.38 196 1208 .238 4 Gergen, Jayme 140 293 2.09 10 Moon, Blair 48 103 2.15 60 270 .159 16 Eveland, Kele 144 122 0.85 15 Laband, Lindsey 14 2 0.14 1 7 .143 22 Pierce, Nicole 3 1 0.33 8 Vincent, Keight 145 5 0.03 3 23 .087 21 Randall, Jennifer 145 23 0.16 21 Randall, Jennifer 145 23 0.16 15 106 .075 15 Laband, Lindsey 14 2 0.14 33 Aston, Marisa 145 3 0.02 3 17 .000 8 Vincent, Keight 145 5 0.03 22 Pierce, Nicole 3 1 0.33 2 6 -.167 33 Aston, Marisa 145 3 0.02 TM Team 145 0 0.00 1 1 -1.000 TM Team 145 0 0.00 GEORGIA TECH…….. 145 2423 16.71 796 5747 .283 GEORGIA TECH…….. 145 2423 16.71 Opponents……….. 145 2063 14.23 1039 5775 .177 Opponents……….. 145 2063 14.23

## SET (by A/Game) G A A/Game ## SERVE (by ##) G SA SE SA/G ————————————— ——————————————– 16 Eveland, Kele 144 1905 13.23 2 Moster, Lynnette 121 47 58 0.39 15 Laband, Lindsey 14 38 2.71 4 Gergen, Jayme 140 9 39 0.06 9 Kuhn, Laura 142 62 0.44 8 Vincent, Keight 145 24 40 0.17 2 Moster, Lynnette 121 51 0.42 9 Kuhn, Laura 142 2 2 0.01 22 Pierce, Nicole 3 1 0.33 10 Moon, Blair 48 6 11 0.13 33 Aston, Marisa 145 46 0.32 12 Sauer, Lauren 143 0 3 0.00 21 Randall, Jennifer 145 44 0.30 13 Preiss, Alexandra 145 29 68 0.20 10 Moon, Blair 48 11 0.23 15 Laband, Lindsey 14 1 2 0.07 8 Vincent, Keight 145 31 0.21 16 Eveland, Kele 144 29 45 0.20 13 Preiss, Alexandra 145 17 0.12 21 Randall, Jennifer 145 38 37 0.26 4 Gergen, Jayme 140 16 0.11 22 Pierce, Nicole 3 0 1 0.00 12 Sauer, Lauren 143 4 0.03 33 Aston, Marisa 145 0 1 0.00 TM Team 145 0 0.00 GEORGIA TECH…….. 145 185 307 1.28 GEORGIA TECH…….. 145 2226 15.35 Opponents……….. 145 123 314 0.85 Opponents……….. 145 1874 12.92 ## DEFENSE (by Dig/Gm) G DIG Dig/G BHE ## BLOCK (by B/Game) G BS BA Total B/Game BE ——————————————– ——————————————————- 2 Moster, Lynnette 121 378 3.12 3 4 Gergen, Jayme 140 12 157 169.0 1.21 28 33 Aston, Marisa 145 444 3.06 7 13 Preiss, Alexandra 145 20 142 162.0 1.12 22 16 Eveland, Kele 144 397 2.76 58 12 Sauer, Lauren 143 34 80 114.0 0.80 18 8 Vincent, Keight 145 367 2.53 1 16 Eveland, Kele 144 9 93 102.0 0.71 23 21 Randall, Jennifer 145 279 1.92 2 9 Kuhn, Laura 142 8 83 91.0 0.64 8 15 Laband, Lindsey 14 20 1.43 1 10 Moon, Blair 48 3 18 21.0 0.44 3 10 Moon, Blair 48 68 1.42 1 2 Moster, Lynnette 121 10 36 46.0 0.38 12 13 Preiss, Alexandra 145 97 0.67 0 22 Pierce, Nicole 3 0 1 1.0 0.33 0 4 Gergen, Jayme 140 86 0.61 5 15 Laband, Lindsey 14 0 2 2.0 0.14 0 12 Sauer, Lauren 143 62 0.43 4 21 Randall, Jennifer 145 0 7 7.0 0.05 3 9 Kuhn, Laura 142 40 0.28 9 8 Vincent, Keight 145 0 0 0.0 0.00 0 22 Pierce, Nicole 3 0 0.00 0 GEORGIA TECH…….. 145 96 619 405.5 2.80 117 GEORGIA TECH…….. 145 2238 15.43 91 Opponents……….. 145 50 410 255.0 1.76 78 Opponents……….. 145 2085 14.38 71

## RECEPT (by RE/Game) G RE RE/Gm TA Pct ————————————————— 33 Aston, Marisa 145 40 0.28 184 .783 2 Moster, Lynnette 121 20 0.17 308 .935 TM Team 145 19 0.13 541 .965 10 Moon, Blair 48 6 0.13 107 .944 8 Vincent, Keight 145 17 0.12 88 .807 21 Randall, Jennifer 145 17 0.12 101 .832 9 Kuhn, Laura 142 1 0.01 113 .991 22 Pierce, Nicole 3 0 0.00 3 1.000 15 Laband, Lindsey 14 0 0.00 30 1.000 12 Sauer, Lauren 143 0 0.00 163 1.000 13 Preiss, Alexandra 145 0 0.00 153 1.000 16 Eveland, Kele 144 0 0.00 989 1.000 4 Gergen, Jayme 140 0 0.00 157 1.000 GEORGIA TECH…….. 145 120 0.83 2937 .959 Opponents……….. 145 185 1.28 3401 .946

2002 Georgia Tech Volleyball Georgia Tech Combined Team Statistics (as of Dec 06, 2002) All matches

RECORD: OVERALL HOME AWAY NEUTRAL ALL MATCHES……… (33-6 ) (17-1 ) (10-4 ) ( 6-1 ) CONFERENCE………. (13-3 ) ( 7-1 ) ( 6-2 ) ( 0-0 ) NON-CONFERENCE…… (20-3 ) (10-0 ) ( 4-2 ) ( 6-1 )

|———ATTACK———–| |—Set—| |—-SERVE—–| |—DIG—| |——-BLOCKING——-| ## SUMMARY (by ##) G K K/Game E TA Pct A A/Game SA SE SA/Gm RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game BE BHE ———————————————————————————————————————————- 13 Preiss, Alexandra 145 444 3.06 110 959 .348 17 0.12 29 68 0.20 0 97 0.67 20 142 162 1.12 22 0 2 Moster, Lynnette 121 629 5.20 163 1412 .330 51 0.42 47 58 0.39 20 378 3.12 10 36 46 0.38 12 3 4 Gergen, Jayme 140 293 2.09 88 709 .289 16 0.11 9 39 0.06 0 86 0.61 12 157 169 1.21 28 5 9 Kuhn, Laura 142 314 2.21 113 726 .277 62 0.44 2 2 0.01 1 40 0.28 8 83 91 0.64 8 9 16 Eveland, Kele 144 122 0.85 41 303 .267 1905 13.23 29 45 0.20 0 397 2.76 9 93 102 0.71 23 58 12 Sauer, Lauren 143 484 3.38 196 1208 .238 4 0.03 0 3 0.00 0 62 0.43 34 80 114 0.80 18 4 10 Moon, Blair 48 103 2.15 60 270 .159 11 0.23 6 11 0.13 6 68 1.42 3 18 21 0.44 3 1 15 Laband, Lindsey 14 2 0.14 1 7 .143 38 2.71 1 2 0.07 0 20 1.43 0 2 2 0.14 0 1 8 Vincent, Keight 145 5 0.03 3 23 .087 31 0.21 24 40 0.17 17 367 2.53 0 0 0 0.00 0 1 21 Randall, Jennifer 145 23 0.16 15 106 .075 44 0.30 38 37 0.26 17 279 1.92 0 7 7 0.05 3 2 33 Aston, Marisa 145 3 0.02 3 17 .000 46 0.32 0 1 0.00 40 444 3.06 0 0 0 0.00 0 7 22 Pierce, Nicole 3 1 0.33 2 6 -.167 1 0.33 0 1 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 1 1 0.33 0 0 Team 19 GEORGIA TECH…….. 145 2423 16.71 796 5747 .283 2226 15.35 185 307 1.28 120 2238 15.43 96 619 405.5 2.80 117 91 Opponents……….. 145 2063 14.23 1039 5775 .177 1874 12.92 123 314 0.85 185 2085 14.38 50 410 255.0 1.76 78 71

TEAM STATISTICS TECH OPP DATE OPPONENT W/L SCORE SCORE-BY-GAME ATTEND ————————————– ———— ——————– — —– —————————– —— ATTACK………….. 8/30/02 vs Villanova W 3-0 30-25,30-18,30-15 43 Kills…………. 2423 2063 8/30/02 vs Rice W 3-0 30-23,30-21,30-16 97 Errors………… 796 1039 8/31/02 vs Northern Iowa L 1-3 30-27,18-30,23-30,20-30 87 Total Attacks….. 5747 5775 8/31/02 at George Mason W 3-0 30-26,31-29,30-22 117 Attack Pct…….. .283 .177 Sep 06, 2002 FLORIDA A&M W 3-1 30-21,27-30,30-23,30-19 130 Kills/Game…….. 16.7 14.2 Sep 06, 2002 LOUISVILLE W 3-0 30-28,30-26,34-32 1197 SET…………….. Sep 07, 2002 MIAMI W 3-1 30-12,30-19,20-30,31-29 730 Assists……….. 2226 1874 Sep 10, 2002 at Georgia W 3-1 30-32,30-19,30-25,30-26 425 Assists/Game…… 15.4 12.9 Sep 13, 2002 vs No. 19 Mich. State W 3-1 30-22,30-32,30-28,30-25 220 SERVE…………… Sep 14, 2002 at South Florida L 2-3 28-30,30-28,30-28,21-30,12-15 225 Aces………….. 185 123 Sep 14, 2002 vs No. 24 Kansas State W 3-1 28-30,30-24,30-26,30-26 87 Errors………… 307 314 Sep 17, 2002 at Georgia State W 3-0 30-23,30-18,30-18 87 Aces/Game……… 1.3 0.8 Sep 17, 2002 vs Chattanooga W 3-0 30-11,30-12,30-14 63 SERVE RECEPTIONS…. Sep 20, 2002 ALABAMA W 3-2 23-30,30-23,28-30,30-22,15-12 1208 Errors………… 120 185 Sep 21, 2002 FLORIDA INTERNATIONA W 3-0 30-14,30-20,30-26 617 Errors/Game……. 0.8 1.3 Sep 21, 2002 CORNELL W 3-0 30-16,30-14,30-18 732 Attempts………. 2937 3401 *Sep 27, 2002 at Maryland W 3-1 30-20,29-31,30-24,30-23 287 Reception Pct….. .959 .946 *Sep 28, 2002 at Virginia W 3-0 30-19,30-18,30-18 157 DEFENSE…………. *Oct 01, 2002 N. C. STATE W 3-0 30-19,30-18,30-18 716 Digs………….. 2238 2085 *Oct 05, 2002 NORTH CAROLINA L 2-3 28-30,30-15,30-24,23-30,15-17 1305 Digs/Game……… 15.4 14.4 *Oct 06, 2002 FLORIDA STATE W 3-2 30-23,30-18,29-31,30-32,15-12 3211 BLOCKING………… *Oct 11, 2002 at Clemson W 3-2 30-27,30-24,33-35,19-30,15-12 1337 Block Solo…….. 96 50 *Oct 15, 2002 at Duke L 2-3 30-23,20-30,30-27,22-30,9-15 173 Block Assist…… 619 410 *Oct 19, 2002 at Wake Forest W 3-1 30-27,30-26,28-30,30-25 211 Total Blocks…… 405.5 255.0 *Oct 25, 2002 VIRGINIA W 3-0 30-24,30-19,30-17 1007 Blocks Per Game… 2.8 1.8 *Oct 26, 2002 MARYLAND W 3-1 27-30,30-14,30-28,30-27 1111 Block Errors…… 117 78 *Nov 01, 2002 at North Carolina L 2-3 27-30,27-30,30-28,30-27,12-15 1301 BALL HANDLING ERRORS 91 71 *Nov 02, 2002 at NC State W 3-0 30-24,30-13,30-18 53 ATTENDANCE………. *Nov 05, 2002 CLEMSON W 3-1 30-23,30-27,25-30,30-26 867 Total…………. 19061 7422 *Nov 08, 2002 at Florida State W 3-0 30-26,30-26,30-16 942 Dates/Avg Per Date 18/1059 14/530 Nov 10, 2002 at Florida A&M W 3-0 30-27,30-22,30-25 147 Neutral site #/Avg 7/85 *Nov 15, 2002 WAKE FOREST W 3-0 30-17,30-18,30-24 915 Current win streak 0 – *Nov 16, 2002 DUKE W 3-1 23-30,30-25,30-25,30-25 1223 Home win streak… 10 – Nov 22, 2002 WAKE FOREST W 3-0 30-27,30-20,30-23 1024 Nov 23, 2002 DUKE W 3-1 33-31,30-26,17-30,30-20 1164 Nov 24, 2002 FLORIDA STATE W 3-1 30-23,30-23,23-30,30-19 1310 Nov 29, 2002 FLORIDA A&M W 3-0 30-26,30-28,30-23 594 Dec 05, 2002 vs Florida A&M W 3-0 30-21,30-27,30-17 – Dec 06, 2002 at #10 Minnesota L 1-3 28-30,29-31,30-26,28-30 1960 * denotes conference match


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